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Everything posted by Calax

  1. so we're investigating human disappearances? And it sounds like we're assembling a team thats totally different from the previous one. So are they looking for a sequel or a same universe game?
  2. I actually enjoyed the first two max payne games (except the baby levels in Max Payne one... those were just annoying), I don't exactly see where they can go with this thing considering it'd be using a very very flawed character who's wrapped up all his problems to do something else. Of course the face we see on the page looks more like the the guy from Condemned than anything else.
  3. notice the stickies? That was where all the information was placed at the beginning of the contest.
  4. THe contest that was held because the community turned 5 years old last month.
  5. problem is that they don't tell you the traits when you're able to look at them down below, I found that if I booted one in favor of a better one (like 3->7 stars) the bonus's were the same thing but the amount of the bonus leap up
  6. Those sound like sucker punch or lucky punch situations. Fights between two people who know what they're doing that don't have one guy getting a lucky shot in can take a very long time, and are not particularly exciting. I mean, as a fight enthusiast, I would love to see a game that just tried to capture the feel of a real fight but A) it would have a really small market B) be really broken in terms of balance C) and would likely have some really nasty control issues do to the fact that people fighting do a lot of different things. I guess that's the problem with real fights, they A) do too much damage and B) are always unbalanced. One guy I know broke three fingers and his nose and got KO'd but still won the fight (because he got KO'd last )
  7. And it's done. End ending was ok, but considering there's going to be at sequel (or maybe more than one) that will most likely be fixed. As long as there's not a KotOR II type cliffhanger... It's been said it's a trilogy, but I think bioware won't be leaving us hanging too bad at the end of ME2. But I do wonder how they'll handle all the branches you had in ME1
  8. I could dig it up on my comp, but I think that they'll post it somewhere
  9. bah, I barely remember what I won. I know I got a Teeshirt but I'm not sure what I got otherwise... I remember the fan fic one being the better prize but
  10. Holy **** I won the fanfic contest? Thats................ holy **** *goes hunting for info, can't find it* What did I win again? A tee shirt and... an npc named after me?
  11. I started a long game as sweden... thus far I've managed to take out a tiny country (it had one province) on the baltic, but ended up trading it to prussia for east prussia and a stack of tech (They're offering me stupid amounts of tech and money for it back now ), got bored and attacked Netherlands, managed to wipe out their european presance (they've still got iceland) and have been driven insane by russia and lituania as they both are sending gentlemen and single unit armies through my northern territories. Right now my main thrust is aimed at Russia while I've got a couple armies holding the larger forces at bay at choke points but my eastern flank is just to open to catch everything. Fortunately I'm earning close to 10k a turn so I'm working on bringing my western armies back up to full (did you know that when you run out of money they automatically cut all your troop numbers in HALF to reduce upkeep?) The AI is pretty easy to exploit. I managed to take a fort with about equal forces and no seige equipment by splitting my army into three pieces two of them (most of my soldiers) I had run up and throw up ladders to the walls (drawing most of the ai's army to those points) then run away, the AI just kinda stood there staring at my soldiers and throwing the odd cannon ball. Meanwhile on the other side of the fort, three regiments of line infantry scaled the wall and quickly got into the fort proper. they fought off the enemy general and a unit of militia and took the center of the fort (starting the victory countdown). In order to prevent the forces on the walls from going down, I simply set the units I'd used to attract their attention to head up the walls. One actually did pretty succesfully and managed to wipe out two units on the wall because one regiment scaled on either side of the two enemy regiments. The others managed to hold their own long enough for the countdown to finish and for me to take the place. (I think I was retaking St. Petersburg actually). Funniest thing I've ever had happen is I had 3 squads of flintlock infantry hold a town (walled) against a line unit. It was pretty hard (pesants SUCK) but I was able to make them scale the damn wall like four times before they started fighting. One of the interesting things I was able to figure out by trial and error was that I was able to change my ministers so that I had the best ministers overall in position to run my government (simply go to the ministers tab and then drag the guy with more stars from below over the one with less stars above instead of just selecting the current minister and hitting the kick button and hoping for the best).
  12. Maybe we could make a little list of all the choices that could change stuff in ME2? I'll start with the ones I can remember
  13. Calax


    That's a book? I kinda liked the concept but didn't really get into it very much.
  14. Calax


