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Everything posted by Calax

  1. started rise of the argonauts... Gotta say this game needed some more polish. On my PS3 the lip synch is off, and when in a conversation the characters don't move at all... unless they shift positions 2 seconds after they should have. Also the combat thus far is very very boring... basically mash weak attack until shield breaks then mash weak weak strong to kill.
  2. That assumes tons of players (or at least one fanatic) there is certainly an interest in alpha protocol, so I highly doubt it'll just disappear and people won't do anything with it. I mean even the most generic games have fanbases behind them.
  3. Thats what you won for your fanfic, right? What game will you be in? Personally, I think thats pretty friggin cool. I would love to see Gfted1 in a game but I would want it to be my avvy. They haven't told me which game I got into, they don't know yet (might be aliens). But I think they're gonna use my REAL name rather than my Handle so I might or might not tell you who I am depending on what happens to my character :D Calax - the new Trask Ulgo actually I was thinking worse than Trask... more like a guy who appears just long enough to say a single line and then die (like the scientist at the end of noveria) What'd be really awesome (but too much work I'd think) is if they had me submit a pic or something and then they modeled the NPC after me totally... (well maybe not psycologically but still)
  4. last day of classes before spring break (yay) but then I never do anything during break (awww) so *shrugs*. Anyway my business group just spun off two of our brighter people so it's me, one other guy, and a couple of dead weights putting together a business plan for the end of the semester. *is frustrated* Meanwhile I'm still salivating over the fact that I'm an NPC in a game now... I just wonder if it's gonna be the guy who appears for thirty seconds to die (probably).
  5. Calax


    Finished reading through the black company novels (including the side story that tells about characters who depart the group at the end of the third book). Cook is homocidal on his characters. Only TWO characters are actually alive at the beginning of the first book and the end of the last, and they spend 15 years in stasis, and one of em was a sorceress who started aging at the end of the third novel. The other guy is like 60+ by the end of the final novel and has been cut, clobbered, burned, exploded, and had a ballista bolt go through his arm... then he swaps conscious places with a god (so he gets the gods immortal viewpoint and the god gets to live as a human and die). Hell in the side story every single character that starts in the book gets killed by the end except for THREE (out of a group of 15 ish) Soldiers live, and wonder why. Now to go search my bookshelf for something more.
  6. Actually most RTS's have at least one mission with an enforced time limit, but usually it's to kill/rescue some punk. TO rescue the guy however they usually have you simply GET to him rather than drag him all the way back to your base.
  7. A list of todays april fools jokes by companies http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.104522 including dance offs in WoW, Pimp my mount, Archivist Class, Terrans getting a giant anime-esque robot (created by turning their entire base into a transformer)...
  8. He's from Unskippable... they had Yahtzee do a bit on unskippable and he said he's gonna do Zpunc better than Yahtzee (and called Yahtzee a short strait)
  9. I think that was in most origional FPS's... if you missed the elevator you were screwed because you usually fell just as fast as the thing moved so it'd touch down and you'd splatter.
  10. wow... 20 days and I'm 23... didn't realize it was that close
  11. Burning Crusade wasn't that bad. But for Wrath they just sent the voice acting to hell. The guy who did Kel'Thuzad in War3 is now copying christian bale's batman voice and playing arthas. And all the other voices sound like they were done by drama students.
  12. More empire... managed to take Moscow and the little province to the north. At the same time as this happened I put together a rather large army to head off an army of similar size from russia that was trying to head up into st petersburg. I attacked and managed to defeat that force only to have a MASSIVE lithuanian army appear (the way they attacked was between two forests south of which was Vilnus the polish/lithuanian capital... it was one of the only routes left for them after I'd sent an army after Moscow. I'd attacked them inside their territory) and attack my army. My army was about 2/3rds the size of his but I managed through A LOT of mobility pick the AI's army apart and kill it. On a hunch I sent a rake out to Vilnus and found that the army they'd attacked me with had been defending their capital. I promptly moved in and took over, and immediately posted my troops to re-build themselves, given they'd fallen to about 1/3 of their number's at full recruitment. Capturing Vilnus was a blessing I didn't see until after the fight as I'd managed to create a connection between my south west and south eastern territories (previously Netherlands, and Prussia had been unable to do much but simply sit because it'd take to long to shift troops from one end of the baltic to the other). I managed to sue for peace from Russia (don't know how long that'll hold given they still hate me), and tried to do the same with Poland. When you go into diplomatic relations it mentions their prestige rank and their military strength. Both Poland and Russia had "Feeble" military power and very very low prestige ranks, I was moderate prestige (probably because thus far only the Polish and Russians had felt the wrath of my armies) and my military strength is "Terrifying". From the looks of it I've got one of the largest number of men under arms except for England, who's army seems confined to his island. I should probably bully the Danes into submission (they're sitting out on iceland unable to do anything), but I'm thinking I might start fighting with the Prussians (who GAVE me east prussia in exchange for Courland... and now want it back EVERY SINGLE TURN for three techs and 200 gold) to complete my baltic sea ownership (courland is the only other province on the Baltic I don't own and it's a victory territory for me). And it's only 1735. I also played some Civ 4 with friends in a 4 on 4 team