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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. I've heard 50 cents once. The man hasn't got the single strand of talent within himself...
  2. Classical mostly, don't bother with anything else anymore, though every now and then i'll pop some Art Tatum, or some King Crimson...
  3. Hopefully not, rap is for sub-humans...
  4. Bloody peasant...
  5. I will. I mean, why not? If it's a good game, i'll buy it, it's pretty simple...
  6. Saying that Rap isn't music it's not to be taken literally, it's only a mean of slander against a form of musical expression that is so basic, so uninteresting and so vulgar to be prive of any artistical merit. Therefore, whilst Rap may be music by definition, it's simply not a form of true artistical expression...
  7. Rap is music, by definition, the way a tree it's a living creature vibrant with life, so to speak...
  8. You might want to choose a thread and lock the others then, we can't discuss on all three... :D
  9. :ph34r:
  10. I don't mind Drizzt, but now i hate YOU...
  11. Actually not all oriental artists use that accursed anime style. Ikegami Ryoichi for instance was pretty good from what i remember. Infact, a lot of Japanise comics (manga) in the 80s weren't as stylized as they are today...
  12. American? Just asking...
  13. Which is but a testament on how bad 'roleplaying' computer RPGs have gotten considering Baldur's Gate is better then everything released this past few years. Make no mistake, the reason i choosed BG1 as the object of my argument is exactly that the game had many inherent flaws, yet, it succeeded in those elements which i consider pivotal of a great roleplaying experience. Truly, from your last reply you seem so stuck with game mechanics you have completely forgotten why those games need to be played to begin with. You ask me what difference is there between 'THAT' and an adventure game, or reading a (fiction) book, i say: there is none. They all serve a similar purpose. Their approach may be different, but they share the same goal. The issue here is that you cannot focus on how a particular medium goes about achieving this particular common goal and nothing else, because there is no value in that by itself. Seriously, what do you get out of those so called 'roleplaying options'? What does it mean to you to be able to be 'evil' or 'good' in itself? Torment is often slandered for lacking 'roleplaying options'. Please, feel free to explain to me the appeal of having options in itself, with no regard as to whether they are REALLY worth taking in the first place. I say Baldur's Gate offered a great level of freedom that i have yet to experience in an RPG since. The main quest literally doesn't start until you enter Baldur's Gate. Many people seem to be rather tired of the common 'save the world' plot scenario, and Baldur's Gate is often cited as one of the games that didn't follow this tired device. Why do you assume? Again, quit being so obsessed about game mechanics. The freshness i'm referring to applies to Bioware, not the game. The way Baldur's Gate is crafted is very natural and direct. Every other game they made since has a 'forced' quality to it, like they are trying too hard to please their fans whereas in BG1 they allowed themselves more personal freedom. Nonsense. Torment was such a successful attempt because the game was developed following the criteria of the developers themselves. The chemistry behind the group effort that produced this game is almost palpable. You see, in Torment options actually meant something, because whilst their number was relatively limited compared to 'some' games i could mention, each one of them offered as unique an experience as the developers were able to design. For comparison there was thousands of things you could do in Morrowind but none of them amount to jack. This is why i'm not at all impressed when you talk about 'roleplaying options'...
  14. There's an abyss between 'plenty' and 'all'... Please, don't throw that PR talk at me. 'Roleplaying options' it's as meaningless as they come. What Baldur's Gate managed to do right is to convey that peculiar sense of adventure and immersion that has been the chief element behind the reason why many of us enjoyed reading fantasy novels when we were kids. Baldur's Gate tackled on the imagination and allowed for an elegant level of escapism as you immersed yourself in the world and the role you choosed to play. There was no PR buzz concepts to distract you from the experience. There was no 'world' to save, no 'uber items' to collect. The game played at your own pace, but without the emptyness of Morrowind. This despise the number of serious flaws inherent in the experience. Alas, a pity Bioware lost their gift by the time Baldur's Gate 2 was released, but then again, i think the reason BG1 came out so well was the freshness of their approach. It was their first RPG after all. Torment also achieved a similar goal, except it was much better at it, thus the reason many people are so attached to this game...
  15. Mozart - k576, Piano Sonata in D
  16. Did they ever hire a decent writer? That's pretty much all i care about at the moment. Morrowind was a decent game in it's own right , but the writing was so excruciatingly horrid i still have nightmares about it. Also, it was one of the most sterile games i ever played. If they fix those issues i might be interested, it's not like there are a lot of alternatives anyway. The future of RPGs it's utterly grim at the moment...
  17. One of the main elements of a good roleplaying experience it's immersion, and frankly, it's hard to become immersed in a game that allows to jump from peasant to dragon slayer after a few weeks of adventuring.
  18. Except modern RPGs aren't very good at rolepaying, wouldn't you say?
  19. What else do you like?
  20. I think there's a miss understanding here. RPGs are meant to be a roleplaying experience, not a level progression experience. If it's the latter you want, why not join any of the MMORPGs avaible?
  21. I'm actually with Hades on this, leveling is far too fast on modern CRPGs. The original Baldur's Gate had it right. Leveling was never intrusive and effectively reflected the development of your character through the adventure, the latter being the point of the game...
  22. How does this enable you to easily slay dragons? Some dragons are too powerful and there must be unwinnable fights (or characters actually) in the game just for player to fear them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I though the point was to be the ultimate uber demi-god...
  23. Volourn =! People
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