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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. It's entirely your prerogative, but I decided he was a basket case when he opted to run a represssive police state, kill millions of his citizens by economic mismanagement and ideological fervour ...and have that haircut. But I'm sure he's a lovely man. " Seriously though, I accept the general principle of trusting Western Media on a guy. But you have to also accept that mistrust can only get you so far. I mean why not distrust everything? Maybe the Burmese junta are terrific chaps who stroll around their streets barefoot embracing their loving citizens?
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6040054.stm I can't see anything much wrong with their methodology. But I do think there must be something to explain the massive discrepancy between this 650,000 number and all the others. Anyone know more about this? I haven't had time to look into it in more detail.
  3. As a student I spent an entire doing nothing but learning to cook the cheapest curry and soups possible. I discovered you can make a curry for three people cost less than a pound and be delicious. Of course that was a while ago. :"> In korea they would understand this as they are mired in the 1960s and eating beetles most years.
  4. Kirottu there, our Russian Affairs correspondent. I was thinking about this today. I'm not sure I could do what she did. I mean you know damn well you're going to get whacked. And the odds are that all you'll get out of the apathetic public is a raised eyebrow.
  5. The man's as mad as a spoon! He needs a comb, and Queer eye for the crazed dictator long before he starts trying to hit the world stage. And yes, North Korea's hilarious until the old man really loses it and decides to nuke the Kuriles.
  6. Sounds perfectly consistent with my highly IQ'd self that I'd post in the wrong place. And I haven't played either of them all the way through yet. Bear in mind I only got a computer that could run anything made since 1999 two months ago. :"> One thing I did find interesting was the way they took so many elements and put them into NWN. Like the trials and so on. Only somehow they became rubbish in NWN. I'm forging ahead though, and my neighbours must certainly be haertily sick of the noises of lighsabers in the small hours.
  7. I think I've decided to oppose war with North Korea in hope that instead of beinga violent bonkers regime they will have a miraculous conversion and start hugging people.
  8. I just wanted to say that I'm playing KoTOR now, and beside not being able to master swoop racing I'm LOVING it. Truly awesome. That is all. Move along. Keep moving.
  9. Kittens = tasty good. Anyway, I'd respond, but Meta seems t be making most of my points for me. Irrespective of who causes the deaths now, our intervention is certainly the defiing factor behind the current state of affairs. I think we should accept responsibility. But 1) To the best of my enquiring I have never seen any figures that put average death tolls higher now than under Saddam Hussein. If anyone has such figures I'd be genuinely interested in seeing them. PM me if necessary. 2) If we bug out with the job unfinished a whole lot more people will be dying so can we PLEASE quit griping and rally behind the poor benighted Iraqis?
  10. Isn't the point of the story, and at least some of the interest arising from teh fact that he may be either? I tought that was how they wrote the stories. Another example would be Dredd. In some stories he's this cretinous fascist. In others h's the only way to get stuff done.
  11. What if you got paid in beard hair, pipe tobacco, and goats?
  12. Yay! *does a little happy dance*
  13. Interesting topic, butterfly. I also had a simple signature, reasoning quite correctly that no-one was qualified to check it in the first place, so I wanted something I could reliably reproduce rather than fall over. I think it does say something about you if you have a simple straightforward signature. It says you are simple and straightforward, which I would say is something I like to see. Be yourself. EDIT: I've since become a shifty old bastard, so I had to revise my signature.
  14. I think this is moving entirely the wrong way. I want my granny in one of those babies, tossing chavs left and right like bowling pins.
  15. I'd be a lot happier if people didn't throw this accusation around like a delicious cheese and ham crepe. What 'we' did was fund people hitting the Soviets. We started out funding everyone the same, but the fundamentalists were the ones who actually got the job done. The moderates spent as much of tehir funding on nice offices and waffling endlessly, instead of hoofing across the borders and blowing up BMPs. What would YOU have done? Ignore the whole business of the Soviets literally invading a foreign nation? Go to war?
  16. I'm just saying that we find it easy to talk about 'justice' but we get kinda squeamish, correctly or not, when we see what that means. As for reform, protection and punishment are two different things. I could lock a predator in a cage with a minimum of punishment.
  17. By the same token you could actively seek a cooler surface even than air. At least that seems sinsible from first principles. But I've blown up enough stuff that I'd check before you try anything.
  18. If you don't like what they block, get it unblocked. Get active, amigo. That's why student politics is there. Make those lardballs suckwinds in local 'power' actually do something. Besides pass asinine motions about famines on the other side of the world.
  19. I can best describe my feelings about FOX by saying that watching it makes me feel as if my skin is dying to go outside for a quiet smoke. And I don't smoke.
  20. Wait... so you're saying its OK to torture people? So long as they're bad...
  21. I think you are all tremendously clever. I can't understand a word.
  22. This is why God gave us tea breaks. Have a rest, stare out the window. It's good for your eyes.
  23. Outstanding! Did anyone else notice they said they were accepting PCs? Thi calls for writing! I shall be staying awake into teh small hours this wekeend getting high on Fallout, and kebabs with that in mind.
  24. Oh for heaven's sake. I checked it in preview... Sorry. It was supposed to be a Casspir APC. Muhahahaha. And so on.
  25. One of those ones where one wonders what we have prisons for.
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