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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello everyone, Thank you for uploading those files. I was not able to reproduce the bug initially, but the bug occurred when I retrained a chanter who has all phrases slots filled A, B, C, and D. I have entered a bug into our database and is in the hands of the appropriate team. Thank you for your support.
  2. Hello Grumpiest, I was not able to reproduce your bug in our latest internal build. Pallegina went invisible but invis broke after 6 seconds and everything could attack her normally afterwards. It is possible that this has been fixed in our latest build, which will be in the beta patch. Do you have any additional information on how I can recreate this bug? Thanks!
  3. Hello again Cess, Hope you had an awesome weekend. Great let me know how it goes when you get another keyboard. Thanks!
  4. Okay great! Looks like the files weren't properly installed if you are having problems with GoG install. Try uninstalling/reinstalling if you want to play on GoG instead of Galaxy. Thank you for your support!
  5. Hello Peter_Pan, Google Drive will do just fine! Could you please upload a link where I don't have to log into google? Thanks!
  6. Hello again Maleus79, Seeing how you already used the command to teleport your party out of Sun in Shadows, you have already used cheats. The PRE-ENDGAME save is automatic, it is something the game does for you on it own. Please check you save files again, unless you have deleted the save. If you did delete that save, I would suggest loading an older save if you have one. You should be able to complete The White March without the Stronghold. You should be able to swap out characters at any Inn. Thank you for you support.
  7. Hello everyone, The bug is fixed but not retroactively for some users. We are currently still investigating the issue. If you don't care about achievements, you are welcome to use the console command and add the item to your inventory, it will be updated with the proper draining enchant. Thank you for your support.
  8. Hello everyone, magus_17, could you please reload the save file and mess around with the edit chant and then send me a new output log? Siltherium, could you also please upload a save file and an output log. Thank you.
  9. Hello mph, We are aware of the first 3 issues and bugs have already been entered into our database. I'm loading your save now to test #4 and for Concelhauts crushing spell. Thanks a bunch!
  10. Hello Grumpiest, Could you please upload a save file and an output log before the dragon fight via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks.
  11. Hello philares3, Which version of the game is working? The Galaxy Client or the gog download?
  12. Hey Andrea, I have confirmed your bug and added it to our database. Keep up the good work!
  13. Try uninstalling the game again and delete the Pillars of Eternity folder in the Steam folder in Program Files. Your save files are located in your user folder so you wont be deleting your saves.
  14. Hello dherve10, When you say valiant item upgrade, do you mean fine, exceptional, or superb, or the white forge item enchant? Thanks
  15. Hello dherve10, Thanks for pointing this out. I have entered a bug and added it into our database. Keep up the good work!
  16. Hello Maleus79, Since you used the console command to get out of the final dungeon, your game is in a state in which you are not allowed to access your stronghold menu. Just to let you know, before you go down into the last dungeon, the game automatically saves the game for you labeled PRE ENDGAME.SAVE Use that save and you can go to The White March w/out having to use cheats and you'll be able to gain access to your stronghold on any map. Thank you for your support.
  17. Hello everyone, I apologize for the inconvenience. Please make sure that your graphics card has the latest drivers installed. If you are playing in steam, please verify your game cache. In your steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. If you downloaded the game from GoG, please make sure you download and install both of the patches. There is a patch for the base game and one for The White March. If you are using GoG Galaxy Client, please verify/repair your game. Thank you for your support.
  18. Hello Koteko, Did you verify your game cache in steam to see if that fixes your issue? Cheers!
  19. Yes thank you Lawnknome, It appears your MainMenuWindowList is missing from the mainmenuwindowlist asset bundle. Since verifying your steam cache did not fix this, I suggest that you uninstall your game and reinstall it. Let me know if that works.
  20. You are absolutely right. You cannot release Ailef thought the actions menu, though I can speak with the Jailer and release him that way, but he doesn't actually leave the cell. I will write up a bug and enter it into our database. Thank you for your support.
  21. Hello Stoner, Usually if you kill an NPC that gives you a quest, you will either get "Quest Failed" or "Quest Updated". If you got neither of those, then you are okay. In this case, Lurgolder is risking his life to aid you, so he knows the risks involved. However, that part is definitely a bug where he gets killed by invisible units. Do you happen to have a save file you can upload via dropbox so I can take a look? Please include an output log as well. Thanks a bunch!
  22. Hello Peter_Pan, Could you please upload a save file before your fight Gramrfel via dropbox so I can take a look? Please include an output log as well. If you don't know where to find those files, refer to the link in my signature. Thanks you for your support!
  23. Hello Torm, I happen to have a battle at Caed Nua to test out your bug, but I was never able to reproduce the issue. Maybe the Domenels also had Goldpact Knights on their side as well. Thanks for your help
  24. Hello Kpista, This is a well known bug as it has been reported on the forum many times. I really appreciate you taking the time let us know, so in the future please use the search function before posting on the forums to avoid duplicated bug posts. Thank you for your support.
  25. Hello Lukmar, I have loaded your save and imprisoned Alief. When I returned to Caed Nua, he was in the prison cell. Could you please upload a save where hes not in his cell? He was located in the bottom middle cell when I loaded your game. Thanks!
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