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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello LaSpeakeasi andBerith, Thanks for pointing this out. Fortunately we are aware of these issue and are already reported in our database. Thank you for your support and keep up the good work.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm glad that using GOG Galaxy got the game running for you guys. There is an issue with GOG patching and unfortunately we cant do anything on our end. However, they should be fixing it by tonight or tomorrow. I have submitted your information to our programmers and see what they can find. Thank you all for your support and patience.
  3. Hello again, Did you by chance start this game in 2.0? Thanks!
  4. Hello EffinCraig, I have confirmed your bug and entered it into our database. I am investigating further to see if this is a global issue or its just affecting your save. Thank you for your support!
  5. Hello everyone, Thanks for pointing this out for us. Fortunately we are already aware of the issue and has been fixed in a future build! It should be out in the next patch. Thank you for your support!
  6. Hello Edrin, This has been fixed awhile back. If the problem is not retroactive, please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox (or any other cloud storage app) so I can take a look. Thank you for your support.
  7. Hello again LaSpeakeasi, Do you happen to have a save file before you dismissed Sagani you can upload? Thanks!
  8. Hello everyone, GoG is currently having problems with the way patches are being handled. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do on our end. GoG is working on fixing this issue hopefully by tonight. So please bare with us. Thank you for your support and patience.
  9. Hello everyone, I agree with all of you and have already put in a suggestion for the dev team. Thank you for your support.
  10. Hello SeaSquall, Run Windows Update to see if there are any critical updates for Microsoft Visual C++. Or you can download them here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2977003 . You might want to check your Direct X too. Do you have IE mod installed? If so then that is the problem. Just disable it and you should be good to go. If that doesn't fix your issue, then try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. Thank you for your support and patience.
  11. Hello Stepout, I loaded your save and I was not able to reproduce your issue. Was there a specific thing that happen to Aloth for this to occur? When you reloaded the save, did it happen again? Thanks a bunch!
  12. Hello flyingnurse, Could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look? Thanks a bunch!
  13. Hello pillarsofbug, Did you happen to quicksave fight before the battle as soon as the dialogue with Maerwald finished? That causes the quest to get bugged. I have already reported a bug for this. If so, I suggest that you load a save before this and not quicksave after the dialogue and you will be able to complete the quest and progress forward. Thank you for your support.
  14. Sorry for the confusion, and thank you for clearing that up for me. I will add a suggestions to the dev team and see what they can do about it. Thank you for your support.
  15. Hello omgFIREBALLS, 2.02 is now live, so you don't have to be on beta anymore! Cheers!
  16. Hello everyone, We are aware that the issue is not retroactively fixed. I have already informed the team and updated the bug in our system. Thank you for your support.
  17. Hello SeaSquall, Welcome to the Forums! Make sure that your graphics card has the latest drivers installed and verify your game cache in steam. In your Steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Thank you for your support!
  18. Could you please upload a screenshot so I can see what you are describing? Chances are you need to make sure your graphics card is updated and/or verify your game files if you are playing through steam or gog galaxy. Thanks!
  19. Hello everyone, As I have mentioned before, we are aware of these issues as they are in our database and still we are working on these issues. As we enter bugs, fixes don't always get implemented into the patches. Reading the patch notes will help clarify on bugs that have been fixed and implemented. Thank you all for your support and patience.
  20. Hello OverHaze, At the bottom left of the screen, there is a Change Theme button. Click that and select IP.Board and that will give you black text on white background. Cheers!
  21. Hello joiedevivre, Was there a cutscene when you entered his portion of the cave? Could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a look? Try verifying your game cache in steam and see if that fixes it. Thank you for your support
  22. Hello LaSpeakeasi, I took a look at your save and I've added a bug into our system. Can you please upload an output log as well? In the mean time, do you have an older save you can use? You will lose out on some hours of progression, but at least you'll be able to continue playing. If it happens again, then its definitely something thats reproduceable. Thank you for your support. Edit: Nevermind on the output log. I got it from your OP.
  23. Hello Deathtognomes, Welcome to the Forums. If you just recently upgraded to Windows 10. Please make sure you run Windows Update and install the critical updates. Also, make sure that your graphics card has the latest drivers installed. It is possible that upgrading to Win 10 moved some files around and if verify cache did not work, I would suggest uninstalling the game and reinstall it. Thank you for your support.
  24. Hello everyone, This bug was fixed but it looks like it regressed. I have reopened the bug. Thank you for your support.
  25. Hello Skirge01, This happens with large resolution monitors, small scenes only have so much real estate to work with so you aren't going to be able to zoom out or pan. We have a bug in the system about larger resolutions. Thank you for your support.
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