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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That's why I suggested the Whale of a Wand to you. The rest of the post was an answer to @AeonsLegend. Another stat stick for casters can be Griffin's Blade. It's only 10% additive spell dmg but better than nothing (and one handed so there's room for something else in the offhand - like Whale of a Wand).
  2. I just use any savegame and use setClasslevel <char_name> <class_name> 20 false and addAbility <player_name> <ability_name> It's a matter of 5 minutes to "console" any char you have into a level 20-something/something with xyz abilities. Hiring them and leveling them up manually takes a lot more time. Only disadvantage: you can't empower abilites you added via console.
  3. Maybe have a look at "A Whale of a Wand". It has the enchantment "Sea Stories" that has 10% chance to charm an enemy with spells you cast. Didn't use it myself though, so no idea if that's really useful in an actual playthrough or just "nice to have". Waterhaper's Focus is one of my top ranged weapon choices. Especially on Scouts. Ondra's Wrath (enchantment) profits from Sneak Attack, Deathblows and weapon quality and so on. The Blast of rods because WF has a jump (eventually combined with Driving Flight it has 2) and procs Ondra's Wrath very quickly. Ondra's Wrath was nerfed so it doesn't proc more of itself, but it is still very good. Also triggers Deep Wouds... Current's Rush (enchantment "High Tide") is also very powerful, but since scepters have no AoE it can take longer to proc it. But: if it does on a group of enemies it's really deadly. Because it does a crush AoE attack which itself can trigger more High Tides which gain can trigger High Tides, potentially leading to a deadly cascade (didn't get nerfed like Ondra's Wrath - maybe because I got smart and didn't mention it in the forum when it was introduced. ). Very, very potent IF enemies stand very close to each other (so you want to use luring with Sparkcrackers or Dazzling Lights or whatever spell you can cast from stealth that makes some noise and then maybe Pull of Eora or Binding Roots etc.). Also triggers Deep Wounds. This is from one shot that triggered High Tide in a group of CRE_Dummies (done with a lvl-20 scout) : Watershaper's Focus can do similar things. Note that Ondra's Wrath as well as High Tide can both trigger Avenging Storm (which I didn't use in the screenshot)!
  4. Some time ago I tested this and no matter how many enemies I crit with a spell: Obfuscation never went off. But with Driving Flight, Accurate Wounding Shot and the ACC of a Ranger it procs pretty often on the scepter's attack. So I guess it's safe to say it's only working with the attacks from the scepter. It may be that "Illusive Spells" (which get triggered from scepter crits as well) would proc Obfuscation. Because spells that proc off of weapons often count as weapon attacks themselves. Since you can never know if it was the scepter attack itself that triggered Obfuscation or the Illusive Spell that followed it's hard to tell. But anyway: you can't trigger Obfuscation via usual spellcasting, sorry. But did you know that "Illusive Spell" applies that random illusion spell effect not only on that one enemy - but it actually indeed casts a proper spell with AoE and all? Like you hit one enemy with the scepter, it procs Gaze of the Adragan and all enemies around your target become petrified as well? With Driving Flight I sometimes have two procs of Illusive Spell at once (for example all enemies in range were blinded and also dazed from Curse of the Blackened Sight + Dazzling Lights).
  5. Considering that you love that team it's surprising how profoundly you butcher their names.
  6. Unfortunately, once damage reductions get incorporated, things usually become much more complicated than that - due to double inversion and such. Best thing would simply be to quickly create a lvl 20-Herald via console and just try it out. All the theorycrafting might be futile: if we only make one false assumption it's not going to be correct. For example: is it correct that "Come, Sweet Winds" profits from healing bonuses? Is Voidward's dmg reduction going through double inversion as all the other ones (graze, underpenetration) which would make it much more potent? Did you account for the fact that high RES makes the self damage duration a lot shorter while it doesn't influence the duration of the outgoing burn damage effect (which is the best way to make it all worthwhile in my opinion since it's a multiplicative reduction with potentially high numbers)? So better test it right away I'd say. After that one can still see if one can deduce the correct formula from that. Having said that: I don't really bother using SI - although I think one can make it work. If not self-contained in one character then with the help of the party. For example "Take the Hit" could be great (if it works with SI's self damage in the first place) because a party-wide heal like from that Healing Wall char would apply to all party members the same (doesn't get split) - while the self damage would be cut in half. You basically double the healing/dmg ratio. By the way: did anybody ever check what happens when you have two fighters with "Take the Hit" in the party? Or one with Take the Hit and another char with Furrante's Breatsplate?
  7. It wasn't multiplicative in PoE either. Works exactly the same in both games.
  8. +50% addtive base damage. Basically like if you get hit with Deathblows. So if a sword hits you with an auto-attack (no PL scaling) it's 8 extra damage. If it's a Fireball at PL 3 (no PL scaling yet, normal penetration) it's 21 extra damage. And so on. Power Level scaling adds to base damage, so with higher PL of spells and attack abilities that hit you it's getting worse. A Fireball at PL 10 would do 29 more damage to you if you had 10 wounds. All that isn't so bad if you can make attacks graze and/or underpenetrate though since dmg maluses weigh in a lot more heavily that damage bonuses. So if you go high AR and/or high defenses and combine it with some other damage reductions (Death's Maw for example) it's not as bad as it sounds. That's why I think that Iron Circle is quite good on a Helwalker. You will have the higher AR and CON excactly when you need them most (when incomning damage is highest). But sure, it makes you more squishy no doubt. You can prevent that if you don't sit on your wounds of course. But then you will profit less from stuff like Turning Wheel and have less MIG. "Screw the self damage" doesn't really work because the 50% damage bonus and the MIG buff both apply to it. So instead it screws you.
