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Everything posted by Calax

  1. well it looks like I"m gonna pull off a 3.2ish gpa for this semester... first time I've gotten above a 2.7 since 7th grade...
  2. I agree dude. **** MMO's (even though this is about the 18th time I've said this. .... why the hatin?
  3. first grade is in for the semester... B in Business 300
  4. wha? explain Soap's character was moved up to be the new version of Captain Price (who has made it into almost every Infinity Ward COD release). The grizzled vet who helps you do stuff.
  5. Gave my business presentation and got a "significantly above average" review from the teacher. Funny part was that at the end of the presentation he asks questions of the group presenting... he didn't ask me a blessed thing. I'd thought we were screwed because the simplicity of our plan, and the tiny tiny size of it (I could pay for the entire thing on my credit card). of course there was one numbskull who said "I'm gonna replace the yellow pages with a technological version!" and then failed to give us a reason why customers would switch other than "going green". Oh and he'd required 40mil to get himself off the ground.
  6. *reads a game informer article* lessee.... Bigger levels, no infinity respawning enemies, and soap is now captain price.
  7. when I first saw this thread I thought "Indigo Prophecy!" .... Does that count?
  8. Captain Quash returns! Hate to burst a bubble or two or twenty, but the MMO unfortunatly precludes the creation of a third game, because the two projects would be worked on in different areas and thus probably would be inconsistant with each other on plot and futures. This can work in certain areas (releasing a game set in the same universe at around the same time) but with Kotor where the entire story is being told via the games AND is heavily tied to itself, you won't see them take the chance at tempting the nerd rage traps by saying (for example) revan was female in the MMO and male in 3.
  9. Calax


    http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?act=members Not according to that
  10. Wrath of the Lich King... interestingly on my server I'm the 12th ranked Protection warrior gear wise! (source:wow-heroes.com) According to that I've got better gear than my old guilds BEST tank! (the ones who I left in January)
  11. Calax


    I wasn't using the search feature. I was using the members feature, then filtering by group (mods, admin, devs, and general)... it comes up with a everyone from Bulock to Avallone to Feragus, but not Sawyer.
  12. Calax


    Sawyer, Feargus and some others are part of developers+ category and you can
  13. Calax


    What!? When did Sawyer disappear! I just checked out member listings and he's gone! On a side note, who do I talk to about me being in New Vegas?
  14. seating my ass off over my final presentation in Business tommarow... once I get it done I'm gonna go to Star Trek.
  15. *in health class* "Now girls THIS is your vulva" "That's not me!" "..." do we need to dig up the Mind of Mencia clip for this which includes usnavy?
  16. my name is "valiant fighter" "Olive tree/host of elves/ancestor" (town in england minus a w)
  17. well names usually skip generations, so kids have grandparents names. Thus I'm now going by my middle name which I haven't seen, but there were 3 guys with the same first name as me in my school career.
  18. Where did you get a signed copy? It was part of his fanfic contest prize. yup, that, a tee shirt, and apparently plans are that I'm gonna have a character in New Vegas named after me. like i said, weirdest part about the Storm of Zehir is that it's Euro not US
  19. From yesterday... tiny pictures but still.
  20. ... Blue red and green were DA BOMB!
  21. Calax


    Picked up Dragon Never Sleeps by Glenn Cook. Not as good as his previous titles. The narrative is slippery compared to the others, constantly changing it's focus around the characters, but also it feels like I lost a couple of major events, and the sense of time is REALLY screwy.
  22. Two things, went insane due to hearsay by a classmate who said that our class projects were due tonight rather than next week. So I ended up spending most of my time in the library working on the damn thing. Then I got part of my reward for winning the fic contest, Shirt, and signed Storm of Zehir. Interestingly Storm of Zehir is the Euro version rather than US (rated 12+ by PEGI!) when I'm more awake I'll post Peektures. Shirt fits well however.
  23. well my guild just plowed into the antichamber and kicked the crap out of two bosses in there.
  24. Hey, if you're going to make an accusation like that, at least show where I did that. My point was actually quite similar to yours, any solution proposed seems to introduce as many problems as it solves. I was referring to the whole "America subsidizing pharmaceutical research" argument. It's weaksauce. Yes, the U.S. is the only major country where individuals make the purchases and usually pay retail prices, while the rest of the world buys in bulk at a heavy discount. The argument implies that, were the U.S. to switch to the bulk-buying model, the pharma companies would cease or reduce their research, which is ludicrous-- research is their core moneymaking function. Their whole business model is to keep coming up with new treatments and make money on them before the patents expire and they have to compete with generics. What would really happen is that the bulk buying discount would decline for everyone around the world to make up for the loss of all the retail-price sales in America. I'm not sure what bulk-buying means in the context of national drug purchases. Do they guaranty a certain amount ahead of time in the way US can't? I believe it's more accurate to say that drug prices are government controlled, and I doubt the rest of the world would be willing to pay more if US suddenly starts paying less. Thus I would expect a decrease in expensive research. I think what you're misunderstanding is that America as a whole is paying MUCH more than other countries because the countries buy bulk from the companies while we make microtransactions with the company. The fastest way to reduce costs would be for somebody to buy bulk amounts of meds from a country and then sell them at a similarly reduced cost to the consumer. Amazingly a go between actually CUTS costs rather than skyrockets them in this case.
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