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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Old thread too big, 1000 posts. Charlie episode - meh, so now he's crazy and hated. ITs interesting to have inter survivor tension. Worst english accents ever, there is no Voltron in England. Claire has nice eyes, Locke punching Charlie Libby obviously worked at Hurley's crazy house. Sawyer calling Hurley Jabba I want the episode where Locke gets paralysed. i want more episodes with Saeed.
  2. Of course Starbuck was a guy!! He was Face from The A-Team.
  3. I know of Gromnir but not directly. Yeah yeah i will post a report... or two. Expect it/them sometime during the weekend... ish.
  4. I had trouble following it and i'm from London!! Daniel Craig could be a good bond. http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0381061/Ss/...%20Daniel%20(I) ^ I don't know if thats an official pic or fan made, but he certainly looks the part.
  5. Its not lionel, Clark doesnt give a hot if lionel dies. Its obviously one of Jonathan, Martha, Lana or Chloe. Jonathan - Him dying would be a way to prevent him not being governor but since it was done in the movies, it may not be done here so as not to be predictable. Martha - Pretty boring character as of late so could be up for death Chloe - Her death could spur Lois to be a reporter and Clark to be more Supermannish Lana - Since CLark tells lana his secret and proposes to her it pretty much ends the one of the story arcs of the whole series, so killing her could keep it fresh. Also its in the Fortress so closer to Jorel to do his business.
  6. So you're saying he should receive some T.O.M.B.S. points? hmmm? Also, I'll give you 500 points for writing a review of Gromnir. heh heh heh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't mind doing it but its weird for me to do it since i don't know him.
  7. That makes sense, its prevents trolls and spammers. Its how celebrity sessions are done anyway. It also prevents a huge mass of people asking questions at the same time.
  8. That was a bunch of hot air and fireworks - as per bloody usual with Georgie. I think he basically caught the senate off guard with his posturing and shouting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who is this 'Georgie' ?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll give you a super secret special clue: Read the thread title. DOn't tell anybody else though, its a secret, just between you and me.
  9. That was a bunch of hot air and fireworks - as per bloody usual with Georgie. I think he basically caught the senate off guard with his posturing and shouting.
  10. Silmarillion is really depressing, everyone gets screwed over in that book.
  11. Did sinn fein ever call for the destruction of england?
  12. Clark finally tells Lana and propopes to her, in the Fortress of Solitude no less... so i think it will be her who dies. Thus spurring Clark into accepting his destiny instead of being a dim witted wuss.
  13. Finally! He flies!! Who dies though?
  14. Mothman's report on Launch is funny.
  15. Serves his constituents right for voting on single issue politics.
  16. Fed up being a moderator?
  17. If her eyes are like the pic BW posted then why cover them at all?
  18. Agreed and the main character would be called Llyranorsaurus Sex.
  19. Ok... time's up. Time to die! I'll do a report, i'll a do a couple. I have found some interesting info from the post-stalking. That is all goodbye.
  20. Has an OE dev or someone he knows ever pulled a booth babe? If so that would be so sweet.
  21. Hades is right. Screw KOTOR3, we want Knights Who Say Ni Republic.
  22. That is why you fail
  23. I think i have an idea as to why Why would you be terrified?
  24. Thats it, i'm starting a malk playthrough, my gangrel thug is extremely boring and protean is so sloooooow.
  25. Nope, disciplines dont affect dialogues. Kinda pointless since ther are three different manipulative convo skills already available - Intimidation Persuasion and Seduction.
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