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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. This fails to pay any attention to how large scale disaster management works. Once things go belly up you will find it is the large cities which get abandoned. Not the small towns. Large cities tend to contain service workers, who are frankly replaceable. Countries need the countryside where light industry, and arable land is. Like Max Brooks, he also fails to grasp the full range of options available to a serious individual. Weapons wise he is obsessed with firearms, which is nonsense. If you want a quiet weapon which can load anything you like then you have to consider spring power. A homemade airgun which fires ball bearings will do the trick admirably. Similarly with vehicles he discounts the full range of options. Outside the USA many countries have specialised riot vehicles which you should aim for, like the Casspir.
  2. "Excuse me, ma'am, but are you hurt?" i say to the woman with no arm. I reach out a reassuring hand, and she grabs it with her free hand. The beleeding has ebbed from her severed arm, which is VERY bad news. Sh ecan't have long to OWWWW! She's bitten my finger off! I pull away, backing towards the bar.
  3. From that link; This fails to pay any attention to how large scale disaster management works. Once things go belly up you will find it is the large cities which get abandoned. Not the small towns. Large cities tend to contain service workers, who are frankly replaceable. Countries need the countryside where light industry, and arable land is.
  4. I'm liking that. "I fear death. Obesity, cholesterol, and alcohol are factors in death. I must face my fear."
  5. A link with good taste?
  6. Linky not worky!
  7. It does seem a little unfair to support a company whose games you won't buy yourself. I agree with Steve. This means less diversity, and that sucks.
  8. I like Jorian's fast cruiser Impracticable and Xard's Evening Confidence. The latter sounds very English.
  9. His face will always be Hans Gruber to me. Even in Robin Hood I felt as if Kevin Costner was fighting a German terrorist. "Now I have a wench. ....Ho. Ho. Ho."
  10. As I round the corner I see a homeless man screaming "Give me vodka!" While he fights with a large white dog. A man with his arm mangled (possibly by the dog) is limping towards me. I stop to help.
  11. Final Countdown! "Captain! It's the Final Countdown!" "Weeedleweewow. Weddeedleweewowow!" "Captain?"
  12. http://roguey.freewha.com/gaming/pc/x3/help/ship_namer.php Designed for X3, but generates ship names completely at random. My favourite, and now flagship moniker: "Inspiring Chicken"
  13. Pleated trousers? As in pleated skirts?
  14. Surely don't mean Hocus Pocus...from Focus? Damn straight!
  15. Unless you're in a band. The band I was in back in college played one show on top of a Oldsmobile '88. It was at a keg party at our friend's' house. We put the PA and mixer in the back seat of the car and placed the mic stands on cinder blocks. One guy stood on the hood, one guy on the roof and I was on the trunk. The drummer played in front of the car. It was hands-down the weirdest "venue" I've ever played. Class.
  16. i need to get myself a monocole then, clearly And an ostrich
  17. Well, I'm glad that's all the awesome things we've done.
  18. I presume you've all read the Walking Dead graphic novels?
  19. After an exhausting set of intensive running i notice what appears to be two people trying to help someone who has fallen over. At least it looks that way from this distance.
  20. I am so going to this movie as soon as it arrives in the UK.
  21. I wasn't aware you did ANYTHING besides rob nobles and consort with harlots. Annoyed by the parlous state of my home projects, I put on my running shoes and set off for a run through the gathering gloom. I will be wearing an listening to extremely loud earphones.
  22. I you'll allow me to venture my sympathies, I agree. Sometimes the pain of losing someone special is balanced by the knowledge that they squeeezed as much out of life as they could. I think that's why when kids die it seems so awful. Still, I know that emotionally it can be kicker nonetheless. Shryke: one thing you learn from officers in the Army. A gentleman is as a gentleman does, not how he pretends to be.
  23. OK> Imagine just for a moment that I'm a technological imbecile...
  24. Actually, I guess what you really want is some sort of naturally powered zombie mincing machine. Like a watermill but chucking out minced zombie.
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