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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Those epithets are quite offensive and suggests ignorance on your part.
  2. Good for you Kraften... err I mean Kraten, sorry Kaftan!!
  3. Freedom of press and freedom of speech are two things more sacred than any religious dogma. And as always, a person in Palestine or Germany has no say whatsoever of what is printed in a newspaper in Denmark. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. Thats basically it, those who are offended by the cartoons have every right to feel that way and voice their objections as per the law of Denmark but in this case the guys took it way too far. Its down to the intent of the artist, did they draw the pics knowing it would irk Muslims? I guess it doesn't matter because the artist would have the right to do so. A few years back Nigeria was set to host Miss World, in some Nigerian paper ther was an editorial which claimed in a jestful manner that the contestants would be worthy of Prophet Mohammed himself. The reaction? Huge civil unrest - riots and violence in Nigeria in outrage at the article. The contest was moved to a different country. So it seems that there are muslims who take severe action if they feel they have been disrespected via opinion.
  4. I don't like Doritos unless its with a dip. Remember that Doritos commercial from the late 90's with the really hot girl in a laundromat? She was so hawt!! she got married to that latino guy from the original Saved By The Bell.
  5. So what does everyone think about the actual topic?
  6. WRONG!!! (!) (!) Happy new year btw.
  7. What am i meant to be seeing in Marka Ragnos' sig? Tell me. Tell me now!! :angry: Oh and err i ate some liver with some fava beans and a nice chiante.
  8. Season Four. AKA the stupid season. The episode is called Run. Aquaman appears early in season 5. Cyborg from The Titans will appear soon, even Supergirl and Krypto showed up.. in a way. There will be no Batman however.
  9. What do you want to know? Lets break it down.
  10. I didn't even know you had a job... but if you're happy, then hey we can all dance! ) Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the blues
  11. Look at the topic title, Infini TITY! Hee Hee.
  12. Are your speech patterns modelled on that of the malkavian?
  13. IT could be Child Of Flame having a lark, i miss CoF i wonder where he is and what he is doing...
  14. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your modship... or rather the lack thereof. Was it voluntary?
  15. Did you jump or were you pushed?
  16. speculation on their part, anyway this should really go here.
  17. +50 T.O.M.B.S. points to Launch for the humourous sig.
  18. +50 T.O.M.B.S. points to Laozi for the humourous sig.
  19. Another "who's hotter" topic, yay! http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...ighlite=hott%2A
  20. yeah Jonathan even died the same way as Pa Kent in the movie. :'( One of the best episodes.
  21. The first part wasn't exactly flattering to them and ultimately extraneous You should have put that as your first question.
  22. Oh yeah i forgot to mention a nother weird aspect of the island apparently it makes babies grow really fast.
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