  9. Right . Well that's the worst case at 10 wounds with 35 MIG. Even if you start with 21 MIG you wouldn't get there if you don't stack some MIG items or get "strong". And why would you do that? Also you have total control over the self damage since it's a one-time thing and not a DoT like Berserker Frenzy. I think it's pretty manageable with Draining Touch or some regeneration gear and Corrosive Siphon.
  10. Yes, I particularly like the Beguiler subclass. Its focus regeneration mechanic via Deceptions is very powerful and you can still generate focus the usual way (by dealing damage).
  11. They <=50% damage alone, since additive, isn't such a big deal. But the PL scaling with Blood Sacrifice combined with it AND up to +10 MIG is indeed something to juggle. But I also played a melee Berserker/Helwalker and it was mostly fine. Went down a few times just by himself but that was to be expected. On the other hand: tons of wounds... so many wounds...
  12. The first item after "ITMS" that has "chest" in brackets is always the armor he's wearing: like
  13. Hm, but Stalker's Patience is a really good weapon dmg-wise and there's even a pierce/slash spear as backup. I never use it als well... Maybe this video of Kaylon doing some poignard-magic with Gambit can motivate you : I can imagine that it's also real nice with a Rogue/Monk or Ranger/Monk and Swift Flurry. Azure Blade has some quirky enchantment that always applies for me: I seem to get the +15 ACC no matter where my party members are. Pierce only is annoying but I guess you can alwaya keep daggers in the second weapons' slot? I also seldomly use maces as well. Almost never. However - Magistrate's Cudgel with a Witch is quite hilarious, not only because stun on crit is great but especially if you meet lower-level kith enemies and have Blood Thirst. Bardatto's Luxury is a nice tank weapon - but I don't really feel the dire need for its enchantments. Right. But stuff like Rännig's Wrath's Insistence + small shield modal + Riposte is just fancy-fency as hell.
  14. Well Maia also blindly supports the RDC, even assassinates some random people and nobody said that's a problem (so far).
  15. No, not 10 seconds. It has no duration at all because usually it is dispelled on hit. Thus the duration with the grimoire exploit is infinte in the scope of an encounter. You summon it once and that's it. It will disappear once the encounter is over, not before. If you have DT and summon a Phantom it will also have DT until it disappears or dies. Didn't even think about the Helm of the White Void. I didn't test it so I don't know how it would work with the auto-attacks from DT, but it's worth a try.
  16. You think? As I said: D:OS2 sold 5 million copies. Witcher series sold over 40 million (Witcher 3 alone: 28 million). Skyrim alone: 30 million. That's pretty insane. Baldur's Gate sold about 5 million copies by now (including the enhanced editions). If you mean CRPGs are only party based isometric titles for you then maybe you're right. Also D&D is more popular than ever it seems. That's not a CRPG but a TTRPG - but it also takes a lot of time. If you exchange CRPG with theater, opera, church, classical concerts and so on then I would agree. But I didn't do any research whatsoever - just a feeling. No idea about "high quality" literature since that's not really a finely outlined thing. However - nowadays more people are writing books than ever. Doesn't necessarily mean that the result is a higher quality on average of course. But stuff like Atonement, Oblivion and Gilead didn't seem to be so bad. Not that I read them. Wait... Atonement I actually did read.
  17. @dgray62: Hehe no. You'll have a club + modal in the offhand and Draining Touch in the main hand. It's a nice setup because club+modal lowers Will by 25 points - and Draining Touch targets Will, not deflection. If you combine this wirth Miasma the enemy's Will is so low that crits become a lot more likely, thus leading to more Swift Flurry/HBD procs (and chain-procs). The last part I wrote so that players don't expect to be able to use DT in main hand and monk fist in offhand. Doesn't work. You will be single-wielding DT then (what might be something you didn't plan - hence I pointed it out just in case). DT + Tuotilo's Palm works normally like any other weapon and shield combo. DT is not really a fist though (technically it's a "normal" weapon, just summoned). So it wouldn't profit from Tuotilo's enchantments (like increase ACC with unarmed attack).
  18. Ok, then let's just do some items that do 50% lashes and exclude Soulblade...
  19. D:OS 2 passed 1 million sold copies in November 2017. It was released in September of the same year. That was the Windows version only. After that it came out for MacOS, Linux, XBox, Playstation and Switch (last release was Mai 2019). Fortnite was already very popular then. ~5 Million seems to be absolutely plausible and correct (read it like three days ago) and so may be the statement that the popularity of Fortnite can't be the sole reason for dwindling sales numbers of any CRPG. Afaik Deadfire didn't even sell 200K on PC (that's based on the return that investors got from fig.co). I don't know the current numbers - now that it is out on consoles. Funny: in the last few weeks PoE as well as Deadfire surged a bit on Steam again (ergo PC version). Maybe because of all the lockdowns and people having more time for games. CRPGs ususally take some time to dive into.
  20. Lashes have to overcome AR seperately (what PEN do those lashes have?) so it can mena they are quity weak - but in general lashes are multiplicative and have the potential to be more powerful than additive dmg bonuses. Anyway: +20% lashes AND 10% additive dmg bonus on a ring does seem like a bit much (unless late game or really expensive to enchant). If it were something like "Pitfighter Gloves" or somethig that wouldn't feel as overpowered (because you can't equip two gloves like two rings and also because there already are good gloves for monks which would compete for the glove slot).
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