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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I am shocked and appalled. I grew up near farm land. The farmer used to give them away for free. I'm not condoning eating people's pets, however. I'm saving up for a pet pig, and would be distressed if anyone ate him.
  2. Unless you are playing orks... How often do you roll a total of 7 on six dice in a critical situation?!? The problem there is that you were playing orks. You had better be damned certain of your yell if you're orky yelling.
  3. White Dwarf magazine, 104, I think. Although really it's talking about ogryns. *sigh* I miss the old days. When I were a lad we were still fighting the Horus Heresy.
  4. If that fails I suggest putting on an old suit and running through a hedge in it, before sprinting up to the relevant office as fast as you can, clutching the forms in your hand. This will be enhanced if you can get a squirrel to bite your hand - and stay on.
  5. Best. Post. Ever. It was chewing on my achilles tendon.
  6. Aw... de little puddy cat....
  7. Bruce Campbell? Where?
  8. Have I mentioned that I once punched a monkey?
  9. I just mean, it's generic, really. I'd prefer Hocus Pocus.
  10. I feel your pain. I am prone to similar inattention. I would strongly suggest you schmooze a tonne of people and see if anyone can make an exception for you. Five grand is worth a bit of shyster type behaviour.
  11. How can you HATE rabbits? I mean I've eaten hundreds of them, but hate them?
  12. That's insane. One of the few things that is absolutely instrinsic to human nature is the desire to get off your face. It crosses every cultural and national line.
  13. That's a neat idea. Really these tests should be taken by your friends, about you! In fact that would make sense for the people who run the site because you're looking at, say, four people visiting instead of one.
  14. I was told to avoid it. Can you really recommend it?
  15. Ugh. Beatles. Or is this a pun?
  16. Most of my life I've been damned lucky. I'm not complaining about fairness as such. I'm just hacked off. Or rather I am complaining about them getting such a rough deal. They haven't been nearly so lucky. And by and large they're pretty nice.
  17. Unless you're in a band.
  18. You could watch a video. or organize your socks. Invite in the Mormons.
  19. I thought it was wrong for two reasons: 1. It will mean forcing women who are not up to standard on companies 2. That in turn will actually move backwards AWAY from acceptance of female competence.
  20. Man that sounds cool.
  21. On principle, you should be happy to sign off on HOW you sign off. I'd be instantly suspicious of anyone who insisted a hard copy was unacceptable. In this instance I'd sign in blue/coloured ink, and fedex them it, while retaining a colour copy.
  22. Don't you think there's alikely to be a lot of resistance to that being used elsewhere? We already discussed this a few months back and I think the consensus was that it was varying degrees of bad.
  23. Made me laugh . That's right, my mum has been fighting cancer for two years. Her bones are mothridden with cancer and she's just broken her ribs as well. It's really getting past amusing, all this business. Hid my head under the proverbial duvet today and played X3. Am clearly very hyped up/angry though, as I nearly cracked the desk in half thumping it after a particularly bad dogfight. Just going to crack open a half bottle of wine, keep my head down. Have to go out tomorrow though, to post various business bits and bobs. Slightly good news have been really cracking business development thanks to some novel business modelling techniques adapted to task. Masses more work coming in than I can do. Which I'm going to pretend is good, as I say.
  24. Found out my best friend has probably got leukemia. Really not fething happy. Turns out things really can get worse. Just feel so sorry for the guy.
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