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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Which might be odd, you know, if you consider how rich several Arab states are. Unless, you know, they don't particularly like the Palestinians or want to help them. And that angle is one I got from someone who grew up as an Arab, and therefore is an infallible source.
  2. Son. Of. A . Bitch. lol, sorry... my evil streak is showing... :D Managed to hold it together. Ah well, at least that's over. I'd been dreading that song since I suggested this.
  3. I presume you killed everyone on the flimsy pretext of saving the boy, and looted the temple? Who says video games are bad for you?
  4. If talking to a hostile audience, Yuush, you'd do better to cut things down. You also ignored the question about the Kurds and Assyrians. Or, for that matter the non-Muslims in Sudan and Northern Africa. 1. "Growing up as an Israeli provided me with an intimate understanding of Israeli-Jewish psychology" Brrrrraaaap! Fail! 2. "Israel was not born in 1948 or because of the Holocaust" Oh, really. Extraordinary. So I suppose having more than five million Jews turned to ash merely served as reminder about the whole 'next year in Jerusalem' thing? It wasn't significant in and of itself.
  5. Does that mean you were peeing out the window? LOL. You know I just this minute realised my spelling mistake, and what it meant. Then I scrolled down and saw your comment. Yes, I am in the habit, when addressing weighty matters, of releasing flow out across the roof into the neighbour's garden. I am a GENIUS! I cannot be disturbed by such trivialities as toilets.
  6. Sugababes - About you now What can I say. Your musical torture is lowering my standards.
  7. That would make sense. It was just above the houses.
  8. Son. Of. A . Bitch.
  9. Rough night for many. A lot of transport aircraft heading over, bound for the East.
  10. Excuse me? Thhhbbbpppt! You'll get yours, smartass.
  11. Excuse me? Thhhbbbpppt!
  12. Ah well, sure I'll be grand.
  13. Chihuahua - Light and catchy. Vacuous, but not actually bad. Rather like eating Wagon Wheels. A Million Love Songs - You know how some things are quite good when you revisit them as an older chap? This isn't one of them. I knew TT were bad as a kid. They're just excruciating now.
  14. Listening to Toots and the Maytals. It's glorious summer music. Monkey Girl Pressure Drop and Louie Louie I'm doing a strange little dance as I work.
  15. According to Elliot D. Cohen, Ph.D. __ Phds no-longer impress me. I know too many of them. __ A McCain administration would be likely to: Invest incredible amounts of money in sustaining multiple, simultaneous wars overseas at the expense of neglecting pressing concerns at home, including the economy, health care, the environment and education. __ Sand? Is that you, ol' buddy? It's not a question of pick one. Government has to recognise it's interconnectedness ___ Stockpile nuclear weapons, while seeking to prohibit its adversaries from having them. __ And this would be silly how? __ Attempt to shield the U.S. with a multilayered missile defense system based on land, at sea, in the air and in space, while demanding that nations that are not its allies become sitting ducks. __ Simply untrue. In fact so untrue I'm susipicious of your man here. The shield will protect its allies. __ Strive to develop more potent chemical and biological weapons-not to mention the genotype-specific variety, while at the same time claiming to be fighting a "war on terror." __ Completely unsubstantiated slander. What 'genotype specific' variants? You're talking science fiction. __ Legalize "Total Information Awareness"-going through all Americans' phone calls, e-mail messages and other personal records without needing probable cause. __ Quite possibly the case. However, due to the very real and immense threat posed by mass terrorism and organised crime it may be necessary. __ Take control of the Internet, globally using it as an offensive political weapon-while claiming to be spreading democracy throughout the world. __ How exactly has McCain advocated this? __ Dispense with checks and balances in favor of the "unitary executive authority" of the president. __ You're saying that about a man who has vigorously opposed and acted independently from his party and the President __ Alienate nations that refuse to join our war coalitions. __ Where is this chap from? The Land of Oz? That's how alliances work. You be our friend, we be yours, capice? __ Deny that there is (or can be) a United Nations. A McCain administration would rule by fear, perceive right in terms of military might and subscribe to the idea of "do as I say and not as I do." As a consequence, instead of rebuilding the image of America as a model of justice and civility, it would further sully respect for this nation throughout the world. __ Froth. Pure antiBush froth. McCain is NOT Bush. __
  16. Hey, you should have joined the armoured brigades rather than the footsloggers Looking at RAM... I've purchased noname stuff in the past. Any particular brands to look out for (or watch out for if it's bad)? Looking at prices, I see that 8gb Corsair DDR3 1333 is about 800$ and 8gb of G.Skill DDR3 1600 is about 900$, so I assume this is the approx. price range I am looking at. Should I look elsewhere completely? Which bastard said I was an infanteer? Engine noises and explosions lull me like crickets. Love automatic gunfire. Very useful accident, or perhaps in the genes.
  17. Well, the Tau are aliens. They presumably don't get obsessed with things like dachas, and electric toasters, and socks.
  18. I used to be really into accuracy in handling damage. BUt the sad truth is you can't be accurate. Because getting shot/stabbed/beaten is highly random and always sucks. Even a minor injury carries risks of disease, infection, and so on. A chap near us recently got bitten once by his cat and nearly died three days later.
  19. That artwork totally put me off. Two dimensional characters ahoy!
  20. Your names all sound far too pretty. Grab a map of England and have a look at village names. You'll never run out, and 80% of them sound fantastical. I totally agree with Spider's thoughtful post. You need layers and peaks and troughs in your nations. Think about things like: total area, total population, and population density geography, rivers, mountains, flatlands etc. Then think about where the roads would go, then think about the towns which will occur wherever the roads intersect. economic activity, what people grow, what they make cultural activity - the more wealthy people are the more free time they will have to make culture. The more trade goes through teh area the richer that culture will be, particularly if there is trade abroad Government, who makes the decisions, and how do they enforce them? Are they able to enforce them? Military, what threats exist Basically, have a look at the CIA world factbook
  21. Bum.
  22. Newsong: I actually found myself weeping with pain when the children's chorus kicked in. Totally unplanned. It was just so unbelievably wrong. Everyone involved in this video should be strapped to a pallet and airlifted to Mogadishu as a means of giving the warring factions common cause.
  23. I'm not agreeing with your point here, tho. I mean, if someone douses themselves in paraffin, that's daft. But if you throw a lit match at them, then you're the bastard who set them on fire. To mix metaphors even more, in this case, the woman was the one who fed the girl the beans, even if it was the girl who farted.
  24. I'm listening to these later today. Need sleep now. Xard's sig dances almost exactly in time with Toots and the Maytals 'Louie Louie'. ...Wot, no ska?
  25. See, now that's what I call torture! It's like a made to measure fething mobile-phone ad soundtrack. I can just see some whimsically bleach-lit montage of a man kicking a penguin down the steps of the Vatican.
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