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Everything posted by LLaney

  1. Game's not out yet folks, you may find out it actually makes sense for a character to look the way they are presented.
  2. Oh hai Aloth. Okay now I really want the Watcher to wrestle a wand off a svef dealer who Aloth has crossed, then later, when Pallegina cheats on him, kill himself with it. "You're lying I never hit you! You're TEARING ME APART, PALLEGINA!" [Aloth walks into blacksmith's store.] Aloth: Hi. Proprietor: Oh hi, Aloth. I didn't know it was you. [Grabs random package.] Here you go. Aloth: That's meee. How much is it? Proprietor: It'll be eighteen go-- Aloth: Here you go! Keep the change. Hi, doggy. Proprietor: You're my favorite customer. Aloth [deadpan]: Thanks a lot. Bye. Proprietor: Bye-bye. Iselmyr: I dona know why ya can't talk like a person, pointy-ear. Haha, what a story Maia
  3. I am personally doing a pass on all the tints - you'll have these options at release for sure.
  4. Not silly at all! I'll see what can be done about this.
  5. For whatever it's worth, the images Josh initially tweeted were works in progress.
  6. Like the Vailian NPC outfit, it's a coat, chemise, and hose (pants) - menswear, essentially. As with all other characters you are free to equip her however you like.
  7. All 4 of them? I painted the whole gang this time except Eder
  8. Nope They're emotionally engaged. It makes me feel like I've done a good job. The alternative is they could just not care at all and say nothing, which means not only do I have no idea what people are interested in one way or the other, but I don't have fun threads like this to read.
  9. @smjjames just aumaua they're a bit on the shiny side
  10. Maybe that's Tekëhu's spiritshift form, since he will be a druid. It also fits with his supposed godlike connection with Ondra. If that's the case, he won't be my least favourite new companion anymore.
  11. Since you're here can you confirm that Xoti still has her sickle and shield lantern and that the last comment made on Fig officially about her dual wielding scythes was a mistake? Thanks in advance. She does not and to my knowledge was never intended to dual wield scythes
  12. Far be it from me to dissuade anyone from their impressions of a piece of art or discussions thereof, but it may be useful to know she's just wearing a slightly modified vailian npc outfit.
  13. And then Blue by eiffel65 plays in its entirety! Perfect, I'll pass it on to the rest of team.
  14. To help get this thread back on track a bit, how about describing how your personal idea of how a good video game romance subplot would go? With any of the companions or a hypothetical character. (And please lets resist the temptation to roll our eyes at each other, at least in the thread)
  15. That is just fine! Critical feedback is helpful too. It's part of why we are so fond of crowdfunding; it allows people to react to the game and share their thoughts while some elements of the game are still flexible.
  16. Sorry, I am only authorized to tease. Anything more and Aarik will come after me. Though, I think Josh spelled it somewhere recently...!
  17. Spoiler: Fulvano is the final boss. He's sitting on a throne in the deepest room in a castle on the last island. When you reach him, he'll be like "Hahaha! You have done well to make it this far! But now I shall personally dispose of you!!" in an ironic twist, kiting is the most effective strategy against him
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