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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Now you're getting the hang of it. Consistent phrasing errors.
  2. 10 bucks says he has some problem with her muscle groups. Her oxylaterals are undiminished, or something. EDIT: Laura Harold, body double for Saoirse Ronan.
  3. Wasn't it more or less the case with Games Workshop a while back? And they realised the error of their ways, went back to nurturing gamers, not sales.
  4. I may be hungover, but isn't that exactly what dealerships do? They upsell you a bunch of widgets, and you pay for them piece by piece on credit. Which ends up costing three times as much. Since Monte already came at you like a fierce wolf I can afford to be more conciliatory: What the hell is wrong with me paying for a basic game, and if I like it I extend that game? Is it that you are afraid the basic game will be crap? And why is that terrifying? I just won't buy the extensions to the game, and the publisher loses credibility with me. Case in point: Ubisoft. After three **** games in a row, all of which had DRM issues, I won't buy their goddamn games. Bottom line is that you can and should tell publishers and studios you don't like the model. Just don't expect them to care unless a lot of people agree. And if a lot of people agree then relax, because it will change.
  5. I think the RAF should switch to x-wings. No! TIE fighters!
  6. While I'm not saying Russia can't be humanitarian, a convoy doesn't become a humanitarian aid convoy just because it's painted white.
  7. If you use sticky tape you can cover up a lot of the label and drink 'Gbo', the fancy Scandinavian cider. Fact.
  8. "Why don't you stay for a drink?" Cut to 0400.
  9. I posted it because while I can recognise she was beautiful I don't normally find her sexy. The tatts swing it.
  10. And
  11. See, there's a gigantic difference between what all of us normal people mean by "rape" and what Swedes mean by "rape". I believe the exact charge is called "sex by surprise", not rape. You wanna know what it is? Why would you assume I don't know. The key point is "what the Swedes mean" Democratic laws are precisely this. The people made the law he's being tried under. Although if I may contradict my earlier statement I can see how Julian Assange would have trouble with the concept of obeying laws he disagrees with.
  12. I think it's absolutely vital to draw a solid line between the wikileaks business and the rape charges. The rape charges are just that. No-one should be able to dodge them by playing a political card. If you want to discuss the wikileaks thing, well frankly we already have.
  13. Apart from the general public. That is if you don't mind me interrupting your swan-shaped fantasy land of righteous anarchists and evil politicos.
  14. I wasn't going to engage with this business with sling carrying/not carrying. But you presumably would accept that in the Israeli context there are military rockets zipping about? Air-raid sirens, so forth? Hardly St Louis. The most interesting thing to me is how - and I'll actually defer to Gromnir on this - it seems the cops in the USA haven't had full public support since the riots in the '80s.
  15. And on a finale feeling for a good weekend...
  16. Actually it isn't. Not according to any criminal data that I've seen. I swear to God that some people are happier thinking we're all doomed. Incidentally, I assume you all know about the old prison experiment? You should check it out before you make up your mind about cops.
  17. ...She's a sixteen year old girl, in the film. Who starts out with anorexia. What the hell were you expecting? Marcel Proust? It's partly what makes it interesting. It's no Red Dawn.
  18. Still gorgeous, voices and ladies.
  19. They won't have sex with him. Ironically, the women who hate me most are the ones who are also wiling to have sex with me. Go figure.
  20. I just watched How I Live Now, on Netflix. I really have to recommend it. I think it has an angle for anyone with a brain. Obviously I liked it because of the meticulous detail done to the war aspects. But I think it has charming elements and good cinematography. I'll be buying a few copies on DVD for friends.
  21. I'd be careful drawing any conclusions from media footage of protests. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I think it's pretty well established after Katrina that mainstream media outlets have a practical interest in making any trouble look like anarchy on the streets. It gets people watching, and keeps them watching.
  22. But isn't the US responsible for all bad in the world? According to the majority of my exes, it's the USA and me.
  23. I don't like blondes, but if I did like blondes... BTW, Woldan should check out Lake Placid 3. His dream woman is in it.
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