game. We set it up so that we were on separate continents from the AI with a small channel in the middle. Most of the game was pretty boring as we teched up and got our economies sorted out. Finally two of my friends (the best of us) thought they should start trying to make up an army to hit the enemies shores with. They put together probably 30 units between them and shipped out, landing and taking Moscow right off the bat. They started trying to head north (because the statue of zues was KILLING our economy and cities populations, and it was located in babylon further north and inland) but didn't get very far as three MASSIVE armies just came up from out of nowhere and stomped all over their army. They grumbled a bit, but by this time our weakest member had spent the ENTIRE time they'd been in the fight building units. Maybe 20-30 turns later we give it another go. This time all of us have at LEAST 15 unit armies that outclass the ai's armies by a large scale (infantry vs Macemen wut!?) It took almost 5 turns to get all the units across the seas and I retook Moscow again (Stalin only had one other city... and China had "recaptured" moscow when they destroyed my friends forces), Me and the Germans' (darkshape from L4D if you've played with him) held moscow against two larger armies (MG's really do make quite good defenders) then when it looked like we'd weathered the storm he stripped most of his units out and headed for Babylon again. During our defense of moscow the other two players (Phoenix and Ric0ch3t) headed south, taking St. Petersburg (stalins only city after the first war) and generally wreaking havoc. We all gain confidence and start attacking me and Phoenix pushing towards a Chinese city that had 28(!) units in it, while Shape ZOOMED towards Babylon and Ric0 played defender of our two new cities. Just as me and Phoenix were about to attack the chinese city, shape took babylon and made our enemies into vassal states winning the game. From what we could tell the Statue of Zues was their only hope, if the war had gone on much longer we'd have had MUCH more problems keeping our cities alive because of unrest. Militarily it looks like that 28 unit army was the last force they had in all their territory, and me and phoenix managed to bottle it up enough that Shape was able to outflank any Ai forces with his infantry and hit babylon itself (on a gamble). Honestly we could have lost or at least had STUPID amounts of problems if the AI hadn't let us buy peace with 45 gold.
  13. Did some sitting around... then went to friends and was able to dominate some computers on CIV IV, then came back and looked at the March Maddness that Escapist magazine is putting on. It looks like Relic has been beating the odds left and right knocking out Insomniac, Infinity Ward and Activision/Blizzard in the first three rounds (relic was seeded 12th to start out... Activision/Blizz was seeded first and actually went into overtime to figure out the victor) Their current opponent (or rather the one they will face in the next round) is harmonix. Talk about an underdog.
  14. Tie Fighter Dark Forces Xwing Republic Commando and X-Wing Alliance are probably my favorites overall. Tie Fighter and Xwing were BRILLIANT and I wish Lucas Arts would revive the franchise... or at least remake them (with Holland at the helm again) with good graphics.
  15. you fight with a small army of worms against each other... weapons include poke, holy handgrenade (before it goes off you hear "HALLELUJAH!"), Banana bomb (a bomb that explodes into smaller bombs), super sheep (fly around and explode)... and many many more
  16. My reasons were: 1. Emulate SNES games. totally So I have managed to connect my ps3 to the internet. Posting from Linux now. Pretty neat. I <3 built in WiFi... it's my only console that I can get online :D
  17. Empire total war... See my post in the empire thread for the full details but I FINIALLY got a heroic victory (two casualties to 115) and promptly crashed to desktop. God I hope the auto save isn't too far back.
  18. well I went back and did about 10 turns as sweden again. my tech level (other than infantry) is WAY behind everyone elses, but I've got a "terrifying" military presence. I'm working on a war with poland/lithuania and russia Currently the Ruskies I think are having trouble economically because at best they're sending one and two unit stacks to attack my north (while I sent a pair of 3/4 stacks to start sacking their territories) Poland however is husbanding their forces (I sent a similar stack to the ones in Russia, after Vilnus and it got DEMOLISHED by a full stack of units). So right now I've just decided to hold the line with Poland (which is fairly easy) while I'm working russia over. I had my first heroic victory (a 9 stack of line infantry and grenadiers attacked a single unit of line infantry... I lost two people to their 115) and promptly crashed to desktop. I was pissed.
  19. How about Myth 2 where if you didn't install to the default location, when you uninstalled it'd wipe your hard drive?
  20. And there was much rejoicing. well I own a PC version of 7... it's just the clock speed has increased such that the backround scene and what the sprites are doing don't match up (I think that when I saw barret and dyne loose their arms the sprites finished a full minute ahead of their backround movie.)
  21. I come in here and the first thing I think is "Worms"
  22. I went to a boy scout camp where we spent most of dinner killing wasp after wasp after wasp... and this was AFTER they'd smoke bombed every nest they could find. One of the older boys would eat everything except for a slab of ham... then just sit there and kill any wasp that landed on the meat to eat.... then when we were told to clear our plates he'd get up and put the 60 or 70 carcasses into the dishwater with his plate (much to the chagrin of the dishwashing troop)
  23. I hear her voice and just melt into a puddle of Midichlorines!
  24. It's gotta be a new IP. Their three major brands are already underdevelopment or in play (warcraft, starcraft and diablo), Their MMO is gonna be a new IP and this one probably will be too. I don't think we'll see a Warcraft 4 until WoW is buried and it's fields are sewn with salt.
  25. hrm... no old LucasArts games, and the older square pc titles aren't on there. *sigh* I'm never gonna find a working copy of Tie Fighter, X-wing, Dark Forces, or FF7/8 am I?
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