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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. My parents told my older brother that if he caught a pigeon with his bare hands he would be gifted a speedboat. He tried for many years until at around the age of seven he finally appeared clutching one in his hands. They failed to stick to their bet, and possibly by coincidence his slide into delinquency, anti-establishmentarianism and drugs began shortly thereafter!
  2. Quick reflexes. Now catch a stingray with chopsticks. I don't know if it's courage. It's more reflex. I know if i were caught in the situation you describe I would shin up his arm , down his front, into his pants and kick him in the nuts with my tiny feet!
  3. I noticed recently that there are DVD packs out containing the full Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Fallout serieses. I got extremely excited and ordered them all. I thought you all might. I'll let you know how they get on with windows XP.
  4. Sorry to jump in late, and I'm sorry for not having time to read all the other responses. I'd say it's fair enough to make the case for trying to become straight. I know some homosexuals who'd find it far more convenient to be straight (or think they would; they should try my ex-girlfriends). But I reckon it's a waste of time. I'd say a person can contribute to the general health and wellbeing of the human race while being gay. End of the argument for me. Don't change your orientation, change the b****rs who are making being gay miserable.
  5. I do think that a period of self-denial is good for the spirit. We could use it in the West, but of course it'd never happen. In fact, isn't Lent supposed to be something similar? I seem to recall I gave up tapdancing. :"> I also think we could use something like the seder, before I get accused of being an islamophile.
  6. I don't know how true this is, but I decided against one of these big TVs for gaming. You need a mahoosive graphics thingy to get decent resolution.
  7. I should say I used to be much more forthright on this topic, until I had to help one of my friends while they chose what to do for themselves. It's a tough call any way you cut it. I still say a foetus ain't a person, but I'd encourage anyone facing thi choice to think it through on tehir own and not listen to the hundreds of armchair quarterbacks who'll try and get them to agree.
  8. I hear you, Meta. But what about the nurses and doctors etc?
  9. Good points there, LC. As for positive contributions, I haven't any clinical data, but do you think it is an entire accident that high stress professions seem to 'enjoy' smoking so much? I'm genuinely questioning this. I know so many soldiers, nurses, policemen etc who smoke.
  10. I'm not sure it always works like it does in Star Wars, Meta. At least I hope not. Pixies and I are building a death star out of old coke cans and a potato cannon. It sounds to me like authoritarianism might be the only way to fight extremists in a place like this. Steve?
  11. As expected, read in full, and greatly enjoyed.
  12. Good point. Bear in mind, gentlemen that many of us cuber-yokels who are upgrading aren't used to thinking about such things.
  13. The 19" is pretty good. But no DVI, which is damned cheek. But then I'm going to be switching it across to my work PC soon. I tried it out in that role yesterday and it was great. Really makes a difference to be able to read two documents side by side. For criticism, and for data entry/reports. I think I will go for a top'o' the line 20" monitor for my gaming rig. For the record the rig seems to handle civ 4 without breaking a sweat. Oblivion was manageable with only the faintest lag on the highest settings I could dream up. Nothing you'd notice coming from a cheaper PC like mine. But that's after only one night playing. Overall, I'd say I've managed to hit the sweet spot where price and performance match. Any more and I suspect the increases would tail off. Besides which, between all the games I have to catch up on, I'm going to be plenty busy before I need to upgrade! Thanks again for all your support, chaps.
  14. You'd have to pay me $5 to play Lionheart again, but that's partly because I'm canny with my time these days. For comparison, you'd have to beat me into submission with angry fists to make me play NWN again.
  15. This is hwen things get taken too far. I find it funny that smokers never used to bother me. It is only since they became rare that I notice them smoking!
  16. I go one better than alla youse. I have a secretary who has my spare keys.
  17. You should try the new South Africa. Four official languages and counting. Cornflakes packets are mighty complex. To be honest this story sounds like that business we had in teh UK during the eighties, where a British politician said he had had a letter from a frightened old white lady who lived ina street entirely full of gabbling heathens. It went down a storm at the party conference. But later investigations failed to turn up 1) Any streets in his constituency with only one white person in them. 2) None whatsoever with scared old white ladies in them. Having said that, it really is only a matter of time before Spanish is accorded an official status in the US. Just look at the states it is most prevalanet in. All big electoral colleges. Does it matter? *shrugs*
  18. I think those who hate the US should join a movement headed by the bushmen of the Kalahari. It would certainly startle them.
  19. Oh the temptation to end this topic.
  20. I should point out that we have had pretty lax controls on wiretapping in the UK since the seventies. This doesn't mean we can't have private conversations. I mean how much listening do you think the govt can do? On the other hand I do know that such wiretaps have stopped tens of IRA operations, and probably many of the recent frustrations to Al Qaeda. I would rather stop actual deaths than some supposed (and largely unreal) affront to my dignity! Although I might object more if I had any...
  21. All comments making me extremely happy at present. Apologies to that enormous flying lizard over there for posting in the wrong forum. :"> I guess I shall have to upgrade my RAM by the sound of things. Perhaps do some more contract irritations. But only when I get my next monitor. And yes, it is a nice widescreen 19" Really not bad for 130 quid. No dead pixies that I can see. Wait, you meant pixels?
  22. Well, not Gothic 3, as apparently: You want something that showcases your new machine's capabilities and makes you feel good about your purchase, not some buggy new release that stutters because it's not properly finished. I'd recommend Oblivion as well, and I hear Dreamfall is very good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Steve! You're quite right that I'd throw my toys out of the pram if the game caused issues. EDIT: btw my colleagues tried to convince me to go for a lower spec machine, 64 bit athlon and nvidia 7600s. My gut instinct said this was too low, and I'd still be frustrated. Was I right?
  23. An I'd planned on calling my first kid 'Slobodan Saddam'
  24. Already planned! My colleague is bringing in his copy. Although when he sees how easily it runs on mine compared to his he may cry.
  25. Look, it's in my genetic memory. Water-cooled MG = good. Water-cooled PC must also = good. :D BTW, I'm also accepting advice on good games to get.
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