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Everything posted by mammasaura

  1. Hi, I have a problem with the icon for the proficiency, it seems it's not exposed to be used with the atlas. When leveling and I reach the proficiency panel it results in a X. I also tried putting the image in mod/gui/icons/items/mypng.png, 42x42, but still X. The other ability, the one with the bonuses it works in the other panels.
  2. Is it possible to have a new WeaponType of value "ThrowingWeapon"? It's the only category missing in the list (Or also a more generic one, it's possible to sort out by keywords so, also a generic one can do the trick). At the moment the proficiency is bound to the weapon type and a custom one cannot be "properly" added. You can still create your own proficiency but only on the weapons that are listed, but can be counter intuitive create a weapon of a type not supposed to be (ex: throwing knife but listed as stiletto). Related to this, is possible to have a mouse scroll feature in the proficiency page of the character? Or this can happen: Thank you for your attention
  3. To me it doesn't even load, the game prevents loading the map not to corrupt the game. Kudos to cheat trial of iron mode
  4. I don't know if possible but two scripts that add/remove lootlists from a storage, but not regenerative. There are these two scripts: Void StoreAddRegenerationList(Guid, Guid) Void StoreRemoveRegenerationList(Guid, Guid) Storage seems to have a lists attached to it and in item.gamedatabundle seems you can manipulate only lootlist that are regenerative. I don't know if the items you can buy only once are just added in a different way or not, but if they are in a list that can be attached...having the script for add and delete should be a huge thing and a lot appreciated.
  5. I recently get into lootlist and vendor and storage etc. I probably don't fully understand the problem you get but I approached the lootlist in a different way. Any vendor in the game has a storage, the storage can be "populated" by more than one lootlist. I suppose the lists "one buy" cannot be touched because there isn't a script that can manipulate that, but, the one regenerates can thanks to these script: Void StoreAddRegenerationList(Guid, Guid) Void StoreRemoveRegenerationList(Guid, Guid) This is vital because can change how you approach the all thing. The main problem is that each modder should "take" a vendor and populates the list with their items, but the risk to clash with another list of another modder is high because modifies something that's shared in the game. Adding your own list to a storage makes possible using the same storage by more than one modder without any issue because the items are in just different lists. Why this is important in relation to this problem? Because each time you upgrade your items you can call the script, remove the list with the bugged item, and regenerate the new one. The effect is immediate, the list is regenerated when the script is called so the user totally avoids the case he can still buy the bugged item and doesn't need to wait a full cycle day/night to get the fixed item. The only issue is how and when run the scripts. It's a tough problem because atm there aren't many event to fire from but something can still be possible. For example, I generate my list when I inspect an item, the woedica club lol. Anyway when I upgrade a bugged item my actions should be: Remove OldList Regenerate NewList Delete old item Give updated item. The last two points aren't trivial, but I think is the safest way to approach.
  6. I guess can mess up with the result, but just if you have time and will. I tried to have an item that triggers damage by damage dealt/received on the target like wounding shot, but never worked. Instead I needed to have the target to calculate the self damage in order to apply the damage on it. I really need to thank you for how many possibilities there are. So, yes, at the end of the end of the requests queue this one. This is the topic I opened for the issue if can help the bug team. Ok, this will end with another (2) request(s) and the "unsellable" flag can be put at the very end of the request list. I didn't try the "IsQuestItem" because the documentation writes about "can't be interacted with", so I expected the item to be put in the quest tab and cannot be equipped, I was wrong. I still have the item in a different tab and the "Quest Item" line in the item description, but isn't a real issue. I requested this flag because I was using a condition in a regeneration item loot list for a storage vendor. The check to repopulate the list with my item was on its itemcount, but can be easily bypassed selling the item to a third person, buy, and re-buy. Making the item "unsellable" is the faster and safer way to go. The IsQuestItem works. It's not the only issue. The conditional "ObjectHasItemCount" only checks the items in the stash and in the inventory. The weapon slots aren't checked, and so the equipped item. I added another conditional "IsItemEquipped". This time the check is on the items you can see on the viewport. In the case of the weapon sets, it only considers 1 weapon set, the one you can see in the in game. What's left are the other weapon sets. There isn't a conditional that checks if a very specific Item is in a weapon set. There are other conditionals like: "IsRangedWeaponInWeaponSetPrimarySlot" for primary "IsMeleeWeaponInWeaponSetPrimarySlot" "IsRangedWeaponInWeaponSetSecondarySlot" for offhand "IsMeleeWeaponInWeaponSetSecondarySlot" But you cannot specify which Item to check. Having the counterpart for these conditionals, but with also a specified item id can surely help, for this use but also for others. Then, If can be also added a more generic one that checks all the weapon sets on the character...but it's a plus, can be done with 8 conditionals (4 for two handed weapon), it can help to clarity the code, so you don't need to always put 8 conditionals because you don't know how many sets the character has, but only 2, one checks the primary slot, and one the offhand. Even with these conditionals the system can be tricked. The check is on all "active" party members. This means, that if you really want to cheat, you can manage your party, drop the party member with the item and buy it again. I don't know if is possible to have instances id (for scripts and conditionals) for "non active party members", or for "all party members, active or not". Ok that's all Thank you again for your commitment, amazing work.