    Since I finished the first black company novel I've read The White Rose Shadow Games Dreams of Steel Bleak Seasons She is the Darkness and am working on Water Sleeps From the first trilogy to the later books there is a MASSIVE change in tone, that I particularly don't like to be honest. They're still good books, but the first ones seemed to be more fun and more down and dirty while the later ones were more disconnected from the character being a soldier first and foremost.
  15. Just gonna say that most real fights don't have any sort of martial arts to them. Or if they do it's all happening so fast that you don't see stuff very quickly. I mean school yard fights that I saw were usually over in 5 seconds as the guy who landed the first hit just beat the crap out of the other guy. Now things are probably different with spys but I don't think that a fist fight between spys would be flashy or long. I understand that the devs wanted flashy (I actually agree with them), but I don't expect there to be much in the way of hand to hand in the game (as it's just easier to start blowing people away with gunz).
  16. The game is semi-good if you just look at the first half(?). The developers had to finish the game on a deadline and the last half(?) suffered... a lot. The game had some interesting ideas, but the quick time events really aren't the way to do action sequences. Want to watch 5 minutes of exposition? Do it while playing Simon Says... I think it's because their idea was to try to make it so that it was less like a standard game, and more like a movie. I personally think that you're right in that the simon says sequences were just unnecessary and made it so that you didn't really watch the sequences. it looks like they're improving on this with Heavy Rain.
  17. Finished Fahrenheit. I found it easier than the first time, and started reflecting on the game itself. I think people wouldn't have so many problems with the game if they actually took the time to explain how Lucas all of a sudden became Neo. I mean the first time his "powers" mainfest themselves like that he dodges bullets. If they had either made it so he developed his powers (like he started doing small feats of strength or something), or that it was obvious something else took over when he was in those situations, people probably wouldn't have been nearly as frustrated with it. Of course that still doesn't get around Carla "I have sex with ice cubes" Valenti's oddities. I mean the girl doesn't seem to have any sort of personal life (except for talking with a gay neighbor)... She's a workaholic taken to a whole other level, and she seems to be somewhat of a to trusting soul to be a good investigator (would you really not bring in somebody you KNOW did the killings because he said that he was mind controlled?). Also the fact she falls in love with her murder suspect at the drop of a hat (even though he's already dead) and has sex with his nearly frozen body (from what I could tell, he was about room temperature which at the time seemed to be about -60 C, that must have been uncomfortable to say the least)
  18. Perfect opportunity, tell her that it might be dangerous to be at home. Offer your place as a haven. I guess this wouldn't work if you are in High School. Community college. her place is actually about an hour from where I'm staying so it'd probably be more inconvenient for her. Plus the fact I'm living off my 'rents. Then you can stay at her place, on the couch of course, to make her feel safe. I offered, she didn't take me up on it. My guess would be because I'm not really that close with her. WE only have really been able to talk at class, I've tried to get her out of class but she's always been swamped with other stuff she's gotta do.
  19. Perfect opportunity, tell her that it might be dangerous to be at home. Offer your place as a haven. I guess this wouldn't work if you are in High School. Community college. her place is actually about an hour from where I'm staying so it'd probably be more inconvenient for her. Plus the fact I'm living off my 'rents.
  20. Well the girl at school I'm actively persuing had her house broken into this week, and thus her faith in humanity is gone. I'm doing the best I can to be supportive of her and offer her support but I'm guessing I'm not gonna get very far with her (She literally said "Everything I've had has been lost over the past 2 years"). Why do I get into these weird situations with women? WHY!? Do I attract broken people or something? Ok this one isn't as weird as the last one but still, it feels like due to circumstances out of my control I'm always running into a wall in terms of relationships.
  21. meh, my family would always refer to the channel as "skiffy" rather than sci fi. I have noticed that they're focusing a lot less on the scifi genre anymore with shows like ghost hunters and ecw and anime so maybe they're trying to get away from being related to a single genre? It's almost like they're trying to shift to be more like G4 but on basic cable (which would probably make them more profitable if you think about it, nobodies embraced gaming culture on basic cable to a very good degree.)
  22. Because that's whats been released by the developers as what's happening?
  23. I... just had to laugh at this: Hello! This morning, I have received love the Internet Dispatch, from the unknown person to me of the addressee. In the given letter, it was spoken about Love relations between people. In the list e-mail addressees, I have seen Your address. I long thought before writing to you. I consider, that The given chance for me unique, therefore I have decided to write to you. I I wish to find the true love! I would like to begin acquaintances with The small story about me. My name is Hasmik. To me of 27 years. I The quiet, young, purposeful girl. I conduct the healthy Way of life. I do not smoke and I do not take alcohol. I have work, Which very strongly I love. But I do not have not enough love. On the Internet I more recently. I have no wide experience in The Internet acquaintances. I wish to get acquainted with you more close, by means of the electronic Mails. Please reply only to my personal e-mail: hasyglam@yahoo.co.uk I with pleasure will answer you your letter as I will send you my photo. I with the big impatience will wait from you the letter with the full story about myself. Yours Hasmik. How do you freaking screw up the english language that badly than say you're from the uk (points to he email address given), there was a photo attached (which is why i opened this, to see what sort of bull they were trying to get me to get on my system). Also why did this come from (I"m not kidding here) "discredited@starhub.net.sg"? Man some people are total idiots.
  24. You're the first big daddy created, so you probably don't have the inherent programming of your successors. You are also not as burly as them but have more agility (probably so that they didn't have to hamper how players moved). For the most part the story is being kept under lock and key, but from what I understand you're trying to prevent the big sister from creating more little sisters and keeping rapture in a weird state of existence. the game takes place 10 years after the events of the first, and Big sis is actually one of the little sisters you saved in the first game. I'd guess that your programming as a big daddy is to help the little sisters, but it got mucked up a tiny bit so that you want to rescue them from their existence rather than perpetuate this little shop of horrors.
  25. I did like the subliminal messaging and the GIANT TEXT in the backround at the beginning :D
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