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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. It made my eyes STOP bleeding. How odd. But seriously. Never do that again, man.
  2. What? me in speedos?
  3. I don't understand, yet I find the comedy.
  4. I always loved that expression. Oh, and I agree whole-heartedly. Gateway drug, my left eye! The people who have that self-destructive urge to "move on" will move on anyway. I know plenty of people who stayed right in their comfort zone, so to speak. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Statistically you could say the same thing about booze being a gateway. But practically speaking I'd say it did lead on to other use. But that's because in order to get it you have to speak to dealers. Dealers who are the gateway to other drugs. It also acts as a gateway because it diminishes the perception of the very real and serious danger messages about things like crack and heroin. Having said that even when it is legal I shan't often take it. If at all. I much prefer booze.
  5. :D YES! At the very least the Braves ought to. Steve, I agree. This really sucks. On the subject of the Nigerians being aces at this sort of thing I know one oughtn't to tar all Nigerians with the same brush. But I wonder if a little bit of tar might not convince the Nigerians themselves to do something about this. National pride can be used for good as well as evil.
  6. Sucky and Tigranes, I don't think either of us can talk about what ALL Villa fans wanted. But I know my mate is going to be annoyed. This will turn Villa into yet another corporate money machine.
  7. Computers being given to charity are not having their HDs removed or properly wiped. Details taken from these computers are being sold in Lagos, Nigeria, according to the BBC. They are then used for identity theft. 1. Take care to remove or wipe (clinically) your HD when giving away or selling your old PCs. 2. Let's have a round of applause to the b*stards taking advantage of charitable instinct. May they meet with a commensurate fate.
  8. I'd like a surreal RPG. With pork chops. But that could be because I'm tired and hungry, and fed up with reality.
  9. The music industry is like some great flatulent wild boar. For years it has roamed around terrifying us simple peasants. But we're encroaching on its domain. Being a wild beast it reacts the only way it knows how, with unreasoning savagery. But in the end I predict pork-chops.
  10. If anyone from Coke is reading this, I'm available for commercial spots and am willing to wear a pair of speedos.
  11. It's not really football, though, is it? I mean what's next? Someone buys the lower-wallop wanderers and buys everyone they can?
  12. Have to say, I'm with you. Damn silly.
  13. Interestingly the paper today had an article saying that the majority of Brits thought it should be legal, or at the worst treated like a traffic offence. Personally I'd favour full legalisation. Waste of time having the police chase pot-smoking and dealing when the place is crawling with sex-slavery and crack. It's like polishing teh brass on the Titanic.
  14. Oh fantastic. I'd better hide. I have a mate who's a Villa fan who' NOT going to be happy.
  15. Am i allowed to admit I really like 2000AD?
  16. Nothingness is required to make sense of mathematics. Hence one could argue it is proven to exist.
  17. Pfshaw! Where are the mormons? And the arthroaeroplane girls?
  18. Just so long as the sugar wasn't in lumps! :D
  19. Oooh, check us out! Classy.
  20. I blame cheese.
  21. Judging by the turnover of mods, I'd say the latter and with a high mortality rate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They don't die. They get given a shotgun and sent out to other more unruly boards where they bring moderation to the unmoderated.
  22. Someobody needs a huuuuuuug!
  23. Does moderating this board count as a hobby? Or an infectious disease?
  24. What about twinkies?
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