  7. New options for the "StatusEffectDynamicValueAdjustment" fields. "Stats" has "Health" with range [0 - 1.0] and requires to have a well known value in order to play around that, for example infestation of the maggots or the armor -% damage taken per health lost. Should be handy having an "InverseHealth" that map the health with the range [1.0 - 0]. A conditional that permits to ignore the primary target, an option like the "ExcludePrimaryTarget" of the "AttackAOEComponent", so it can be widely applied to the other attack components. A case of use is for the bouncing attack. To emulate that behavior I need to create two attacks, one bounce and one not, but in this way I change how the empowering works. Usually it increments the numbers of the bouncing, with the workaround, this property is lost, and works on the duration of the effects applied. Sometimes you want one, sometimes the other. Having a "StatusEffectType" can triggers abilities on event, mainly for that very specific abilities that have their own custom component, or abilities that requires a primary or full attack: flames of devotion, finishing blow, barbaric blow etc... There are workarounds to recreate those effects, it's funny to find the way but it's also ugh...painful :D More than a request is a check to the behavior that happens on autogranted abilities for the ranger. If you autogrant abilities to the ranger: - any of them, beside the ones that are specific for the pet; - and without spending points to a precursor talent, so pure autogrant; if you respec, these abilities pass to the pet, that can cast with the shared resource. A flag into the "WeaponGameData" or "ItemGameData" that makes an item unable to sell. If not possible to have custom models in the game, maybe some of the previous game, don't know, for example a spiked mace, for this beauty:
  8. You need to check the progression table of the classes and of the npc: pallegina has her own progression table, the paladin another. Take the id of the ability you want to replace when upgraded, search for the upgraded version and add the id of the old ones in the "RemoveAbilityID" field.
  9. Yes, I noticed, but the custom was actually the vanilla version, didn't change anything....so this means I need to test again some of tries I previously did. My concern is that it's actually works with the "vanilla setup" if I hit my own character.
  10. Thank you, you're doing an amazing job for the modders I just need the model of a spiked mace from poe1 :D
  11. It's because the 2 status effects are chained, the first status effect takes % of the damage you deal and overrides the value of the second with the new value and applies as dot.
  12. Ok, let's try to make it simple (not really). I took the ability Wounding Shot. The original ability doesn't have an attack, it just has 2 status effects chained. I decided to have an attackid instead in which I declared my damage data and put the status effects of the original wounding shot. What happens: - If I target my character, works as the original, damage + damage over time. - When I target another character, the damage I declared in the damage data works, but not the damage over time of the status effect. What's happening? Is it possible to fix? test-attacks.zip
  13. Thanks for the suggestion, the problem is I'm lost on "that trigger on a new attack", how can you do that? If I change the ability in passive and I simply put it in the itemmod field "AbilitiesOnEquip" the behaviour I get is autodeath :D, the ability is used over and over on the character. The main issue is that you cannot trigger the ability itself, you can trigger the attack or the statuseffect of the ability. For now I'm trying to use the approach with a status effect of type "ApplyStatusEffectOnEventWithChance" or "AttackEnemyOnEventWithChance". itemmod - "StatusEffectsOnEquipIDs" -> StatusEffect - "ApplyWithChance" - attackid. This is a trouble with abilities that have their own personalized component, like finishing blow. For others, like flames of devotion I tried to "emulate" the behavior creating a custom attack or just doing it with status effects, but failed, having more trouble than expected to proc a damage on the current weapon at a specific % chance.
