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Everything posted by Jumjalum

  1. I wonder if Bio asked Clive Owen if they could use his face.
  2. You can back up stuff from Steam onto CDs, not sure how well it works since I've never had to do it, but I trust Valve aren't going to disappear in the near future.
  3. I strongly disliked the idea of Steam when I first heard about it. I tolerated it with some vitriol when Half-Life 2 was installing. Now I have zero problems with it. It costs less to buy from Steam than in a store (moreso if you live in the UK) and I know the money goes straight to the developers, aside from a small percentage for Valve, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I don't really care about manuals anymore as most games include tutorials which tend to be more enjoyable than a reading exercise. As a bonus I could lose my CDs and computer in a freak volcano accident and I'd be able to reinstall everything from another PC. There are some things which are definitely concerning such as BF2's multitude of expansions, which will really mess up server lists, and Oblivion's overpriced horse armour...which just sucks really but overall I'm ready for the future of software delivery so long as the prices stay lower.
  4. I doubt it. As long as a decent quality is kept there should be enough bnet kiddies to keep a movie like this afloat. It better be funny, I don't think I could stomach a po-faced warcraft film full of teen dramas.
  5. Also NWN2. We are showing it at three different locations this year. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a display-off! Who will win the golden lolling tongue?
  6. I'm not sure how much I like 'Matrix moments' in my fantasy stuff, which is why I likely won't go near the new Dungeon Siege film (as if I needed another reason).
  7. Not bad, I'll keep waiting for more gameplay movies though.
  8. Does that mean no boobies in NWN2?
  9. Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Double yes.
  10. Is IGN all screwed up for anyone else? It's been weird for ages with me. Great vids though, I especially like the lighting effects you can make in vid 3 and the char creation looks sweet.
  11. The outdoor scenes are magnificent, the indoor ones remind me of NWN1 though. I agree with StillLife about the action queues, they take all the immediacy out of combat.
  12. Yeah, not the choice I would have made but nevermind, and I'm disappointed at no native american civ. Unique buildings though, woo.
  13. *strokes his mint Fallout: Radioactive box* These babies were going for
  14. I had a problem where my avatar would seem to stay the same whenever I tried updating it. It turned out it was something to do with my cache and that clearing it or posting a new thread showed the new avatar.
  15. What's wrong with a simple spoiler warning for those who might not know the posting tendencies of certain members? It doesn't have to be anything fancy, a 'SPOILER' followed by a couple of blank lines would be enough. (I hate having things spoiled. I don't know how many books/movies/games have been screwed by what I've read in forums)
  16. As long as it's a good 20 hours I don't have a huge problem with it. It may be that there is more content than you'd get on just one playthrough which would make the length of the game a debatable point.
  17. I don't think there's any legal way to get them now short of buying the soundtrack CD second hand.
  18. But it's like trying to get the best time in the 100 metres, you wouldn't suggest they use a car.
  19. I think they're entertaining, the Doom videos are amazing.
  20. Mostly Oblivion, I'm about to install the Rise of Legends demo since it got a very favourable review in PC Zone.
  21. Hi, I just read about this site that has vids of speed runs through popular games and thought you might be interested, there are some pretty cool items on display. Morrowind in 7 and a half minutes is insane, Fallout in 9 minutes and BG in half an hour were fun. I haven't looked at the console sections yet.
  22. Have you played the X games? They have gotten some great reviews.
  23. Oblivion is easily the best sandbox RPG since the 90s, and much better than Morrowind. Of course the writing and VO is crap a lot of the time (although Sean Bean does a good job with the amount of gibberish he has to say) but there's so much of it any other standards would be pretty much impossible. If you want to find flaws with Oblivion you could have a 10 page list after a few hours, but it has so much going for it it's a shame to dismiss it because it can't do everything. Combat is fun and the different perks you earn keep it interesting, the graphics are the best I've seen, quests are surprisingly good especially compared to Morrowind. The scope of the world is impressive, I haven't even been to 3 of the towns yet, I've only closed 1 oblivion gate and I haven't done that many dungeons and I've been playing for almost 40 hours. Overall the best game of the last few years for me, I hope it keeps selling truckloads and a couple of good expansions come out. And shooting townsfolk with arrows and the knockdown perk is fun.
  24. I never wanted to be a forum monkey anyway. I always wanted to be...........A LUMBERJACK!
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