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Everything posted by house2fly

  1. I forget where it was said, but someone suggested yesterday's was teasing a faction rather than a person. This one looks a lot like that too.
  2. It's very tenuous for Kana. I think of him and the images that come to mind are turban/fangs/fragments of stone tablet. Cannons and fish? That's like representing Durance with a tree and a gun, because he comes from Ashfall and Magran likes guns. Either it's a new character or they ran out of ideas and just threw it up
  3. He does that if you give him the impression over the course of the game that people can't be trusted to handle the truth and need authority in their lives. If you tell him knowledge and freedom are most important he'll instead dedicate his life to taking the Leaden key down. I'm pretty sure conversations before the final dungeon count, but now that I think about it I've always taken him with me.
  4. There's all these portrait packs floating around, and there's all these characters like the Duc and Adaryc who really should have portraits but don't... is it at all possible to make it so that their conversations are capable of showing a portrait when they speak? Then the user could choose a picture to make their portrait and boom. Probably not but figured it can't hurt to ask.
  5. Aloth, Eder, Durance, Hiravias, Kana- all most closely connected to the main story. As for your class, I'd recommend a wizard or monk, since wizards are the most academic class and monks have an association with seeking enlightenment, either of which ties in well with the story's themes of advancement and the search for truth.
  6. It doesn't explore atheism, outside of maybe that one end in for Eder where he becomes a humanist.
  7. This isn't a bug, but I remember the end boss music was going to be changed so it's the same music that plays for wizard/dragon fights in the expansion, but that never happened. Currently it's just one of the normal combat themes, which is a bit underwhelming, changing it to the expansion's boss theme would make it feel more climactic.
  8. Actually nobody in this setting is a theist, because the gods literally exist. You can't believe in a fact.
  9. Hopefully a sequel would have the same balance of humor we got in the expansion, which had a good amount of it clearly in response to comments about the main game- Zahua's obsession with pain, Kana coming onto Maneha and then trying to talk to her about girls when she turns out to be gay, etc.
  10. You're in the final dungeon. Before you jumped down the pit to reach the final dungeon the game warned you it was a point of no return and created a special autosave. Just load that autosave and you're good to go.
  11. people find balance important. The bug OP is up in arms about is a problem specifically because it affects balance.
  12. The problem is getting emotionally involved in a commercial company. Don't donate because you want to dig your beloved Obsidian out of the gutter, donate because their game pitch was interesting. Getting emotionally invested leads to this situation where you're melting down and feeling betrayed over a bug which makes your character better in combat than he should be. Sure the minimalist attitude they've taken to patching since WM2 came out is a disappointment, but the big bugs have been squashed and if you play RPGs regularly the remaining ones should be well within your tolerance.
  13. Having a couple of bugs still in there isn't "broken". Computer RPGs are inevitably going to have some jank in them just because of the myriad systems and mechanics at work. Look at big AAA titles like Fallout 4 and Dragon Age which still can't get out the door bug free.
  14. they've been patching the game for 15 months, it's a bit rich to say they "don't intend to support" it.
  15. I'm not sure how it decides it but there are probably priorities assigned to each possible outcome, so if you have the helmet and 19 Con and released the dwarven souls then whichever one has the highest priority is what you'd see. I'd imagine the souls have the highest priority because if you saved them you'll damn well want to see the result of that choice. There's also an option for Ondra to save you herself, but I don't know how you unlock that.
  16. They'd fit that definition, though I think the whole thing is a little too general. It could also apply to Satan, or Saruman from Lord Of The Rings, or conceivably Barack Obama.
  17. Right but these aren't gods. They are robots. Saying "well they're still gods to me" is like watching the bit in Return Of The Jedi where the ewoks worship C3PO and thinking "huh, maybe he really IS a god"
  18. It matters that they were created by people because if they were created by people they aren't gods. They're like big magic policemen created to enforce the Engwithan social order. You're only thinking of them as gods because they refer to themselves that way.
  19. She said she burned down their houses around them and didn't care if there was anyone else in them. She also fetched a bunch of people for Galvino knowing what would happen to them
  20. I just figured it was a similar situation to the mill in Dyrford, it happens to sit on top of a big underground complex. Maybe it's the former headquarters of some weird cult! Galvino found it and figured it would be useful to have a lot of space.
  21. You'd be best starting a new game anyway, there's a bunch of stuff in the expansions and patches that's better experienced as part of a game in progress than tacked on right at the end
  22. It seems like a difficult bug to replicate because for some people it only affects one area, other people see it in multiple areas, and other people still haven't ever encountered it
  23. No idea who Gaben is or what Half Life 3 is. Is it an existing game? If not, then are you comparing support for an existing game to fan speculation about a sequel? If yes, please explain to me how that's relevant. Who is Gaben? The Saint Gaben. What, are you living under a rock or somthing? Anyway, the current game is broken, i (and plenty people more) can not continue because of one shot kill, and the worst thing is - THIS GAME IS STILL ON SALE. I wonder how many people like me, bought this game, without knowing that you can not play it. I just pray that Obsidian didn't abandoned this game, I thought this bug was restricted to an optional area?
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