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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. I'm pretty sure the enemies in Deadfire could be made more effective without having to hook up a supercomputer...
  2. Sure, the world doesn't end immediately, but we don't know if the kith succeed in fixing the reincarnation problem in time. But is there a problem at all? Presumably before the construction of the wheel, kith died and kith where born, and they all had souls.
  3. I have just come across a bit of in-game dialogue that describes Rauatai as a "spit of land". That suggests a peninsula to me (probably with some associated islands). Maybe something like Florida? Bay of Rauatai = Gulf of Mexico?
  4. Making up accents from scratch is pretty much impossible, so you pretty much have to use a real world accent. Then, if you want to create a national identity for your fictional lands, it's pretty much inevitable that you say "people from here speak with that accent". I'm fine with American accents, probably because I'm not American. Is Xoti southern? I'm not familar enough with it to identify, it just sounds exotic. I think people start to have issues when the accent is too familar. Although in the case of London and Scottish accents, I'm fine if they are authentic, it's just when they sound fake (which is usually the case, especially in US TV shows) that it jars. I've never heard a Scouse accent in a computer game! Perhaps because Americans can't tell the difference between Scouse, Mancunian and Brummie?
  5. I think it was added to give the player a challenge. One of the most famous RPGs ever, Final Fantasy VII, is stuffed full of minigames of similar complexity to Deadfire's naval combat. I think it's a homage to that. It's worth noting that most historical naval battles between cannon-armed sailing vessels boiled down to the ships pulling alongside and trading broadsides until one or the other was too badly damaged to continue the fight. Anything more complex wouldn't be remotely authentic. The only thing I would say is that cannoneer skill should affect reload time rather than accuracy. How fast your crew could reload was the real skill that separated the good crews from the bad.
  6. I've thought of a couple more. 4) The Aedyrians do know about Yezuha, but are keeping it hushed up; 5) Yezuha isn't on Eora, Rekke arrived by SPACESHIP!
  7. So, if Eora where a sphere, it raises the question: why has Yezuha (Rekke's land) not been discovered by explorers travelling west from Aedyr? I can think of three possible answers: 1) The western ocean is HUGE; 2) There is some physical barrier similar to Ondra's Mortar on the western side: North Pole, South Pole, East pole, West pole; 3) Eora is flat.
  8. What Ciphers really need is an exploding head animation.
  9. The Living Lands has a very wide variety of different ecosystems in different valleys. It shouldn't be at the pole though. We don't know anything about the north pole, only that the south pole is cold.
  10. Old Vailia needs more islands. And it needs to be more south in relevance to the Eastern Reach. Deadfire is far to the south of the Eastern Reach not east of it. I think Aedyr continent is way bigger that the Eastern Reach. The Living Lands is a big island far to the north, not a north pole continent. And isn't it supposed to be north of the Eastern Reach, not somewhere in the northwest? And all in all that map is very cramped. From the in-game info: The Deadfire Archipelago marks the eastern edge of the "Known World." In game info also places at least part of it to the south of the Eastern Reach. This problem can be resolved by shrinking the landmasses relative to the water. This also stops the Living Lands being pushed up to the north pole. I still maintain that Rauanati should be attached to the north of Ixamitl - it is never stated to be an island. There are also suggestions that it is quite close to Ondra's Mortar.
  11. They have talked about northern and southern hemispheres and poles, which somewhat implies Eora is an Earthlike sphereworld. There is also a telescope that shows distant stars, and Orary which appears to show three planets orbiting a sun. But I'm not entirely convinced...
  12. I suspect some people may have noticed, a space opera infinity-engine type game is what I have been asking for a long long time!
  13. The map at the top has nothing like enough water to match the text desctiptions, but that wouldn't make it a water planet. Water planets have no continental land masses.
  14. This is referenced in the game, Maia asks him if he has had a head wound.
  15. It may be worth mentioning that as a Chanter, Konstanten has the Skald subclass, which means he focuses on damage invocations, and is a poor summoner.
  16. The dungeon of endless tedium was awful and wrecked the pacing of PoE1, and I'm pretty sure the devs realised that.
  17. QQing is pointless. The answer to the question is "No, animal companions do not build focus".
  18. "Spiritual successor" means "plagiarising someone else's style".
  19. I think what is needed is a mini-game in which you swing from ship to ship on a rope. Better time those swings right...
  20. Durance himself comes to realise that he has been talking bullstars for most of the game. I don't dislike the character, but he is eminently suited to villainhood.
  21. If that's the case you should just use your own characters, because those hove no text... I was some text. I want characters with voices to give them some personality. I just don't want characters who ramble on about how their puppy died when they where 14 and how they now need to read a verse of poetry every day at exactly 12 minutes past noon whilst wearing a blue shawl with pink ribbons that their grandmother kitted as a blanket for the puppy, but was originally red until Uncle Silas fell into the threshing machine and had to....
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