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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Were they ready to go, in themselves? If so, why should you feel bad? It's presumably not what they'd want, is it?
  2. The question is why you are not keen to look at women who don't want you to look at them? Seriously, it's creepy and weird. I admit I laughed at this.
  3. Woldo, I checked and my 'Kallo Organic' stock cubes have no weird artificial stuff in them. Again I recommend them, while applauding your rejection of Nestle/Knorr headache inducing crudballs.
  4. WTF? I'm not with you on pricing, because market capitalist guy. But being so ****ing greedy that they take OUT disabled sims to avoid 'offending' halfwits? Satan Makes Room For Parents Who Complained About Disabled TV Presenter
  5. Right. firstly we're going to need guns. Secondly you're going to need legal support. The kind that would make Genghis Khan turn down his stereo. To both ends I recommend you immediately giving me power of attorney.
  6. Firstly, even if that girl is over 18 she doesn't look it. Hankering after girls who look underage is still weird. Secondly, you're confusing society with the Daily Mail. Thirdly, stop evading the core question. Why are you so keen on looking at women who don't want you to look at them?
  7. OK, quick check: 1) Have you control tested for food allergies? 2) Have you now, or very recently, a bear gnawing on your foot? 3) Have you simply stopped giving a toss?
  8. Let's set aside the criminal question for a moment. There has NEVER been more freely available voluntary porn, both professional and amateur ....but you absolutely have to violate the privacy of people who clearly don't want you to? The only reason you'd do that is because you like the violation. Which is so weak as to not even deserve the description ****ed up.
  9. I don't see it as sexual abuse. But it is a crime based on a premise of exploiting power for the purposes of sex. "I can so I will" That kind of logic is just one comatose girl away from ruining a person's life.
  10. Lebanese trip hop. Hard to find album, if anyone knows where to buy.
  11. Oh well that's ok then. As long as your pathetic rape power fantasies are only about celebrities.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28961080 Variant of T72 never used as export turns up in Ukraine. Also, bit over-excited there. Forgot your bad grammar and mis-spellings completely.
  13. The real reason I am so happy is because it's Apple iCloud that got hacked. I am hoping and praying that all the celebrities will line up to sue Apple. Apple and MacHeads must be in full damage control mode right now. You need to urgently re-evaluate your ****ing worldview. These are actual people who've been violated. I could give a toss about your pseudo political point. You don't stick it to the man by getting upskirts of random women.
  14. I just checked and my vacuum does a hearty 2500. This bull **** is exactly what Guard Dog worries about if they take his guns off him. First they come for the guns, then they come for the vacuum cleaners.
  15. I kind of agree with both KP and Bruce. On the one hand, Bruce you have to see that if bigotry is wrong it's not wrong in a sense of restitution. It's wrong conceptually and intellectually. It's wrong because it diminishes the perpetrator as well as the victim. On the other hand, KP you need to understand that Bruce is a white South African, and that's made him a bit more conscious of real bigotry happening all the time all around him. White on black, asian on gay, black on HIV, HIV on gnomes etc. Bruce takes the angle he does because he wants to fix the bigotry he can see. KP takes the angle he does because he wants to fix the bigotry that he can see. In the end I have to side with KP, because I'm afraid that Brice's angle merely exchanges one form of bigotry for another. No offence meant, Bruce.
  16. Up betimes and broke my fast with chorizo sausage, stale bread, good hummus, and a banana. Coffee with almond milk.
  17. Hacking private photos isn't just illegal it's ****ing creepy. You want to break into these ladies houses and spy on them while they sleep? Get the **** out, you inadequate waste of balls.
  18. Pancreatitis sounds like a college campus in SW Georgia, which Calax should graduate from. Had one of my best dreams ever last night. Outbreak o vamps, a la Stakeland. With twist that many different strains of vamp flu existed. Most vamps highly competitive and killed one another over prey post-outbreak. Humans able to sustain small communities if out of the way, or subsist as urban 'herds' slowly being wittled down by solitary uber strong vamps. Myself with attempting to mobilise fight back by killing off weaker vamps, but events in dream around time first smart vamp took an interest. Sent infiltrator to group disguised as refugee. I suspect that the aggressor group would have turned out to be lead by ex-military chap. Lots of clues along the way. Military tended to turn at once, kill whoever they were protecting, then turn on each other. Easter egg for Nepenthe in the dream! Had flashback sequence to fall of Westminster, saw sign for law firm of 'Lowe, Bligh, and Hjalno'
  19. I missed this story when it was new, so apologies if it was covered, but... The European Union is banning vacuum cleaners above a certain energy level. I cannot begin to heap enough scorn on this pointless exercise. We are not going to solve global warming by changing the vacuum cleaners. It's not even an issue. Alternative perspectives?
  20. I can understand someone not wanting to eat around the bone. Aren't there some pretty good stuffed chicken wing recipes? Lemongrass, garlic, rice noodles, chilli, lime zest etc.
  21. My absolute favourite has to be a few years ago when London cyclists tried to argue that they be allowed to go through red lights. It was in the goddamn Metro letters page. I mean even assuming they could avoid the cars, surely they're not immune to each other? Or are they like swans, and can't collide. No, wait, I'm thinking of neutrons.
  22. Pretty much the same for the US and UK, but hey those are the land of the free. My country said we didn't have troops in Ukraine. You see any British tanks rolling around?
  23. I see nothing humorous about this situation. It's not just that Ukraine is being invaded. It's also that the Russian people have been systematically lied to and every time the lies are uncovered they're told it's all OK because it just shows how strong Putin is.
  24. Its the adrenaline, only things like that make me feel alive. That and steam irons applied to his nipples.
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