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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I was learning today about operational analysis. Apparently it had its roots mainly in the World Wars, and particularly the RAF. One of the things they recommended was cutting out a lot of the gunners from the bombers. They pointed out that the gunners did sweet FA, and only meant more men died on each downed plane. The other thing they did which was clever was recommend armnouring against the areas noted for getting patched on return runs. They reasoned any areas hit on planes which made it back weren't important!
  2. It's pronounced "You bastard" what a nice thing to say from a moderator Hey, I 'm just saying the truth, man! My real name is pronounced "Wuss Boy".
  3. I have a picture of me with a mafia clan head. And the local chief of police. It was a wee bit corrupt. I also once confused a member of the royal family.
  4. It's pronounced "You bastard"
  5. See now that's proper awesome. Who hasn't imagined the whole thing with saving a guy hanging off a cliff?
  6. I think you're forgetting your avatar.
  7. You're quite right, Colrom. Music couldn't be more personal, and if you like him, then fair dos!
  8. A colleague of mine died recently from cancer. I had to talk to his family and said off the cuff. "A life lived with courage and honour is never diminished in passing. Living with honour inspires others to remember us. Courage defends them so that they are able to do so." It lifted much of the grief. There is nothing that can compare to easing another's pain. Even if, on reflection it was a bit muddled.
  9. Well, that's a function of being an attack lawyer. You don't get paid to consider the bigger picture, so you don't. Speaking of which does anyone see any likelihood of changes in corporate governance/management coming? Or are we going to stay stuck with the same old 'weasels first' system we have now?
  10. ne thing I do think is funny is how the Reps big up McCain's genuine war service, but refuse to trash George jnr's disgraceful record on the same subject.
  11. "A tiger? In Africa?" "Shhhhh"
  12. I'll grant you his lyrics are well written. But I don't see why I should have to put up with his noise!
  13. Like a week old orangutang dipped in lavender oil?
  14. I'm sure we're all fans of the stylish resonances of the decayed 1950s look of Fallout, and the wrecked 1930s look of Bioshock. I've been doing a lot of commuting through London, recently, and was wondering why one couldn't have a hack at whatever the modern look is. I mean there must be one, and it seems to be appropriately gimcrack and polish to warrant subversion. I just wasn't sure what the icons were and so on. What might replace them? One idea I had was instead of decay, a post-Taliban look, with upscale areas being a retro Persian look, and the currently shiny city of London landmarks like Lloyds and the Stock Market faded out. Another thought I had was would the Net also become mildewed at the edges?
  15. My parents were lazy and a bit ****. That's why I was sent to boarding school to be raised by professionals. Damn fine idea, in my opinion.
  16. You're that pointless basketball on the recreation deck, right?
  17. Tell your liver to stop being a prick! If it was then it's certainly going to have trouble metabolising stuff.
  18. Abuse is a lot more prevalent than people were prepared to accept many years ago. Frankly I don't think you know what you're talking about. I've been a sponsor of the NSPCC here in the Uk for more than ten years and they give regular briefings. It's unsettling stuff. The basic point of abuse is that you have a position of trust and control which has associated minimum standards. To not cause physical harm, through intent or negligence for example. In this case Society, through the law, has agreed that children (all children) deserve a minimum access to education. they deserve it because without it they become mentally stunted just as a child who was starved would become physically stunted.
  19. Getting hit by a train is a really weird way to go. You just get hosed out and put in bags. Bloody awful.
  20. Bob Dylan? i suppose if you wnat to make sure you don't linger on this earthly plane then his whingeing atonal nonsense might help.
  21. I missed two months schooling when I was about 14 due to a lung disorder. two months missed makes a massive difference. Voluntarily absenting your kids from school for that length of time is abuse. As for regarding schooling as an optional luxury I would encourage you to think again. Using some of that fine education you have.
  22. I must say, I think I'm a little scared by what that's supposed to mean... And if that's what a man needs, what do I need? *ponders* He will also need bananas. For the potassium.
  23. I have a lot of time for anti-censorship, but in my view teaching extremist views is LESS responsible than teaching your kids how to make bombs (for example). You are constructing a worldview that leads to violence. In any event in this country hate speech and the incitement of hatred is illegal and should remain so.
  24. Well, I do read a lot, so if I find the time... And which Obi Wan? Alec Guinness? I don't like war movies, but I might give it a try. Might remind people that there's more to war than blazing away with an M60 from the hip.* EDIT: Sadly, because that would be awesome.
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