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Everything posted by Climhazzard

  1. Exalted endurance is really strong as is if you combine it with ancient memory, and since you'd be multi classed to do so you can double buff them both with +100% healing. If it were just solo I can see better options, but since it's an AoE I think it's plenty strong as is. Perhaps it's not as appealing for a single class Paladin though, I'd be afraid of the consequences of buffing it however. If anything I kind of expect Paladins to get defensive nerfs if/when balance patches start getting thrown around, but only time will tell I guess. I even figured out how to safely use sacred immolation on my healing tank.. as long as it's not empowered.
  2. I'm honestly surprised they never did anything about swift flurry being able to proc off itself. I know they're aware that it does because I got a dev comment on this screenshot back when I made a post about it in beta. I think the only result here was a nerf to the intuitive inspiration.
  3. I remember seeing an item that makes you immune to interrupts if you have a wound. I guess the trick would be figuring out a way to get wounds while soloing. BUt if you could then beckoner would be pretty cool for the Paladin/chanter solo builds.
  4. I remember finding an item that made you immune to interrupts while wounded that would probably be pretty good for the solo beckoner experience. Then again, might be hard to find ways to get wounded solo.
  5. It's honestly great after level 10 or whenever you get both ancient memory and exalted endurance. Just ancient memory is pretty subpar on it's own though, yet it doesn't run out like priest heals do and you still have great single target healing from level 1 on. Besides, your tanking potential is not small, multi class paladin is a pillar on the battlefield. Just to illustrate, here's a screenshot taken at level 10. You'll get this much healing for the entire battle doing nothing but following your tank around, it's unlimited. Now here's a mutli class priest heal for comparison. Yes it's better, but limited in duration and location, and not exactly mutually exclusive. Both characters are in the same party after all.
  6. Yeah from what I can tell so far it's nerfed really hard from PoE. Nature Godlike is a pretty good choice for monk now though since it boosts your powerlevels and therefore your fist damage.
  7. Also there's a watcher only buff you can get in the first village that adds +50% healing so I'm assuming with buffs like that and might you can easily get it up to 10hp per second. Tell me about this buff; I didn't come across it. How do you get it? Agree with you about the resolve. A handful of points of deflection is way less important than the extra AoE and duration on the healing (from Int) and the extra healing from might, and easy to make up. If you talk to the dawnstar lady where you got Xoti she can bless you, it adds +50% healing and possibly something else, I don't remember.
  8. Hmm I explored all the islands south of Neketaka, I think it was on one of them. I restarted the game in POTD so when I find it again I'll post on here where it's at. It's very easy to get early game though because I've restarted the game half a dozen times or more and had it every time.
  9. No it's included. It's 3.1hp per 1 second + 10.9hp per 3 seconds. It's not exactly how i put it in my post but in 3 seconds you'll have healed over 6hp per second. Also there's a watcher only buff you can get in the first village that adds +50% healing so I'm assuming with buffs like that and might you can easily get it up to 10hp per second. As for resolve, just cast lay on hands on yourself if you're tanking the world, you can't die, so it doesn't need to be terribly high. Goal here is a powerful healer. Everyone will have their own tastes though.
  10. This game has items and buffs that increase healing done. For example the dawn star blessing at the start of the game gives +50% healing done for the MC.
  11. There's another way to do this too. Look for Self: Has might inspiration, then select the "not" box, then your character will cast the selected skill whenever you don't have a might inspiration, which frenzy should have, so you won't recast it again until the might inspiration wears off.
  12. I made one for my healing tank build I've been using. It's a team endurance healing (healing over time) tank I made to replace my main tank (Eder) because I didn't think Xoti multi classed was good at healing and I didn't want to drag along the druid character. [CLASS BUILD] The Healing Wall Shieldbearer-Troubadour POTD Not intended for solo https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98968-class-build-the-healing-wall/
  13. [CLASS BUILD] The Healing Wall Shieldbearer-Troubadour POTD Not intended for solo Race: Moon Godlike (For extra healing) Alternate Races: Any race that gives status resistances, especially against hard CC, such as Elf. Stats: 20 intelligence total with or without items, as much might as possible. For example Might: 18 (as much as possible for healing power) Constitution: 10 (you'll be regenerating health so this doesn't need to be high) Dexterity: 10 (more makes it easier to save team mates with lay on hands) Perception: 10 (maybe useful if you want to use dragon thrashed, otherwise a good stat to dump) Intelligence 18 (you need 20 total to completely overlap chants, and it's good to have a large radius for your healing) Resolve 12 (dump perception and raise resolve if you want to have higher tanking potential and lower damage potential) Adjust based on your own preferences. I developed this build because I didn't feel like a multi classed Xoti was a capable healer and I didn't want to drag along the druid, this character replaces Eder as my main tank, and doubles as a powerful endurance healer. Palegina's stats are not suitable for this. Your goal is to combine Exalted Endurance, Ancient Memory, and Mercy and Kindness Where're she walked (+100% healing) with the most powerful single target heal in the game, the Shieldbearers greater lay on hands (robust version). All on a character that is a robust tank in his or her own right. This will give you a tank that heals your entire team over time for a large amount of hp (6 hp per second by level 20 with no items or buffs, 10 hp per second is probably possible), that can clutch heal on demand and even resurrect. Gear and item considerations: +Might, +healing, +engagement slots, ways to reduce recovery time (so you can heal on demand with lay on hands) Armor: The best early game armor I've found for this so far is called Reckless Brigandine, it adds an engagement slot and reduces recovery time for every enemy engaged. It's found on an unexplored island between Poko Kihara and Neketaka. Weapon: A fast weapon with an engagement slot should be your first choice, it'll synergize well with the build and Reckless Brigandine. I haven't found any yet, though I did find a warhammer with an engagement slot. Ability progression. I suggest you take invocations sparingly and focus on your paladin skills so you can tank better. I just use the paralyze invocation mostly. Chant progression. Early game: Soft winds of death Mid game: Soft winds of death + ancient memory Late game: Ancient memory + Mercy and Kindness Where're she walked When you don't care about healing: Soft winds of death + Dragon thrashed. Hopefully I got everything important here, if not I'll add more later, especially if I find better early game items for this. Screenshot taken with no gear equipped and no buffs, at level 20.
