Much interesting stuff. I can see most of the stands taken, but here's my angle:
When a games company is forging ahead and attempting to do neat stuff. When a games company gives me some credit for intelligence. When a games company feeeds me creepy darkness and humour into the mix. This is the time when I quit bitching about small bugs.
Boo bloody hoo someone is clipping into a rock, or a keycard isn't obvious, or it feels as if I'm stuck. I've been given an adventure that takes me into another world, and gives me new choices, and makes me think new things. That's a goddamn rpg, not bashing a console. It's a whole package.
And EA obviously make what people want. I don't buy their games like I don't shop at IKEA. It's a personal choice and you're free to do as you like.
I just think that as what amounts to connoiseurs we owe it to our own community to point out the successes in origianl challenging games rather then dwell endlessly on the easy points. It's like criticising Einstein for not being able to spell.