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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. Well, i just caved in and bought Oblivion. I suck. At any rate, by fiddling around the first dungeon i can attest the combat is heaps ahead of Morrowind, if anything. If all else fails, i might at least enjoy this game as an FPS. I'll wait for a few more modded fixes before launching into the game though. BIG disappointment with the interface. I actually like Morrowind in that aspect, where pretty much everything fitted into one screen and you had an actual inventory. Oblivion uses the same dreaded, menu system of KOTOR, with the added bonus you can use a mouse, which makes it slighly more berable, but not much. I hate consoles. Ho, and what was the point of the extremely complex facial creation system? It took me almost 20 minutes to get something that wasn't completely butt uggly. Graphics seem to be state of the art, yet they still managed to make character models and faces uggly as sin. I just can't figure it out...
  2. I already explained that. To some degree. It's when characters in a sci-fi space story have musical scores just for them. Luke's theme(when he looks at the 2 suns of Tatooine), Vader's theme, the imperial march, etc. Each piece of music is a theme for a character or group. Wiki's : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Opera Their description is ok but it describes to much Star Wars without mentionning music. This is not my opinion by the way but I read multiple times that music is an integral part of a Space Opera, specifically the themes. However, Star Wars is the first and to my knowledge the only Space Opera so I guess Wiki's description is pretty accurate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see, Leitmotif is space. It's still a silly denomination though, wouldn't that make any film with a similar sound track an 'Opera' as well?
  3. What exactly is a 'Space Opera'?
  4. I think it's just fog. There are a few shots without it...
  5. Graphics it's only a compontent of the visuals of the game. The design of those shots alone blows Oblivion out of the water for instance.
  6. I'd hate to see an actual sequel, but i think the setting should be revisited. I really enjoyed the world of planescape...
  7. I didn't know Riddick had first person melee, i though it was handled in third person. I need to try this game, even though i loath the idea of playing as Vin Deisel...
  8. I always liked first person melee, so i'm perfectly fine with it...
  9. A little act of necromancing here, but that gameplay video was quite impressive. Wonder why FPS fans aren't jumping on this...
  10. Yes, but loading is very fast. This is one aspect of the game they have improved substantially...
  11. Dear god, no, but i still prefer biased trolls over industry whores. An elucidative strip: http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2006/20060120h.jpg I'm not picking on Oblivion, BTW, i just don't thrust the press when it comes to games loaded with the smallest stretch of hype. Black & White and NWN come to mind...
  12. Yes but the gaming press it's a whore, so who cares?
  13. I'm asking for opinions about the scaling leveling system, where every creature of the world levels as you level, thus making leveling rendundant in terms of gain of personal power as well as making the gameplay frustrating to some people or certain gamestyles.
  14. What does anybody think of the issue discussed here?: http://www.rpgcodex.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=11881 I was going to cave in and buy the game, but i want to wait out and see if this scaling issue is as bad as it sounds...
  15. He's good, but i think he's a little type casted this days. His music tends to be on the amorphic side, propably to meet the current trend among hollywood composers. Gone are the days of his Total Annhilation sound track...
  16. Perhaps, but WoW is, after all it's said and done, a very good game...
  17. Well aside from the hassle of upgrading. I really dont have much interest in mods. I dont play specific games long enough to make it worthwhile. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even when the mods are bound to fix a game Bethesda left in alpha state? The only reason i played Morrowind is because of the mods, some of which were good enough to repair the game to a playable state...
  18. My guess is they have been working on an RTS for a while already, but they are keeping a media blackout until they are almost ready for alpha and then beta testing, which will propably take up to two years total. It would be absurd to think they have kept their RTS people at idle since Frozen Throne...
  19. Indeed. I will get the game eventually, but i'll propably wait a couple of years, like a did with Morrowind, just so the mod can get the proper time to finish the game Bethesda has left in alpha state...
  20. If you have a good PC, gettign a 360 for Oblivion makes no sense. You'll be missing out on the mod community...
  21. Unlike Warcraft Adventures, i have no interest for this game so i'm not really affected. Indeed, the fact they haven't actually canned it completely bothers me.
  22. Western fantasy art is based on realistic depiction for the most part, not caricatures. Somehow, i just cannot relate to some androgenous 10 year old with huge purple spikes on his head wielding a giant sword, maybe it's just me...
  23. I can't. I tried getting into consoles but it's simply beyond me, for reasons i still haven't took the time to investigate. I made a google run for Skies of Arcadia and upon glancing at few screens i just felt a strong revultion. Anime creeps me out...
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