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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Someone who challenged, and shifted some of my views is Guard Dog. He didn't do that by calling me an **** and posting some links.
  2. As if they didn't already have enough problems, there's now an outbreak of the Marburg virus in Uganda. http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2014-10/05/content_33686011.htm
  3. Been bingeing on Fringe. Hugely fun.
  4. Sounds like a weird atmosphere. You can't treat these men like quarterbacks. Just common sense.
  5. This is turning into a general media critique. Partly my fault.
  6. Could be PTSD. Could be the hype/attention. Could be a combination of both. I like how Valsuelm is on first name terms with the guy.
  7. Scouring the house today. I am certain that it should be impossible to remove four carloads of stuff and still have crap everywhere.
  8. Ooh, a twist! Hoping to reinvigorate this pathetic display?
  9. Pork chop, soft white bread, black pepper, salt.
  10. Those stug pics just make me miss Red Orchestra. Everyone laughs at the stug until they lose a track to HE, and are blanketed in smoke.
  11. Is that you, Photoshop? Is this me?
  12. Please don't confuse actual Russians with some loser pretending to be Russian.
  13. Open query: to what extent is this incident just echoing a more general trend in recent years; that of pundits massively exaggerating a position just to get clicks? This is the new journalism as seen in politics. You get paid by clicks, not by good analysis. Because we've left paid analysis behind.
  14. Press ups are a normal part of physical training in the British Army. They may not make you look like Schwarznegger, but claiming they don't do anything is just ludicrous.
  15. Like I say, I may still choose Intel. But making me never consider any other chip cost Intel a lot of money. Losing that is dangerous.
  16. I just spoke to my tame doctor, and he assures me that what I'm experiencing is caffeine withdrawal. I should expect it to last at least three days. All I can say is that I'm glad I never had to go cold turkey from heroin.
  17. I assume you mean tea.
  18. Even though I agree it won't work, I'm not following that link.
  19. I'm not saying I won't buy Intel on my next upgrade. But for the first time ever I will consider alternatives seriously. Nudges. Nudges are powerful.
  20. Today I have an alcohol free hangover. I've given up booze and caffeine for October to raise money for cancer relief. It's going to be a long ****ing month.
  21. So does she. Can you not see is spurning them, like a burning dog?
  22. Loving the idea you think Hurlshot's a communist. Talk about forum n00bs. And I don't use that word lightly.
  23. Hilarious, oby. You think you can post a few pictures of 'nice Ukrainians' and it makes up for the untold posts celebrating the invasion of their country and murder of their soldiers and civilians?
  24. ROFL. Although I know the history, on reflection I've actually seen no regulation directly with my own eyes, in Africa and the Far East. If you're that worried about your freedoms I suggest you hop on the first plane, you poor dumb bastard,
  25. There seems to be an equally staggering ignorance of the history of employment law. Suggesting you want to work in a market where you have zero protection other than what you can provide for yourself is ...well I can only hope you never have to. You morons.
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