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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. It does look excellent. Just imagine how it feels for me to come from BG2 to this sort of thing in one huge leap! I'll probably go into a weird kafka-esque fugue.
  2. Are you kidding? I had to SELL the floor to buy the PC. Overclocking may or may not occur. My planned upgrades are: 1. A 24" monitor next month. 2. A water-colling thingy to make it quieter, in January.
  3. OK you slugs, here's my new PC specs: Intel Pentium D Dual Core 940 3.2ghz 1024MB DDR2 300Gb SATA Nvidia 7900GT 256Mb PCI-E DVDRW and 16x DVD rom That better good, or I'm going to cry. As you know I've been patiently saving up to get a decent gaming machine for years.
  4. Was just thinking how I might be described. "..." Hmmm....
  5. I think things would be much simpler if we had a change of world leaders. BRING BACK SHAKA ZULU!
  6. I do know that Abe Lincoln had a high pitched voice, and thus could never have hoped to win in a modern televised election. For that matter, so did Patton, so there you are!
  7. I think we should declare all all sub-size entities bereft of their original designations. Particularly midgets. We'd need to enact a whole new set of laws just for them. The possibilities for awesomeness are legion.
  8. Actually, the primary purpose of a police officer is providing clear control in a chaotic situation, especially crowd control. Having said that, women on a Hens' night are perhaps the most intimidating foe ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was once chased half way along Brighton promenade by a hen night armed with rubber hammers.
  9. I would if I'd precipitated the damn things. EDIT: On reflection this is logically inconsistent. I rather suspect that if I precipitated them I would have a bit less compassion than I do.
  10. No tears for, say a ten year civil war with millions dead? I sincerely hope you don't mean that. Or, if you do I'm going to have you sent to observe it in person.
  11. Actually, that was just the first dose. I notice now, everything else is getting smaller too. Trees, cars etc.
  12. If you can give me an example of any intervention that doesn't have lives lost as a consenquence in ALL human history then I'll eat something horrible.
  13. I don't know what you're talking about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's because unlike me you've never lost a leg, arm, and 25 % of your genetic code to dreadful spindly killer crustaceans from beneath 20,000 fathoms. Or bought 100 tonnes of ex-Nigerian army radioactive waste from an Irishman.
  14. That one is widescreen, isn't it?
  15. Hmmm. So I suppose they should retreat down a hole and let world events be shaped by the Russians, Chinese, and French. 'Cause then we'll live in a world of fairies and elves.
  16. Reminds me of the time my colleague managed to get several customer service teams on a conference call together. That was absolutely brilliant. Don't monkey around with fraudsters. Simply contacting them draws them to you. It's a bit like giant underwater monsters. Only more annoying.
  17. I have to say I find sleeping on a futon worse than sleeping on the floor. I have no idea how that works. Mind you, I do like the floor, so it may not be fair. I'm only buying a big comfy bed for the sake of my girlfriend. Speaking of furniture I'm considering getting a big PC monitor (about 22-24 inches) and using that through my new PC as a TV. But I don't know how I work out which ones will be visible from several angles. I do know I need high resolution to play games as well. I'm trying to choose between: http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/pcrange.html?NFO http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/pcrange.html?EXE As the base PC. EDIT: http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/specpage.html?VIE-VX2235 This monitor looks pretty sweet as a viewer/TV combo. Can anyone spot any problems? Please note that if you help me buy this shiny new PC then I can actually play some of the games Obsidian make! Rather than the creaky old Blackisle games.
  18. Live in a college town. Its a lot less expensive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not in the UK. Students eat up all the cheap properties (they pay a lot but they take the cheap places). I was thinking of making my own, but doing that male bird nesting thing and trying to lay a trap for unsuspecting females.
  19. You can't order online in the UK. You have to go to their damn store! I object to this. They have a website. That's just coohaccky. I have two problems. Firstly I want stuff I can transport easily. Secondly I can't break the bank. Thirdly I have a bit of space, but not so much I want it spoiled by cramming it with stuff. I did find a company that make and sell totally modular furniture. It is a neat idea, and pretty cheap. I won't link them since that would be kinda advertising. And anyway I don't have any of their stuff yet. I probably will though. But anyway my main point is buying a flat full of stuff is expensive. I resent spending hundreds of pounds on furniture. It's eating into my new computer fund!
  20. Is anyone else outfitting a flat at the minute? It is so damn expensive.
  21. The same way you got mine. Buy me a few drinks, exhaust me with passionate lovemaking, then go through my pockets while I slumber on the bearskin rug.
  22. I received a very authentic looking email this morning from the Bank of Scotland suggesting I click on a link and update my banking details. THIS IS FRAUD. Online banks never ask for customer details to be given online any more, and certainly never by email. If you receive any email asking for you to do anything similar report it immediately to your bank by phone. They will aks you to forward the email for further investigation. Note: do not, out of idle curiosity go to the link provided, even if you just want to have a look. They wil typically be loaded with malware.
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4268733.stm The vibe in the drawing rooms and pubs of England is that the Lebanon is the big bad conflict that needs UN attention. I suddenly remembered the Sudan conflict and wondered what the death toll there was. The UN estimates 70,000. The BBC reckons four times that number. That against maybe 2000 in total for the Lebanon. The African union have rejected the deployment of 2,000 UN peacekeepers as 'colonialist'. The Lebanon will receive (eventually) 15,000 peacekeepers. I don't have a point that I can put my finger on.
  24. Is tihs an RPG, or a strategy game.
  25. Agreed. Frankly the option would be to not hire anyone who'd been to college.
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