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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. What if those people haven't been given enough time to make the game? Rumor has it, Empire at Wars was also rushed out the doors prematurely, just like Kotor II (or perhaps even more so). That's LA for you...
  2. Ironically, isn't that what made the term stick in the first place? Why do you think people adopted that particular use of the word if gays weren't often, well, gay? As for you information, i heard homosexuals used the term myself. Heck, at a party once, one of them (drunk), said this very words: ''why am i so gay? ho, wait a minute, i AM gay...'' "
  3. I don't get it, how are they 'escaping' anything? They still need to leave the general chat open if they mean to play the game, and by declaring their own sexuality they just made themselves open targets for all the Blizzard trolls. I think a better course of action would have been joining a strict, mature oriented guild. During my time with wow i was a member of just such a group and nobody has ever had to deal with immaruty on any level. Eitherway, they just made things for themselves worst, and broke the rules of conduct to boot.
  4. ^ Was it worth it?
  5. no imo allowed on this issue...
  6. No, he's more then happy, a serious mental condition that needs to be threated...
  7. What made that woman think creating such a guild would help in that predictament? Personally, i don't buy it, but that's just me...
  8. Yeah, but it's also a Lucas Arts game, and look what happened to Kotor II...
  9. I'm not so sure about this " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Be sure...
  10. I see no reason to reveal your sexuality unless you are looking for a partner to begin with, which, suprise, is against the rules of the game. Blizzard shouldn't apologize for this...
  11. No matter, Star Wars fanboys will flock on this like flies. Reason why Lucas Arts will never gain their former glory...
  12. Consumer drones. They are not to be taken into consideration...
  13. I never whatched the cartoons nor have i read a lot of the comics (my venture in the comic world was restricted by my youthful limited finaces), i'm just judging them based on their own inherent merits compared to other recent films of the same irk. Don't get me wrong, i don't consider them to be great masterpeices, but i sure as hell prefer them to the syrupy and lack luster Spider Man films...
  14. No...
  15. Horrible, horrible film.
  16. Personally, of all the new comic based films, i like the X-men best, exactly because most of the characters are given a precursory but very specilized and strong identity. Batman was a convulted and overly dramatic mess with very bad action and the plot was completely ridicolous, where as the Spiderman series is a complete bore-fest...
  17. ^ Well, at least now we know who voted the last options...
  18. 9 bullets were shot at his general direction, doesn't mean he got hit by all of them. Eitherway, his tauted resilience in the face of death is nothing but a marketing gimnick...
  19. Wow, three bullets on his leg and one in his jaw. Clearly something NO one other then 50 cents could have survived...
  20. But then again, if you have no taste, the first mistake you can make when trying to discern talent is to use your own judgement. Yes, this was actually meant to be belittling this time...
  21. Please, spare me the elitist paranoia. What i said was not meant to be belittling, it just happens to be a basic fact. On a qualitative level there may be a great deal of distance between say, Pink Floyd and Breatny Spears, but there's no denying they are just a greater and a lesser statement on the same 'popular' ideal and basic formal structure...
  22. ^ I rest my case...
  23. Yes, but the major/minor tonal system used by everybody in western music was developed in europe during the 16th century, so it's all ''white music'' in the end...
  24. McDonald sell millions as well, doesn't mean they have talented cooks...
  25. It's all pop music. From Heavy Metal to 50 Cents, from Techno to Breatny Spears, it changes nothing. The basic idea is the same for all genres: simplicity of form and direct appeal.
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