  14. Hi, I'm trying to trigger flames of devotion after an auto attack of a given weapon. Setting the status effect event isn't a problem but Flames of Devotion, like Barbaric Blow or Finishing Blow etc don't have an AttackID, they act like "pure" abilities and can't recall them through the status effect component. Is there a way to auto trigger these abilities? Thanks
  15. Doesn't have an AttackID, put one with only the self damage part. ItemMod: { "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemModGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Thatsnotmyname", "ID": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemModComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 8888888, "HideFromUI": "false", "EnchantCategory": "None", "Cost": 12, "DisplayEvenIfCostZero": "false", "CursesItem": "true", "StatusEffectsOnEquipIDs": [], "StatusEffectsOnLaunchIDs": [], "StatusEffectsOnAttackIDs": [], "AbilityModsOnEquipIDs": [], "OnEquipVisualEffects": [], "DamageProcs": [], "AbilitiesOnEquipIDs": ["e5189323-f3dc-4e6d-b7ce-7526e3c64b85"] }] }, Eldricht Passive Ability: { "$type": "Game.GameData.GenericAbilityGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Eldricht_Passive", "ID": "e5189323-f3dc-4e6d-b7ce-7526e3c64b85", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.GenericAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "KeywordsIDs": [], "DisplayName": 999999, "Description": 999999, "UpgradeDescriptions": [], "UpgradedFromID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Vocalization": "NoVocalization", "Icon": "", "UsageType": "None", "UsageValue": 0, "AbilityClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AbilityLevel": 0, "IsPassive": "true", "StackingRuleOverride": "Default", "TriggerOnHit": "false", "IsModal": "false", "ModalGroupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "IsCombatOnly": "false", "IsNonCombatOnly": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "UniqueSet": "None", "NoiseLevelID": "15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63", "DurationOverride": 0, "OverrideEmpower": "Default", "ClearsOnMovement": "false", "CannotActivateWhileInStealth": "false", "CannotActivateWhileInvisible": "false", "ActivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "DeactivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "ScalingType": "Default", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "DamageAdjustment": 1, "DurationAdjustment": 1, "BounceCountAdjustment": 0, "ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0, "AccuracyAdjustment": 0, "PenetrationAdjustment": 0 }, "StatusEffectKeywordsIDs": [], "StatusEffectsIDs": ["70803381-98b9-4467-b917-40f151a49245", "792fbaca-1b50-49bc-99d3-dd5e01bb7e01"], "VisualEffects": [], "SelfMaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AITargetingConditional": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "Scripts": [] }, "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.ProgressionUnlockableComponent, Assembly-CSharp" }] }
  16. The code seems ok, can you use the ability but nothing happens, or you can't use at all? Just tried, you can't use at all, but that happens only during the same fight your character dies/ressurrected. Once the fight is over you can use the ability the fight after. Ok, found. Change the "UsageType": "Spell" to "None" of the Eldritch_Aim ability. It works
  17. Do you attached a single statuseffect? Or do you have a status effect of type ApplyOnEventSomething that calls an attack with the statuseffect of aware?
  18. As title says if you make a ranger ability autogranted, like Heal Companion at PL 2, this "bug" appears after a respect. Actually the thing is a little more complex. When you respect the autogranted abilities don't go away, they are still on the bar. So in my very specific case at level 1 "Heal Companion" is on my bar, and it properly works, nothing unusual. As soon as you level to the PL you get "Heal Companion" for free, the bar of abilities splits, you have 2 resource for the class, shared, once is for the ranger, the other is for the pet and "Heal Companion" is duplicate also for the pet. Heal Companion cannot be casted by the pet because of the prereq of targeting an animal companion, that the pet hasn't, but, if you autogrant "Mark Of the Hunt", in this case the duplicate ability can be used by the pet. This is an issue I can't find a workaround.
  19. Hallo, I'm on the newest patch with the dlc and since the update I have different mods with the warning "Version Error". They properly work in game, the message appears only for the ones with the manifest and with changes in abilities/attacks and status effect gamedatabundle. Do you get the same error/warning? Is it tied to some new changes? From the patch notes doesn't seem it was added new records, did I miss something? Thank you
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