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Everything posted by mazeltov

  1. It's still a really strong spell, for being foe AoE and only level 2. You can even beat up on the charmed characters with your party and they still won't switch back until the duration runs out.
  2. It's the obligatory evil faction you can affiliate with. Wait, I forgot Pillars is too cool for school when it comes to alignments. I meant to say the Cruel/Aggressive/Deceptive faction.
  3. Iconic Projection. That's a nice one, for sure. He seems just fine for a story-based Hard playthrough. Boost his Intellect with gear and temporary bonuses, equip a rifle, and go to town.
  4. I gave up on my dual-wield Rogue and stuck a unique pistol on him instead. Now he's back with the other gunners, much safer, and probably doing as much if not more damage. If the gear, talent, and spell situation changes to give him a lot more survivability, he can go back to hovering around the front line. Or I might just bite the bullet and stick upgraded full plate on him. High Dex and the TWF talent cancels out plate's recovery penalty.
  5. Dozens Wizard, Anslog's Compass (via Crucible Knights quest in Defiance Bay) Lv 1: Chill Fog, Spirit Shield, Thrust of Tattered Veils Lv 2: Mirrored Image, Necrotic Lance Lv 3: R.'s Repulsive Visage, K.'s Minor Blights
  6. Doemenel Wizard, Defiance Bay/Ondra's Gift Lv 1: M.'s Minor Missles, Jolting Touch, Fleet Feet, C.'s Parasitic Staff Lv 2: Miasma of Dull-Mindedness, Ray of Fire, Bewildering Spectacle Lv 3: C.'s Draining Touch, Crackling Bolt, Fireball
  7. Durance (72) Speculation: Divine Mark crit. Probably my favorite level 2 Priest spell.
  8. Dual-wielded hatchets gives twice the Deflection, 10 total, heh. Clearly the devs intended high deflection Rogues to be viable since the class has abilities like Riposte which require actual misses on your character to activate. You have to have a truly spectacular Deflection score in this game to consistently generate misses. Hmm. High perception and resolve, and the high perception could lend itself to fast, short interrupts with hatchets. Ring of Deflection +10 is available fairly early. Cautious Attack modal at lvl 4 for +10 Deflection, maybe take Two-Weapon Style to cancel Cautious Attack's 20% attack speed penalty. Blinds synergize well. Still not sure if your Deflection could get high enough to work in the mid game and beyond.
  9. Nyrid, Defiance Bay/Copperlane Lv 1: A.'s Dazzling Lights, Eldritch Aim, Jolting Touch, Spirit Shield Lv 2: Mirrored Image, Rolling Flame, C.'s Corrosive Siphon Lv 3: Fireball, Crackling Bolt
  10. Only the main character's Paladin/Priest abilities are affected by reputations. I think 'vessel' is this game's word for undead. Shadows, Shades, skellies, etc.
  11. I didn't see it at my stronghold. Do they increase in inventory after you advance in acts? I'm not sure if there actually is a steady supply; that was wishful thinking. Rites (scrolls that add a large bonus to skills) aren't craftable and I've never actually seen them for sale.
  12. With high Intellect there's a sweet spot about four meters behind your front line where you can catch it and the enemy front line in the yellow part of the targeting wedge, without exposing your Wizard. Plus FoF is in the first tier of spells to become per-encounter at higher levels. You get a fan, and you get a fan, and you get a fan...
  13. Slightly more involved "pre"buffs: position the party a moderate distance away from the enemy group send one character to pull the enemies as soon as the puller gets aggro, the whole party is in combat and can cast buffs pull the enemies back to the main group as the main group lines up for the fight with a stack of buffs running the puller misses out on the buffs, but hey, can't have everything Also traps get significantly more powerful than the 22-28 damage figure that was listed as an example. A trap I found in a certain level 4-5 dungeon does double that plus adds a status effect.
  14. I would echo Elvarein in suggesting you put together a Quick Six (aka Dirty Half-Dozen) before running the temple. In a game designed for six party members, there's no reason to quest understaffed. Four guys will be at level 2, Kana at 3, and an adventurer at 1. Regarding shadows teleporting: they always teleport onto weak endurance/deflection casters and the like, and take the shortest route from point A to point B, so create a trap. Make a row of frontliners, then an empty row, then your casters and DPS in a third row. More often than not, Shadows will teleport into the second row, so your melee can turn around and engage/CC them without having to reposition.
  15. Mostly 12-15 through level 5 so far. One 16 as an outlier, and a 17 check in the prologue. A pally tank with 18+ in the mental attributes should be able to cover any dialogue checks that require attributes in addition to being a strong tank and buffer. You could presumably skimp on a few of the dialogue stats in your build and substitute rest bonuses, items, and consumables on a case by case basis.
  16. The guide is describing how to make a generic 'AoE Control/Damage Build,' not giving Aloth's stats.
  17. Choose 'Show Personality/Reputation' in the game options to display the tone of each dialogue choice. The Faith and Conviction ability starts to get really powerful as your choices move closer to your order's preferences.
  18. Spellwrights, several dropped in Raedric's Hold Lv 1: M.'s Minor Missles, Wizard's Double, C.'s Parasitic Staff, Jolting Touch Lv 2: Miasma of Dull-Mindedness, C.'s Corrosive Siphon, Rolling Flame -- Miasma in particular looks like a nice pickup. Huge Defense reduction in a controllable AoE.
  19. If there were dungeons where the door locked behind you - where the only option was to clear it and emerge victorious out the other side - then limited resting supplies and strategic health recovery talents might become relevant. As it stands, I was able to clear half of the first major dungeon I found (R.'s Keep), turn around and walk back out, go back to the inn and rest, and come back to clear the remainder. I could have just rested at the innkeeper who was in the middle of the dungeon, but my party happened to need something from back at the inn.
  20. Rite of Hidden Wonders. I did a double-take when I saw how powerful that scroll is, and valued at just 30 copper?! A steady supply of those would save ~30 skill points on the party rogue.
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