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Everything posted by LLaney

  1. When you say playday I'm picturing something like: Is that how it is? Booooo! Buncha immature people making Pillars 2! I can only speak for my office, but ~mmmaybe~
  2. Someone is probably going to come after me for oversharing but I am FAIRLY certain you could replace the watercolor portrait with a (appropriately scaled & cropped) painted portrait as easily as you would override any portrait in POE1. Time to leave before I say anything else!
  3. The player character and companions will have their own watercolor style portraits that will be utilized in this UI. We all agree it looked very odd to have the fully painted portraits alongside the NPC portraits.
  4. In my experience the playday after we tested the NPC portraits was a lot more memorable than the playday before
  5. An employee is very, very expensive Now, it isn't my jurisdiction to provide up to date answers and examples about fig campaign business. I've sent word up the ladder that this subject could use some clarity. For now all I can provide is a link to one of Josh's many teases which includes an example of this style of portrait in context. https://www.instagram.com/p/BMC1lcrAqci/?taken-by=jesawyer1975 Please keep in mind that the above is only a mockup. Also, this is not portrayed in the mockup, but the player character and companion characters have their own watercolor style portrait to use in this UI.
  6. Ok folks how about we all take a breather here
  7. At one point I could have said that I do, but I've been on Deadfire exclusively for a good while :D Thank you! So besides concept art, can you reveal what else you're working on? I'm assuming atleast more portraits?
  8. At one point I could have said that I do, but I've been on Deadfire exclusively for a good while :D Thank you!
  9. I am but a magical gif wizard, able to dispense memes but not teases. Sorry, friends!
  10. I was confused by the art question as well. I've looked at a LOT of PF art, and I don't think there's a huge shift in style over time -- just shifts in style between artists. I figured they were trying to dance around saying "by Wayne Reynolds" and "not by Wayne Reynolds". PF online seemed to be shooting for a 3D interpretation of his work. Maybe thinking about it like that will help you answer the question? (I didn't complete the survey nor was I involved in creating it. I'm just full of opinions )
  11. The only problem I see here is that such a perfect game would kill me because I would never stop playing it even to eat, drink, or sleep What secrets are contained within untitlsdfawed-1.jpg, untitledfbasffffffd-1.jpg, untsfadfitled-1.jpg, and UGH.jpg?????
  12. sign me the f up this has been my desktop wallpaper for a few months now (nothing useful to contribute, sorry )
  13. Does the banana come with the patch?
  14. This prompts a question i've always wanted to ask: Dyes such as the young lady is wearing in her hair, and that are presumably used on clothing, how expensive are good ones in this Bronze Age setting? How many washes can they stand before fading? Are there specific creatures, ores or plants that are needed to cultivate the best dyes, and what prices do these command? Can an average citizen of Kyras' tyranny afford these in any quantity? Dyed by the blood of her enemies, naturally :D
  15. Acid Arrow was one from Paizo. Greater aid came down to "what art do I have to work with and how much time do I have to create this card" Painting art for spells is very time consuming
  16. I am very fond of TLJ but this gave me a giggle.
  17. If I remember correctly, one time through the power of Ranzak and luck, we won an entire scenario... before I had my turn. (Alternately, I had one turn, and it was something horrible like failing to acquire something and then having no way to explore again. Barely a turn at all.)
  18. I volunteer (Note: I am not a full-time artist on Tyranny. My heart belongs to pathfinder!)
  19. You'll never take me alive, coppers!
  20. Ruh roh, they found me!
  21. Working... so hard... send water....!!!!
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