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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. To run F.E.A.R. properly you need more then 1gb of memory. My system consists of an Athlon 64 3700+, a GeForce 7800 GT and 2Gb of memory, and the game runs flawless in all the hightest settings. I have a friend with pretty much the same system (3500+, 7800 GT and 1gb of RAM) and the game performs poorly on all levels on similar settings...
  2. Beethoven - Piano Sonata Op.109
  3. Are you serious? How could anybody possibly be pleased with this? This is the third attempt at making Fallout 3 already and two companies have disintegrated through the process. Now we get the most unlikely candidate to finish the job and deliver a game that will propably be Fallout in name only. Personally, i can't think of anything more disatrous for a fan of a gaming series...
  4. Bethesda didn't develop Cthulhu, they are the publisher and did a ****ty job at that considering the game was released without the single stretch of press release other then a small comment on their main page, which was downright criminal considering all the troubles the developers had to go through to get somebody to release the bloody thing. I never liked Bethesda, and now they sank even lower....
  5. True, but how is that worth anything to us if the game is going to stink?
  6. The culture is overrated only because of the image created by western media, how can the culture be "overrated" by itself? If it is overrated in certain environment (western media), it doesn't mean it is inferior to some other culture. Erm, i said it's over-rated (my main gripe) AND inferior, as well. I didn't imply the latter was a direct result of the first (it kinda is, but in a different way. Later on that), i just stated two distinct criticisms in one sentence. I didn't add anything. This was my original statement: "Don't get me wrong, normally i wouldn't be so hard on them if my fellow westerners would drop this absurd obsession and blind praise for a culture that is entirely retrograde and inferior to our own in many ways." Different wording perhaps, same meaning. Huh, the PC is almost suffocating. Yes, no culture is without flaw, but some cultures are better then others. You'd be hard pressed to convince me China's past woes with a communist regime is merely a strand of a different culture, no better or worst then our own woes with a dim witted leadership. Hell, you'd have a really hard time to convince the chinese about something like that. Of course, that isn't entirely what i'm talking about. Given that my main issue is with eastern culture being over-rated, my main focus lies with those particular facets of eastern society that are over-praised here, like their art, philosophy and ancient martial practices. Other details of their inherent culture do not concern me, but the apologists can't help but be overly defensive about issues such as this and take my comments in absolute terms, or worst, say i'm a fascist...
  7. King Crimson - Eyes Wide Open DVD
  8. Mmmh, the implication here is that any type of criticism one makes against any aspect of a determinated culture is 'lumping' every single person of a nation into a cohesive entity, which just isn't the case. Criticism it's just that, nothing more. If i comment on the retrograde nature of japanise culture (like for instance their backward stance towards women which was brought forth a while ago), i mean nothing more then that. I'm not 'lumping' every individual in the nation into a single entity, i'm not being racist or discriminating, i'm just making a statement about a particular aspect of their culture, which may or may not be shared by the individuals at large for all i know. This ad hominem tirade of yours about the inherent refutation of democracy, liberty and individualism (which doesn't necessarily lead to fascism in particular) is a huge contradiction to the very definitions of those three concepts, as by your logic any sort of criticism of a culture makes a person a fascist. So if i criticize certain social customs like female circumcision and comment on the retrograde nature of a culture that allows such level of barbarism i'm a fascist? Is this your idea of a free democracy? Did you just equaled 'race' with 'culture'? I never said the 'white' west is superior to the populance of the 'asian' east. I said their culture was over-rated and inferior in certain ways, which is just the way it is. I'm sorry to bust your politically corrected bubble of global equality and cultural harmony, but real life just doesn't work that way. If it wasn't for the west the east would still live the same way they lived a thousand years ago. Some middle eastern countries still do in many ways. Again, you are the one talking about individuals now. I never made comments to that effect. Truly the politician Guardian, i think you may have a career on your hands, only next time, try not to refer to your opponents as fascists, fools or bigots...
  9. Like he wasn't putting words in my mouth?
  10. @ GuardianLegend: I don't fancy politics and i generally don't concern myself with it, if i can help it. To me, strands of human civilization are defined by culture and little more. There's nothing 'superficial' about it, culture it's the very identity of any group of people...
  11. I hope for your sake you are talking about video games, and even then, it's a no.
  12. Yes, a following entirely composed of women. In case you haven't noticed, there aren't a lot of straight boys listening to Nsync... I haven't closed my mind, i just find the east to be nowhere near what it's crancked up if to be. For instance, i happen to be a great admirer of the arts and i find the orient to be severly lacking compared to our own. If i start examining Japan and it's culture, do you think i'm going to find a Caravaggio, a Goethe or a Brahms anywhere? I'm just being frank here, that's all...
  13. ^ Words, nothing more. If you really wanted to rebuke me, you would try to refute my accusations, rather then call me a fascist.
  14. Well, at least we agree it's a it, i wouldn't classify that thing as something befitting a depiction of a real human being, even less that of a male... Don't get me wrong, normally i wouldn't be so hard on them if my fellow westerners would drop this absurd obsession and blind praise for a culture that is entirely retrograde and inferior to our own in many ways.
  15. He?
  16. Japan : 0 Rest of the world : to lazy to count I don't like Japan. Don't like anime, don't like their childish culture and i don't like their over-rated art and martial history. Infact, the orient as a whole it's over-rated in my book. I mean, can anybody explain what the heck is this supposed to be? : http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/20...0_screen035.jpg I say no to japan, thank you...
  17. And some of us disagree with that as well...
  18. That was hilarious, and i HATE America. Well, ok, i hate Europe just as much... :ph34r:
  19. If they judged Halo as a game rather then a console game it wouldn't enjoy the same level of hype it does now.
  20. Heh, i used to think that way once, but things only got worst. Good luck with your happy life, nonetheless...
  21. I remember seing the movie a long time ago. Figured was going to be an horrible PoS, but it actually wasn't all that bad considering the ridicolous premise. I like the part when the two rich kids step into the sub-tram, and the girl tries to adjust her hair in shame and Ajax grabs her arm whilst staring at those boys in defiance...
  22. ^ You can't constantly live in fear and worry about everything all the time. Civilization isn't going to fall anytime soon because of a vague threat about some 'predatory' entity in an online webspace service. Perhaps next we should just keep children locked in the house untill they are 21? I mean, who knows what's out there, won't we think of their safety?
  23. There would be no point if there weren't any photos to those prfiles. I'm still perplexed where the issue lies in revealing personal informations over a webpage, particularly considering most people on myspace are teenagers, hardly 'kids' anymore...
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