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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. Dungeon Siege III FAQ This is an unofficial FAQ compiled for convenience, and does not come from Obsidian Entertainment. Please PM Tigranes if you want to see something added or if anything is incorrect. General Information What is Dungeon Siege III? Dungeon Siege III, or DS3, is an action role playing game for PC, Xbox360 and PS3 developed by Obsidian Entertainment, also responsible for Fallout: New Vegas, Alpha Protocol and other titles. It is being published by Square Enix, who owns the Dungeon Siege franchise. Gas Powered Games, the original developers of the series a decade ago, are involved as consultants. You choose from 4 distinct characters with their own unique abilities and skills either in single-player mode, or in co-operative mode (both local and online). When will Dungeon Siege III be released? Dungeon Siege III is scheduled for release in June 17, 2011 for Europe, June 21, 2011 for North America, and 28 July, 2011 for Japan. A demo showcasing a cut-down version of the first few areas is also available for all three platforms - check on Steam, PSN or Xbox Live. What are the technical specifications for Dungeon Siege III (PC)? The specifications are as follows: Minimum: [*]OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7 [*]Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or equivalent [*]Memory: 1.5 GB [*]Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 3870 or NVIDIA 9800 GT [*]DirectX
  2. Hold on, if you haven't spoken to the Krug, how can you make the decision? You say "No cutscene triggers when I ask to speak to him" - you don't 'ask', you go up to the cell door and talk to him. Or have you tried that?
  3. AFAIK you can always change direction while stringing regular attack combos. At least, I could do so fine with Katarina. Katarina has 3-attack combos for both stances; one notable thing is that on pistols, she takes a step back with her final attack. This works fairly well in conjunction with her warding ability - load the equipment up with lots of Stagger, stand on a doorway, use the ability then regular attack chains.
  4. While this doesn't help you now, you should never keep one save of anything in any game... in case this happens. That said, DS3 sometimes autosaves for you and it does so in a separate save (you can't see this in Save Game, only in Load Game), so you could try that. However, it may be quite a while back.
  5. We will play hardcore, right? There's no other way...
  6. I won't know until I've given a good shot with each character, I think you need to use one a while and get into the different way they fight. Beaten Katarina and just started with Anjali. Katarina is quite fun, though arguably she's the most roll-prone of them all. Pumping up agility I was getting +1200 critical hits near the end-game. The way I built her up is to focus a lot more on rifle skills, building up Power then using empowered abilities - nothing like hitting multiple enemies for +1k damage with stagger and lifesteal. She dies quite fast if trapped in melee though.
  7. Sorry - you said you are able to tell the automaton you have made a decision? Which decision did you make and what happens after that? From memory, you never touch the jail gate - you just tell the automaton what you want done, then report the results to Fiddlewick or whatever the Meister's name was.
  8. I hope it sells well enough that we can get a proper expansion pack. That's the only way I think we can hope to see 1-2 new characters with their own abilities. Otherwise, as Ziets hints, it'll probably be a few new areas with new sidequests that open up either in the swamp or in Stonebridge.
  9. Speak to the protesters arguing for the freedom of the Krug - they are at the first savepoint when you enter the Meisterhall.
  10. I've... touched one, and it pretty much looks and feels very similar to the final iterations of the Galaxy S, but leaner, slicker and faster. The tactile stuff is subjective but I really liked how slick it feels yet grips well - and it'll certainly fit better than the original S, being slightly thinner. That's all I can say though, as I've yet to own a smartphone myself.
  11. 6-8 if you do some of: skip various sidequests, play on Easy/Normal and blaze through all battles, never track back or walk back and forth, read/skip dialogues really fast, and check your time off the DS3 savefiles (which are several hours wrong). For normal plays, I'd wager 15 (+/- 2).
  12. It seems when it is fixed, it will be retroactive, as hinted by the devs (although it is meant to be 'fixed' already?) Not sure if I got any achievements, never checked and never will.
  13. Well that's quite subjective - because I have my own opinions on which games have good stories, for instance. My personal answer would be that you can definitely tell it's an Obsidian story, and that means there are no cringe-worthily bad lines or implausible plot solutions, and you sometimes get interesting takes on 'typical' things. But these interesting setups aren't developed in the same way that the best story-based Obsidian games do. i.e. at one point you get a clever parallel to European armies stranded in native 'Indian' (or Mezo-American) lands, but in the end you just beat up all the natives then they decide to be your friends, cos, you know, it's a beat-them-up ARPG. Hell, Lucas makes a snide comment to that effect when you're done. So in the end you get something that is quite interesting but never deep or moving.
  14. Just beat it, took nearly 20 hours - had to reload quite a few times at certain points playing as Katarina on Hardcore. Didn't mind, as each time I got better, worked out more things, and then managed to get past. If you play on Normal and Easy and blaze through every battle it won't take as long. To be honest, I don't think story and characters are up to Obsidian's standards. If you judge them by most other ARPGs they're comfortably better - same old generic setting and beat the baddie story, but theres some funny lines/setups, a few interesting discussions about finer points of, say, Stonebridge politics, the villain has sensible motivations & reactions (though it all happens at the end), and you get nice ending slides based on the choices you made. But compared to things like Alpha Protocol, KOTOR2 and MOTB, no way - there just isn't enough meat there. So depends on what you expect. It's a pity the whole archon thing wasn't expanded on more - if DS3 was a traditional RPG they might have done a lot of very interesting story stuff with that, but my sense is they tried to make the story make sense even to people that just spam X when NPCs start talking.
  15. Which quest exactly is the Lord Devonsey's Trap one? As in, when you've then return to tell Odo? What does he say, if anything? I assume you made sure to talk to the Queen and Devonsey? That would make sense if the game has not processed the Trap quest as complete yet, as you need to do both for that.
  16. Play with different characters, choose different story options and see what happens in the ending/etc, co-op with a bunch of friends. Just beat it and will start again tonight.
  17. Katarina: Anjali (cage), Lucas (bridge), Reinhart (stonebridge).
  18. This is tied to Steam, use the Steam settings.
  19. We're on it, it should be implemented within days. You're right that we definitely need them now.
  20. I still play Torment and it looks great. Everything looks a lot more solid, vivid, and most of all lovingly crafted. And there's no bloody bloom making everything post-2004 look like a puddle of fluorescent poo.
  21. Demo features 2-player co-op (local, from memory).
  22. What I would do is try the demo, and make up my own mind.
  23. So anyone want to try co-op yet? I'm nearly done with my first playthrough and thinking it might be fun.
  24. A new character DLC would be awesome, but it might be too much work for a DLC.
  25. DLCs are almost certainly in the works if the game sells well (which is hard to tell yet since, you know, US release date is 22nd). Patch is definitely coming; see the sticky in this forum.
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