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Everything posted by mammasaura

  1. I wonder what you expect from the expert mode, I always thought was about removing indicators and making all spells friendly fire on.
  2. Was searching something like this since a long time, thank you Mind to ask how you did it? I'm interested into this kind of stuff, thanks.
  3. Don't know how is calculated, each parameter seems to have its own. Anyway the documentation says to put it at 0 so the game will handle it.
  4. You could create your own rules for the IDs, but the faster and safer way is to use an UUID generator. https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4
  5. In this case you only need to change the ability list in the progressiontable gamedatabundle. Search the ability you want to give to Eothas, something like "Wael Arcane Veil". Copy and paste the entire {...} scope and focus on the conditionals. You have 2, the first decide the pre-condition you need in order to get the ability. The second one, the visibility in the preview panel. The "parameters" is what the function is going to check, in this case is the ID of the subclass you want to give the ability, wael subclass has id: "8c7fc1e3-a0e5-42e9-ab34-d839868b4165". Replace it, in both cases, with Eothas ID: "5c8495ce-a6ba-4728-bcde-97cc5b5162d3". Is not enough, meanwhile the "FunctionHash" is the same, the "ParameterHash" isn't, you need to change it to "1647231554". If you don't want to search again, just put 0, the game will do it for you. Other values can be changed but only if you want to give the spell at a different level, or a new spell. "Category": "Subclass", <- which panel to appear, Subclass means at the first column to the left of the preview panel; "UnlockStyle": "AutoGrant", <- give for free; "AddAbilityID": "cb2b16bd-3e6f-45a6-a65c-499ea1809695", <- ability ID, if you give a spell of a different class, you need to create another ability with the reference to the priest idclass; "PowerLevelRequirement": { "ClassID": "f7cb46af-a719-41c0-9a53-107eefdbce2b", <- Priest ID class; "MinimumPowerLevel": 3 <- when autogranted; }, Beware to change the when autogranted, if you copypaste a level 1 ability and you decide to autogrant at level 3, for example, you need to upgrade the ability because of power level change. Better to copy the ability, create a new one with everything the same, besides a new unique id, and the value: "AbilityLevel": 3. { "Note": "PL 9 Auto Grant - Eothas - Blessing of Wael", "Category": "Subclass", "UnlockStyle": "AutoGrant", "ActivationObject": "Self", "AddAbilityID": "5ce9eb52-4c1c-4b58-9e3f-3478fbef51fb", "RemoveAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Prerequisites": { "MinimumCharacterLevel": 1, "PowerLevelRequirement": { "ClassID": "f7cb46af-a719-41c0-9a53-107eefdbce2b", "MinimumPowerLevel": 9 }, "RequiresAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean ProgressionTableIsSubclass(Guid)", "Parameters": ["5c8495ce-a6ba-4728-bcde-97cc5b5162d3"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1231916529, "ParameterHash": 1647231554 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }] }, "VisibilityConditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean ProgressionTableIsSubclass(Guid)", "Parameters": ["5c8495ce-a6ba-4728-bcde-97cc5b5162d3"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1231916529, "ParameterHash": 1647231554 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }] }, "IsMutuallyExclusiveUpgrade": "true" } }, There's another problem, in this way you're going to give two autogranted spells at the same level X. To exclude one just add this conditionals: "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean AlwaysTrue()", "Parameters": [], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1231916529, "ParameterHash": 0 }, "Not": true, "Operator": 0 }] }, "VisibilityConditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean AlwaysTrue()", "Parameters": [], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1231916529, "ParameterHash": 0 }, "Not": true, "Operator": 0 }] },
  6. So many cool mods! Can't wait to see the ones this thread is suggesting. Here's the mod with both summon bird and ghost bird Though hasn't the part for the custom name, you need to put your modified stringable. bird-companion-mod.zip
  7. Both the priest of Abydon and Hylea sounds really good. I would spicy things up some new spells for them. For Abydon: Why having firebrand and spiritual weapon warhammer? I think they're mutual exclusive. I would replace firebrand with a brand new spell: "Gift of the Forge": add burning lash to the weapon equipped (should be work with both summoned and regular weapon). A passive talent called "Metallurgy": add +1 penetration to weapons and +1 armor rating. PL 4, should be compete with "Scion of Flame". --------------- Hylea sounds perfect. Which spiritual weapon for her? --------------- I tried to figure out an Ondra priest, the only problem is not making a mirror of the watershaper, I would see the priest more a disabler/support than an healer.
  8. Just checked the attack of the ability in the attacks.gamedatabundle. The random behavior is because the status effects are set to be given randomly: "RandomizeStatusEffect": "true", should be "RandomizeStatusEffect": "false", In patch 1.1 indeed is set to false.
  9. The strange thing is that doesn't load the intro at all, like was for me. Try to make a backup of the save files, they should be in: "C:\Users\yourusername\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II" Delete them and try to play. Other thing you can do is trying to run the game as administrator. Or trying to install the game in a different directory
  10. Hi, Do you use mods? It also happened to me, was because of a custom mod.
  11. The 2 most representative examples of animancer I can remember are Galvino and Osrya. Osrya was really close to necromancy, Galvino more with general constructs. It's hard to have a good focus of what an animancer is because blends into the same realm cipher and watcher already are in.
  12. Hi! The mods should be in the "override" directory. Something like this: D:\Program Files\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override\yourMod1 The patch changed a few things for modding so it depends on what your mods supposed to do. If they were about adding abilities related to classes, these mods will need to be updated by their creator.
  13. Or you could take an ability that's shared by all the classes like "Arms Bearer", "Tough", etc... and add the status effect of the quick switch. It's the fastest way and shouldn't break other mods.
  14. I would like to have an auto pause when critically hit, at the moment there's only on hit.
  15. I think the future patch will help. In 1.1 it's not possible to create a new class, but with the 1.2 will be. BMac said it in the thread of the mod documentation.
  16. I must admit that all the targeting is a bit confusing but something that's worth to play with. I tried all the attack components and I found that the AoE component has a really nice option with "ExcludePrimaryTarget". I also tried to replicate this behavior with the target conditionals on the first target of a bounce attack but without success (I actually created a bounce attack with another attack on impact, and placed the conditional on this last one to not trigger if the current target is the primary target, but there isn't a conditional like this). If it's trivial having "ExcludePrimaryTarget" or a conditional for this would be amazing! Thank you for this! I was checking the abilities bundle in the beta patch and found the record "AbilityClass" changed to "AbilityClassID". Thank you for making the game so much customizable. I also noticed that in the character bundle the SubClassGameData doesn't have anymore the "Subclass" record, so the subclasses aren't bound to the any enum, even if was possible to pair it with "Invalid" without any problem, like you suggested in another topic.
  17. Wow, that was really helpful, how you did it? Is it possible to scope a more generic path like "/prefabs/effects/"?
  18. Isn't possible to only read the path "/prefabs/effects/abilities/..." to see which fx are there?
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