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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm not one to paint the Zionists as bad guys, but the assertion that they didn't attack non-military targets isn't really borne out by the incident reports and autobiographies I've read. Both sides attacked civilian areas seen to belong to the 'opposition' in an effort to drive them out. Note what a tremendously good situation ensued after we 'pulled the troops out and let the locals sort it out'. Anyway, back on topic. Iraq and much of teh middle east is a good example of what I'm talking about, in some ways. There's no realistic way to remove the weapons, so the only alternative is to work on the finger that pulls the trigger/presses the switch.
  2. Don't forget food. Make sure you have nothing in the fridge except an enormous jar of vitamins, and 15kg of pork rinds. Next to the fridge should be several cases of beer carefully labelled with days of the week.
  3. I've been away from TV all weekend. What's happened to Poland?
  4. Having an uncharacteristically dance moment: I have permission of the owner.
  5. baaa-zing! ROFLMAO EDIT: I had an idea for power generation, post apocalypse. Given the dead seem to be more or less able to keep going indefinitely, can't we create some sort of gigantic hamster wheel, and put them in it?
  6. I can't agree it's never happened. Look at the fighting in Palestine which lead to the British withdrawal of administration. But that was an extreme case in as much as the stakes were perceived as tiny, and it took place against a backdrop of weakness that had been caused by six years of total war with Germany and Japan. Long terror campaigns can threaten the groups as much as the goevrnment. Look at Northern Ireland, and (possibly) Iraq. In both cases the people have been smart enough to say "hang on, we're not very happy living generation after generation with total anarchy and violence". At that point they help the authorities, and the game, as they say, is more or less up.
  7. I agree with davs that competing space programs is crucial. Competition serves to focus the minds of the (sometimes) mediocre in charge. But competition also drives the use of alternative strategies and technotactical solutions. If you want to see this in action, try organising a soapbox car race, versus getting everyone involved in building just one car. The car will rarely get built at all, but the competing racers will really move!
  8. I think that the notion of EU is just strange. I like Europe. I like the Economic Union. But what is all this other bureaucracy actually FOR?
  9. The militias should be far more concerned with tehir total lack of secure comms, and free transport. You need a test AND a license to own a car. It's a conspiracy I say!
  10. 53% chance of survival. Although again, it takes no account of the fact that I would be with my unit.
  11. The .50 BMG is one of the few guns which actually makes sense of the notion that guns are for defending against the state. I am utterly confused as to what all these gun nuts are going to do with their dinky revolvers against the New World Order 1st Armoured Division.
  12. Well, we can agree about Ronaldo.
  13. Godzilla, on TV tonight. Is it just me, or did the French guys get no bloody credit. Heroes, the lot of them!
  14. Great Britain. I've warned you before! You'd hate it here. We have collective endeavour, Dunkirk spirit, and love the Navy.* *Lies!
  15. I've got to say that filiming your activities eemes to be tantamount to releasing the stuff online immediately. On the plus side maybe since he is such a bigwig it will force he homophobes one millimetre closer to recognising that people can be gay and still be heroes. Now if only I could convince people that people can be short and ugly and still be heroes...
  16. *wistful* I'd like wallpaper that is on fire all the time. That would be awesome. My favourite song at present:
  17. That's really my point ! As this Japanese chap proved, they can easily shift to cars if we somehow managed to remove all sharp objects from the world. We need to concentrate on the perpetrators, not the weapons... while still trying to keep nutrcases away from .50 cals.
  18. By the power of the intarnets I declare them now lesbyarns!
  19. Glad to hear you like the sound of. Obviously add your own house rules, but it's surprisingly easy to do, and bags of fun. Certainly spices up the game.
  20. 1. I'm talking about crimes like this, but also so-called 'normal' crimes, like we have had in the media recently, where some kid knifes a random bloke on the bus over a disagreement no-one even understood. 2. Recent media coverage has illustrated that in the case of these hyper-aggressive incidents the individuals concerned have a long history of escalating behaviour, and mental issues. A history which was recognised at each stage as being a warning of things to come, but sod all was done about it. 3. Because of the above I am arguing that we should be doing more to - Connect the dots of noticing dangerous behaviour - Doing something about it - Doing something about it may mean anything from shipping them to antarctica, firing them into space, or giving them a yellow poncho. Whatever it takes, get it done.
  21. I guess what I meant was that 1) Reducing the lethality of the weapons used in crime reduces the lethality of each incident 2) Violent incidents are likely to remain at the same levels; they will merely be reduced in severity but will still be unacceptably serious 3) To truly eradicate the problem we have to reduce the number of violent incidents, and that means the non-weapon segments. Thsi in turn means focussing on the human aspects of violence. After all, guns don't jsut fire themselves.* * Except like in that film.
  22. One more point on the German team... they're a team. Both goals, and a number of other opportunities were the result of excellent teamwork. Poland had plenty of possession, but wound up failing to develop any power forward.
  23. WTH? How is Barack Obama not a Christian? He's almost certainly been to more church than me. Does that mean I'm not one of a sudden? Also, and I can't stress this enough, Muslims are not 'the enemy'. Terrorism is the enemy. The two things are no more one and the same than pointing at Gerry Adams and saying Christianity is terrorist.
  24. I'll not deny that weapons are helpful if you want to hurt people. If we all have flamethrowers there will be a rise in flamethrowings. But overall, the total degree of violence is in the minds of the people. Weapons really are a question of attitude. You can turn almost anything into a weapon.* *If you are locked in a shed with BA Barracus
  25. As you chaps will know I have been having problems for some time with the useless power storage of all my portable devices. basically just enough to get a hipster from the coffee and bagels to the park and back. Now I have powermonkey. I can't speak for its long-term durability, but it basically: 1. Charges from a small solar cell 2. Charges from the mains 3. The small tough-looking charged battery can be linked to just about anything A simple thing, and quite expensive at 50 quid, but if it works half as well as it is now then I'm hooked. Just thought I'd mention it, since I'm always bitching.
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