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Everything posted by Calax

  1. no... that's "Encyclopedia Dramatica"
  2. Meh, I always liked Detective Logan out of all the various Law and Order cops (tho the new guys are pretty good). I never really got into CI. I always liked the original Law and Order the best.
  3. I knew one of those crazy kiwi bastards who eat nothing for breakfast, an apple for lunch and fish & chips for dinner, and still grew a 6" hulk at age 12. I went from the shortest kid in my class to the tallest when I turned 12 (I shot up 2 feet to 6')
  4. http://calax.mybrute.com/fight/13282479
  5. Clone wars? Good game? in same sentance? Are you smoking? Clone wars was probably one of the most boring games I've ever played. Kotor and Jedi Knight are both good, but Empire at War is only fun in space battles and the expansion is TOTALLY unbalanced. *sigh* why can't people remember quality games? Like Tie Fighter, and Dark Forces?
  6. here's a shot of my south west currently.
  7. I think he's referring to the fact that some cities you can build everything from barraks to observatories to walls to artillary depots, but others you can only build a seat of government and the walls for the city.
  8. not really, Democracy will always be hampered by the fact that you can either cater to the majority or minority, hardly ever to both. I mean look at the current presidential campaign. Everything is segmented and targeted, nobody runs on the ideal of "well this'll be good for the nation, but unpopular until later" they all run on the idea that "they'll like me even if this will cripple us in the future". sorry didn't mean to rant on that. Tyrrany of the majority means that the majority can EASILY overwrite the minorities ability to protect itself. And while there are blocks on the federal level from this happening, California currently is the easiest state to cause a majority to just utterly decapitate the minorities ability to have a say, with how they amend their constitution. A perfect democracy works only if everyone is totally selfless and pays attention to the whole. If even ONE person becomes selfish about this they can easily manipulate everyone in the system to giving them power. *pulls out popcorn*
  9. My swede's now have control of everything north east of Warsaw except for Courland. I managed to make what remained of Poland into my protectorate (apparently taking Saxony's protectorship from them too). Now I'm left with a choice, take on Russia and keep moving south (into Turkish territory) or head West and kill prussia (taking the last few victory conditions). I'm leaning towards prussia but finishing off Russia sounds fun too. Btw is there anyway to look of a census of Troop numbers and populations of your territories?
  10. an RPG would be nice. maybe an RPG that spoofs gamer culture as a whole :D
  11. Got to level three and got my head handed to me in all my fights
  12. '.. order sixty-six!" sorry I'd probably go with bond... he gets more sex than the other two :D
  13. never ran away, but did nearly cause my 'rents to kick me out 6 times now. At least the kid showed intelligence in that he ran with enough equipment and supplies to make a life for himself, rather than fleeing only to find he's gotta practically prostitute himself to make ends meet.
  14. I think they can see the politics at the fed level a tiny bit, but for the most part they can't see the legal maneuvering like we do (nor can we do the same to them)
  15. I won the contest so if anyone should get the vip tag it should be me :D I'm kidding.
  16. I'm almost to three. I'm waiting for tonights 3 matches to become available.
  17. I'd say that she is "INTO" you. Might be healthy might not be. but at the very least you should get a couple of nights of bouncy fun out of it. still catching up on my forums. being kept from your computer for 60 odd hours does not lead to simple scanning.
  18. Yay My guy beat up Pidesco! http://calax.mybrute.com
  19. Calax


    Just picked up Instrumentalities of the Night book two (didn't have book one ) thus far it's been quite fun, but doesn't have the same feel as Company and Dread Empire.
  20. went down to SF to visit my brother (sunnyvale actually). Car broke down the day we were supposed to come back so we ended up spending another day there. Car's still there (we took a rental back east) for another three days.
  21. Calax


    That's a book? I kinda liked the concept but didn't really get into it very much. You dont count comic books as books? Im half way through book six and i love the series so far. I heard it dies towards the end though. After this I have another book in line, Don Quixote. I do, dont' get me wrong, but Y kinda lost me after the third Trade. Don't know why but It just got really boring to me.
  22. the wii is first and foremost a party system. If you get it don't expect to get much single player enjoyment out of it. It's designed so that you can laugh at your friends incompetence and vice versa. PS2 has a good back catalogue of games but it and it's stronger brother are both designed primairly for the single player experiance. PS2 in particular given it doesn't have online multiplayer. So... I'd suggest Wii only if you know you're gonna have a constant group of friends to play it with, PS2/3 if you're gonna have some more single player time on your hands. But I don't know if you're gonna have problems with the Playstations because of region difficulties.
  23. HA! (of course now you all will forget my birthday... even though it's pot heads favorite day, the day hitler was born, and the columbine highschool incident's anniversary... now I'm depressed) Did my taxes... overall I should be getting about 500 from the government.
  24. sounds like this is one of those threads that'll get dominated by Left 4 dead eventually. Like when you're trying to save somebody from a smoker only to shoot through the smoker into the witch right behind it... then you run run run and get away only to die from friendly fire (hunting rifle on expert is DEMONIC on friendlies) as you flee back to the group with a horde on your tail.
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