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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. Yeah well, at least the NO looked freaking cool. Plus, that was back in the day of 2d sprites where character customization was a pain in the arse to implement. Now that everything is in 3d, there's no excuse for this. Aye, and that's why Torment was such a cool game...
  2. Not everybody who has ability is an artist. Have you ever noticed how some of the greatest musicians are poor song writers?
  3. True on both counts. You can also be ignorant for lack of exposition to certain things in life. Simply not knowing about things. Saying Native Americans in 1492 were stupid because they never saw a mirror before would be somewhat elitist narrowmindedness, no? Of course, once exposed to, say, Bach, one chooses to learn about the man and his music or not, depending on one's interest in such things. However someone with a shred of common sense would at least try to learn more about Bach, if only to have an informed opinion/interest. Simply listening to a few notes and saying "oh I hate this classic crap" for example, is a lack of common sense and somewhat of intelligence. And it applies to anything, not just Bach's music. True on all accounts. Of course, are NSync fans ignorant, or are they too stupid to know any better? Well, the last time i made a thread about classical music i was very disappointed by the results, which i had no chance to adress because of the wonderful mods we have here.
  4. I'm sure most here would have no problem understanding and enjoying classical music. It's not that difficoult for the most part, but: 1) It does requite a basic knowledge and understanding 2) It is a function of the intellect as much as anything else I'm not saying you are too stupid to understand classical music, i'm just implying you propably don't know a whole lot about it to claim intelligence is not an important factor. You can be ignorant on your own choosing, or you can be ignorant because you are too stupid to learn.
  5. Wrong, and that only has to show how much you know about jazz or classical, which is propably nothing. In the words of Aaron Copland, there are tree different levels in the appreciation of music, tree different planes, which are as follows: 1) The sensual plane 2) The expressive plane 3) The sheerly musical plane The sensual and expressive plane is how most people in the pop world enjoy music. Infact, from a sheerly musical level, popular music is rather simple and straight forward, including metal for the most part, thus it doesn't suprise me that you would think intellect cannot be an important element in the appreciation of music. Knowledge is a function of intelligence, because knowledge also implies understanding.
  6. Bach - Art of Fugue Mozart - String Quintet in g K516 and Divertimento in Eb K563 Beethoven - String Quartets Opus 131 and 132 Schubert - String Quartet in G and Quintet in C
  7. Yes there is. For instance, what about if i said Torment was heaps ahead then NWN OC? See? It's easy...
  8. As you know, i've recently begun to develop an interest in science fiction. The Dune series is among the first i decided to pursue, as it came highly recommended on the note this one was one of the few high literary examples in the genre. Well, i'm down with the third book and i think i was lead on. Don't get me wrong i enjoyed the world of Dune so far, but i don't know, something doesn't convince me here. I actually enjoyed his writing style in the first two books (Messiah in particular was pretty cool), but now i think it's running thin on me...
  9. Those are just withdrawls, you won't get them for more then a couple of days. The problem with quitting coffee for me is depression. Caffeine actually works an as anti-depressant for me, and every time i try to quit i start to feel suicidal after a few days...
  10. I never took drugs. Am i bad gamer?
  11. Somebody posted this in the shack: "Careful, people. Read this with great caution. This announces sell-in numbers, not sell-through numbers. There is a huge difference. Sell-in means that Bethesda has shipped 1.7 million units to stores, but, and this is a big but...it doesn't mean that those copies have, or ever will, sell. So, as much as this seems like a good thing, there may much less sell-through (the actual numbers of copies that are sold to customers). Which will be a problem later on, as copies sit on shelves, retailers get annoyed, and then return the product to the publisher, who then takes a hit. I'll be impressed when Bethesda manages to break 1 million sell-through on a nichy RPG like this. In the meantime...this announcement means little."
  12. It doesn't matter, really, there's planty of people who think like this. This thread has legitimacy merely on the point of resolving those arguments...
  13. All popular music is over-rated, who cares if some bands are ****tier then others?
  14. Warcraft III was a good game, everybody who thinks eitherwise is full of ****. Blizzard's only sin was becoming sucessful among the hip crowd, so now all the sore nerds are coming out of the wood work, shunning the former with an impossible standard whilst rooting for every marginally talented underdog out there. When Dawn of War was released, the relic message board was half filled with threads that attacked Blizzard in every possible way whilst louding DoW for being such a great, balanced RTS right out of the box, and all the while the other half was bitching about how screwed the balance was, how overpowered and bugged the Eldar were, or how this game was all about rushing. Ho, and yes, the single player was pure crap. Define irony now, please...
  15. How long do you think the guy he's going to be able to play the game before he can't lift his arm anymore?
  16. Yeah, it's no longer topical, but i never saw it before and i though it was damn amusing...
  17. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/29298
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