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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I would participate, but as I already pointed out, I'm delirious, and this would be difficult at the best of times.
  2. He Loves Me He Loves Me Not A love film that works on many levels. Plus, frankly I could watch Audrey Tautou all day.
  3. The British goverment? Aren't they the ones with the public distribution of cd/dvd's with interesting information on them? Yes. Exactly. BritGov uses full disclosure!
  4. How is it so different to what gmail does? Or any of the big internet companies? I'm constantly baffled by how much posterior trauma people are cheerfully accepting from companies for no reason when they freak at the first sign of danger if it's a government. tescos are much more likely to mishandle me than the govt are.
  5. Cramps have abated, still have fever and mild delirium. Need to do work unfortunately. Down side of my working from home. Sometimes you have to ignore being sick.
  6. I not sure I like the xenophobic undertones, but you can't deny he sounds like he can get movement on Green issues. New McCain advisor.
  7. Hey! It's one of the oldest jokes that the Army is - comparatively speaking - so much more civilised with its enemies than with its own soldiers. I remember having a conversation with a Boer chap about British 'inhumanity' in the internment camps. he rattled off how high the disease rates were as an example of inhuman disregard. I simply pointed out what an enormous percentage of British troops in camps run by the Army were also dying. Oh we have a lovely time, really. I mean take this stomach flu I've got. All I need is a Martini Henry rifle and some zulus and I'd be fighting...
  8. Well, I agree that the decrypt thing is a lot less alarming.
  9. I don't doubt that we face big problems investigting pan continental conspiracies. However, some things you just don't do. I mean, the cops themselves have said they didn't ask for these powers. A former head of MI5 said she thought it was a mistake. Bottom line is you can't ahve a state calling itself democratic where its own citizens can be held without any official charge or trial for such a long period of time.
  10. Excuse me? Thhhbbbpppt! You'll get yours, smartass. Like I said.
  11. Drunkenness pixies turned out to be the massive fever and cramps elves. Added fun is fact that hwenevr I puke my ribs pop out. Haven't been this tired ever. Even when I had paratyphoid. Course I was bleeding internally then, so I'm ahead slightly. Due to delirium - keep finding myself singing tunelessly - no-one is to pay any attention to anything I say for at least 24 hrs. Now I must drag self to kitchen and get water. Utterly floorbound. ...And this is why I don't feel the need to do drugs.
  12. Erm.... detention without trial for 48 days, anyone? Now that is an absolute disgrace. We are now relying on the Lords to throw it back at the Commons. Democracy defended best by the undemocratic.
  13. In the UK the Army is bound by military law, AND civil law, AND international convention. You can be tried and sentenced three times.
  14. I really want to convey how not aggressive I am about this. It's sometimes hard in text. Your point 1, about hasty interrogation. I accept that a hasty interrogation in the field is naturally less safe than one in a controlled environment far away from action. But it doesn't automatically follow that this means torture. Again, see Mackey. The second quote is interesting, in that yes appointing certain officials can be indicative. However, it doesn't automatically follow that they haven't learned from the mistakes, or aren't aware of the changed atmosphere. Look at the way military innovators work, for example the development of the 'big wing' in the RAF. People went both ways based on tehri experience.
  15. So it's execution for manslaughter offences now?
  16. Who takes packrat as a perk? Boost your strength, fool!
  17. I just surpassed my safety limits by accidentally playing both videos at once. EDIT: I know I'm hungover, but really, that sucks. Ow ow ow. Post edit: It gets even worse. An acoustic version that is also NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...punishment.html Enemies beware! This is what we do to our own damned soldiers! EDIT: Just to be absolutely clear, I'm not proud of it.
  19. Well, you've sold me on the idea of a stick blender. Take up less space, apart from anything else. What do you other chaps think about electric hobs?
  20. Why should that make you giggle. How would YOU suggest doing things?
  21. I've only been skim-reading, but I don't see any reference to torture. If you see it, help me out. The 'hasty interrogation' you picked on seemed to revolve around showing a subject maps, and taking them up in a plane. I see they mention the unsettling effect of being in a plane for a groundslogging peasant, but beyond that... Seriously, I'm not trying to be a ****. I don't see it.
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