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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I would have thought some kind of eveolved reflex would stop you falling asleep when in the presence of naked welshmen. I completely agree on how some people insist on the 'classics'. The funniest thing I find is that they fail to realise that to be a true connoiseur you have to be ready to help establish an unknown as a classic. I'm always secretly (and pompously) pleased that I spotted GA Effinger's Budayeen trilogy when it was pulp sci-fi. It's slowly being recognised as a classic.
  2. Anyway, back on topic... maybe. I don't think everyone should feel obliged to sign up. Some people benefit society a hell of a lot more not waist deep in mud and getting shouted at. I mean, can you really see Einstein at bayonet practice? *thinks* Actually I find that notion strangely terrifying. "I haff proofed, as you can see on ziss blackboard zat zey don't like it up zem." I just have difficulty grasping the notion that one genuinely might have such degraded social conscience that you'd cheerfully leave everyone you've known, and everything that made you who you are to get trampled by some invading swines. I really don't mean that to be insulting. I'd like to understand, if you could explain.
  3. Am I showing my age if I say I think Giles (from Buffy) summed it up perfectly: Ms. Calendar: "It's just such a rugged contest." Giles: "Rugged? American football? Heh heh." Ms. Calendar: "And that's funny because...?" Giles: "Well, I think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on its virility should feel compelled to strap on forty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby."
  4. A National Embarassmint. They come in a tin with GW Bush on them.
  5. I don't mean to flame, but I watched '2001 a space oddysey' last night and I haven't been so bored since 'Hero'. I mean how long do I need to see someone walking around or spaceships docking? It was like Das Boot but without any action whatsoever.
  6. Maybe it doesn't right now. I'm just saying that the next time he wonders about ...I don't know... why there aren't bands of rampaging militiamen mutilating his family jewels with machetes... he could spare a thought for the people who protect him. You know the old arguement about men only being because better men...yadda yadda.
  7. DemonKing, would you mind carrying some kind of sign so I can tell my mates not to bother saving your ass?
  8. In real life I end every sentence with a blood-curdling scream. And my own reason was something along the lines of 'I don't see anyone else stepping forward and SOMEONE had better do it or we're all shafted.'
  9. Checkpoint: I DID answer strongly agree for the deathmatch question. In all seriousness, if two people are genuinely consenting I don't see why not. Especially given that in such a circumstance they're more than likely to commit the action outside the law at some point.
  10. Hah! I liked Public Enemy and Run DMC in the 80s.
  11. Except I actually buy the conspiracy that FDR let Pearl get hit. There really are traces on that one. Plus it didn't need a lot of things to be done. It needed things to NOT be done. Much easier to arrange.
  12. I am a social conservative (38% permissive) and an economic conservative (60%). Apparently this makes me a centrist: "You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness."
  13. I agree with Kaft in that I'm hardly impartial. But I did spend a good few hours in conjunction with some structural engineers who are friends of mine reviewing the available material. I hate to point it out, but the US givernment are people too. It's a pretty damn serious accusation to be making just for amusement's sake, if you ask me. I mean, doesn't the very beginning really say it all? General suggests something on not even half the scale of 9/11 in the seventies, and has his *** fired so quick you could blink and miss it.
  14. Huzzah! I shall join your crusade. For I have never read the Dallas Morning News.
  15. I used to believe that horse-pucky about men not crying. Kept all sorts of things bottled up. However experience has taught that, just like intestinal gas, it's best to just let it out somewhere private and move on.
  16. 1) I thought the Pentagon crash was suspicious until I took the trouble to learn about the engineering physics. Then it's still interesting and counter-intuitive but entirely consistent. 2) There's no way on God's green earth you could involve an entire planeload of randomly selected muntas in a conspiracy like this and expect none of them to resurface unless you killed them all. Like most conspiracy theories its all good fun until you look too closely.
  17. You are quite correct. I did not mean to deny the similarity. That's just what I thought of. :">
  18. I assumed he was dimming the runway lights. It's what I'D do. And by _I_ I mean Tarna.
  19. It's not the crawling, but the dancing which disturbs me.
  20. I would only do it via a special 'blind' address.
  21. It's nota good idea to respond at all. It flags you for follow-up spams because you read them. Bad bad plan.
  22. I wash my pillows regularly. It's the mattress I worry about.
  23. I think you should have a picture of a sandwich. Pastrami on rye.
  24. I agree. Don't send the goatse yet. For the love of mercy! This is clearly a scam. 1) They will next request your bank details and some personal details 'so the claim can be processed'. 2) Note that claiming other people's money is a bit shifty. 3) It's offering you money.
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