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Everything posted by hilfazer

  1. Higher damage per hit gets better through armor... oh wait, it's a Deadfire thread.
  2. Per second? DPS is all the rage now so tell us its DPS (if you haven't already). But don't worry, Obsidian will listen to your feedback and buff wizards in 3rd DLC.
  3. You'd make a good single player game designer.
  4. Such questions were common in the times of PoE already, where things *were* categorized. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Stacking
  5. Percent has its problems like: - low values do too little, high values do too much - DPH doesn't matter, DPS is everything Changing penetration to % OTOH would certainly be an improvement. Just like doing more damage than enemy has HP should be rewarded. But it's not and nobody has a problem with that. Why? Because Obsidian didn't teach their players it should. If i were a simpler player with simpler needs i would like PEN being essentially damage. Enemy has high armor? Get more PEN. Enemy has high HP? Get more PEN. So easy. Like in D:OS2: Want to do damage? Get more damage. Want to apply status effects? Get more damage. Apples and oranges. Let's compare same fruits, shall we? In PoE Pen higher than enemy DR gives nothing (correct me if i'm wrong). You can ignore something fully, but you can't fullier.
  6. That would mean... bohemian earspoon makes sense! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_earspoon But Obsidian doesn't want us to use common sense and sold us the idea of overpenetration. Obsidian influence is very strong seeing how many users want overpen to stay and even expand it.
  7. Sounds like turning penetration into damage. Game already has damage. But that is exactly what is it now except it does nothing most of the time at least in POTD. Doing nothing most of the time is precisely what makes a difference xD
  8. Well, dungeons need to match players' attention span.
  9. What are other flat damage reductions? Oh, and AR reduction isn't flat. We should also make HW's damage bonus a real multiplier not just another additive. Bosses harder than trash mobs? Unacceptable! I don't want that. I want to autoattack through bosses and complain on forum they're too easy.
  10. No Hard Counters policy. You'd remember that place and come back later when you have water/ice. You'll also be really happy when you find/learn something with that damage type. How would you get away? You're in a fight with an enemy you can't kill Just like you get away from a fight with enemy too strong for you to kill.
  11. Finally someone not hating Magran's challenge! I like Magran's challenge, combined with Barath's it makes the game pretty exciting or maybe stressful, depending on what you want up to the point. Biggest gripe with Barath's challenge is that keeping companions alive I do not directly control becomes a matter of dumb "luck" in ship boarding battles. Abydon's is a tad too much money realistically for the game's economy if playing in a full party (for solo you should have enough money not to worry about it) should be halfed I think. It get's really expensive maintaining superior and legendary pieces. Unless the point is to scavage random armor as you progress and use it untill it falls apart and than switch to the next armor you randomly picked up in an encounter. I'd say as long as player can't use best available stuff all the time Abydon's Challange does its job.
  12. Finally someone not hating Magran's challenge!
  13. Guys, please consider NOT talking unique items (unless OP specifically ask about them) to not spoil more than neccessary. Discovering things is a part of what we pay for. Thanks.
  14. Or to 1. That would be difficult! PoE2 does not need to copy all bad ideas from Tyranny. Why not copy some good ones like % healing? Dualclass is not just 2 classes rolled into one character. It's supposed to play differently than either class. Power level is lower, top abilities are blocked and you can't pick all talents from only one class. You're also not including subclasses, so we're at least picking (maximum of) 10 out of 48 (or something close).
  15. No Hard Counters policy. You'd remember that place and come back later when you have water/ice. You'll also be really happy when you find/learn something with that damage type.
  16. Why only 6 for druids, OP? Many a player say high tier spells are uber awesome. Don't you agree? Don't you think, for example, Tornado is tremendous?
  17. The only way Obs cares about druids is making sure they don't come even close to their beloved wizards. But... druid is a caster and people say lvl8/9 spells are awesome. How come druid made it into your list? Don't you think Tornado is uber mega amazing?
  18. What about Tornado? I don't see people mentioning it often. In PoE1 it was crap, sure, but Obsidian instead of downgrading it to lvl 4 actually upgraded it to lvl 9. I expect it to be greatly buffed. So, does Tornado live up to reputation of lvl9 spells?
  19. I'd rather suggest we move away from talent trees and if those 2 aren't up to the task they should improve with character level. AFAIK Wizards and Priest have no talents in trees, every talent is standalone. Druids have degenerated trees for Wildstrikes. Other classes have more trees but still most of their abilities are standalone. Do you want trees to be completely gone?
  20. Enemies wouldn't be able to use it as well. Not sure it would be better but surely more boring.
  21. But that would be interesting or maybe even... fun! That would be proactive instead of reactive. That would allow player to use common sense and see the game react in a way (s)he expected. That would make a player feel smart, accomplished. Perhaps even proud of himself/herself. It wasn't intended to work that way. Designers are pretty much gods while we, players, are mere mortals. A god wants to have absolute control over his creation. And here we had a mere mortals discovering something not intended by gods and also using it. How those mortals dare! Those little, filthy worms. Gods must have felt offended. Thus designers justly punished unruly players by preventing forced movement from working with disengagement attacks. Let this be a lesson to us all. Play the game not how you want, but how designers want.
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