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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. As the mourners entered I'd like the music from Full Metal Jacket, the scene where they are looking at the trench full of dead village elders. I can't find it online, but you'll find it on the soundtrack (which I think everyone should own). It's very creepy. For leaving, , by the Tiger Lillies
  2. Sluggo, what are your four courses so far? And why not take something curveball like creative writing? I'm a believer in balancing stuff. I mean crippling your CV like a racehorse with a shattered knee.
  3. Bill Hicks was not only a great comedian, but one of the best social commentators I've ever had the privilege of listening to. Don't make me mention girdles. I nearly threw up instantly.
  4. Good heavens. Teamwork and discipline make a difference? Blimey.
  5. You don't have to be Lucretia Borgia to see a way out of this.
  6. I'm not pro junk food. I'm pro choice.
  7. Fifth day inside. Ate bacon. May have gone insane.
  8. In a waffle press. *thinks* I need a waffle press. I wonder how much they are.
  9. The hateful thing about this is that Bok will probably make it work, too.
  10. I bought a burger recently and couldn't finish it. I forgot to ignore the urge to think about what I was doing.
  11. You bastard. Now I have to watch the film.
  12. Walsingham


    This week my theme music has been mostly Sweet Jane played by the Cowboy Junkies.
  13. I might eat it twice a month, I might eat it not at all for several months, and am English b'the grace of God. A more interesting question might be how often we eat takeaway in general, or other foods that are bad for us. MacDs is far too easy to ignore. Laozi, I'm ugly, fat, and opinionated. My prostate had to stuffed with mothballs years ago. *hopes this isn't too graphic an image*
  14. Ever since A-Level I've taken the WHO definition of health which includes mental ease. I enjoy my damned food and drink, and beyond that it shoudl make the rest of my time enjoyable, by fuelling me up and keeping off scurvy. Beyond that I don't care.
  15. Steve: ROFL. But can't you see him being adapted so easily as a muppet? I mean he's comically angry all the time, and his face is all wrong.
  16. I decided to back Napster out of a perverse ... um... retardness, I guess. I just didn't want iTunes, after I found out their blasted format won't work in anything. Of course then I found out Napster only let you play stuff on your PC. I can see how it could get annoying, and I doubt I'll stay for more than a couple of months. After that I will cost everything up and work out if I'd be better off just buying three or so albums a month. The most important thing is being able to get weird stuff. Like I got the 'In the Mood for Love' soundtrack in minutes, while it would have been weeks in hard copy. Ditto the Tiger Lillies.
  17. Cauterising doesn't really help that much. Burns slough away from the healthy tissue. Tar like substances would ruin the flavour. My point wasn't culinary advice, however. I meant to emphasise how far beyond my capacity to reason this goes.
  18. It's not working, mate.
  19. You should throw the dice. And emit heroic yells as you do so. Dice respect this sort of thing and it could give you an edge.
  20. I didn't know RPG books were ever holographic... I'm talking about the way it seems like the players should produce cookie cutter gruff dwarves etc. I mean look at the halfling! He's like a tiny gymnast! The Half elf is teh only slightl intriguing one, as she looks like she wandered out the wrong fire door from an NYC fashion shoot. Where are the quirks? Where the pathos!? *Walsingham begins fuming and throwing papers around in Gallic fashion*
  21. Well, like I say, the obvious thing is to start with the rocks, then add water, tehn think about what will grow where, then fill in teh people. Then you have the people move. Give me an example, and we can work through it.
  22. Hey, the Meek may inherit the Earth, but you can bet your ass that the Heavily Armed and Possibly Green will take it right off them.
  23. Ouch. I hate to break it to you, since I had the same problem with my old computer. The intel chips don't really do anything besides ...um... well I know they don't do shadows and stuff. Drink beer.
  24. Drank bottles of stout, ate chocolate, played Oblivion (with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul). I considered replaying Baldur's Gate through, but the timing didn't feel right. I think I should repeat the act of getting a fiery curry. It did me no end of good last night. Really enjoying this rent/buy music online business (not iTunes *spits*). I hadn't realised how much fun it is to hear new stuff, I'd been stuck listening to maybe one new album every couple of months. Now I'm listening to a new one a day, and it's like fresh air in the morning.
  25. I have to say on reflection that it would logistically difficult to eat a person day by day. I mean how would you keep the wounds from being infected?
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