  14. I checked yesterday. It's something like this at level 20, including the prestige passive ability for the single class. Multi class: +50% damage, +14 acc, +4 pen Multi class nature godlike: +65% damage, +18 acc, +5 pen Single class: +80% damage, +22 acc, +6 pen Single class nature godlike: +95% damage, +26 acc, +7 pen Legendary weapons: +60% damage, +15 acc, +4 pen Fists have the same base damage as swords which are an average speed weapon, but the attack and recoverry speed of fast speed weapons. So they should still do slightly better dps than a legendary weapon even on a multi class monk (math wiz please correct me if I'm wrong). Doubt they will compete with unique legendary weapons though, especially if you find some good synergistic effects.
  15. You could probably stay on your feet for about 10 seconds of that if you went single class shield bearer with decent intelligence by casting lay on hands on yourself.
  16. I don't really recommend min/maxing for anyone who isn't confident in what stats they should be using. Keep resolve and constitution at 10. You can't really go wrong with the other stats. Might = hits harder Dex = hits faster Perception = misses less Intelligence = Buffs last longer, Area of effect hits more targets. For example with decent intelligence lighting strikes last significantly longer, and torment's reach hits halfway across the screen. If you're still not sure then just average out might/dex/perception and leave everything else at 10.
  17. This got me thinking about abilities that are good primary attacks. Monk has force of anguish, torment's reach, and skyward kick. They would only work with the melee weapon though. Fighter has power strike, that stuns and has a 100% damage bonus, again it's melee only. I'm honestly struggling to find anything that works with ranged attacks.
  18. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but don't use stealth when you're checking, it drastically reduces reload time. Makes ambushing with guns kinda nice. Also, I've noticed **** get buggy sometimes and it'll always go back to normal if I reboot the game, so if you're noticing issues try that too.
  19. A single class monk can do the first part, your "teleports" are all mid/late game though. I don't really like the stat distribution, but I guess that high dex could go towards reducing the long recovery of your "teleports".
  20. 1: Shield + Fist works fine. There's even an ability now that gives you wounds if attacks miss, but someone thought it shouldn't be available to multi class characters I guess. 2: I don't see why not. All monk abilities work with weapons. It will most likely do less damage than Shield + Fist though. 3: Probably depends on your support characters and game knowledge, but regardless of those you'll lack engagement slots. I don't even think you'd have any? Yeah you probably can't maintank without going shield bearer, but I do know at least one armor that gives an engagement slot.
  21. Single class monk with the prestige at level 20. Transcendent suffering. Single: +80% damage, +22 accuracy, +6 pen Single with Nature godlike: +95% damage, +26 acc, +7 pen Multi class: +50% damage, +14 acc, +4 pen Multi class with nature godlike: +65% damage, +18 acc, +5 pen I didn't check anything else, if you multi class into another martial class then this is made up for by additional damage or other modifiers. If you multi class a monk into a caster you'll lose a decent chunk of accuracy, damage, and penetration.
  22. Intelligence affects it for sure. As for the second question... it's hard to tell in this game, I think you would have to just test a bunch with different levels of intelligence. In PoE I would make sure I could hit targets behind an average sized kith, which took about 8 intelligence I think. In this game I'm going with the opposite philosophy, raising my intelligence, at least for my brawler build, since I have to rely on multiple different self buffs and AoE abilities. Swift strikes, disciplined barrage, thunderous blows, cleave stance, raised torment, rooting pain, etc...
  23. So back to the Moon Godlike Shield Bearer Trabadour team regen tank idea, I got home and leveled it up to check out the potential. The screenshot is taken with no gear, 19 might, and 19 intelligence. You'd probably want 20 intelligence for perfect chant overlap. Regeneration is over 6hp per second for the entire team, it's not enough to offset the massive self damage from sacred immolation (wth is it so much? lol), but if you use lay on hands on yourself after you use self immolation you'll be fine.
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