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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I've been stopped by the cops three times in the UK. I was polite and reasonable. Subjected to a search once, zero problems. The only time I had trouble with a US cop was in Manhattan. He accused me of dressing like a mook. Unfortunately he was right.
  2. By a happy coincidence, here's a piece on The Atlantic, which discusses Russians who are paid stipends to frequent Western fora and talk crap. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/08/the-kremlins-troll-army/375932/
  3. Not sure if this qualifies as a necropost, but...
  4. I refuse to respect ANYONE who plays chess for fun. Comedienne Laura Solon, who is probably the funniest woman I've ever experienced:
  5. Only because I'm too tech illiterate to vomit over people on the internet.
  6. Well yes, compared to you any woman is a manly man. That's because, thanks to steroid abuse, mkreku has testicles growing out his elbows.
  7. Having just completed a review of neuropsychological material on male-female differences in basic cognition I'd love to partciipate. But I just remembered that I'd be debating with people who use the term 'feminazi', and in conclusion: **** off.
  8. It ought to be - and has been - noted that the US military guidelines on handling street protests emphasise a graduated response. Certainly UK guidelines stress that in the confusion of a crowd situation any confrontational atmosphere provokes rather than deters crises. The cops here deserve to get panned. But don't get your pants all in a bunch pretending all cops want to be like that.
  9. Wealth distribution is the most stupid pile of balls. Why shoudl it matter if my neighbour is 100 times wealthier in a year, if I am twice as wealthy in a year? It's all based on the idea of a zero sum economy. Which as I say is self-evidently stupid. Although I've heard many many well educated people argue in favour of it. No ****ing economists, though.
  10. I love how WoD seems to have completely skipped the last two hundred years of political evolution. At least in the UK. The point was made very successfully that peasants weren't denied the vote because they had no wealth. They had no wealth because they were denied the vote. We are all immeasurably wealthy by the standards of our ancestors, and by the standards of non-democracies. We pretend we aren't happy, but we bloody should be.
  11. I'm going to give it to her when I get back to the office on Thursday, I have been busy at customers since I got back. I did see the extended magazine but I only bought her 3 x packs of ammo. I also didn't want to go overboard on the presents until the relationships starts progressing. I'm glad you have heard about this Nerf gun, I had never heard about it until she mentioned it. But she said all her friends play this type of game Creepy office stalker mode... engaged. :D Copy that, control. Awkward staring on my mark...
  12. Jealousy is such a negative emotion. I'm going to hate him just because.
  13. Reformed alcoholics are often a bit dark. he may not have been consistently funny or talented, but when he was at his best he was funnier than I'll ever be.
  14. If agreeing with Woldan means we all become uruk hai like Woldan, then you can get stuffed.
  15. Since I avoid having anything to do with actually going into oceans my only interest in sharks is that they distract patrolling guards.
  16. Not everyone here gets their hookers paid for by the Chinese government, old man. In any case surely basic rules apply and you have to buy one back? And I for one am not buying hookers for the Chinese government.
  17. I could kind of take it when we had random racists wandering through here because they'd say about three things, get shouted at, and clear off. The pattern has been consistent ever since I joined years ago. oby doesn't clear off because oby is a bloody alt. and that alt is the tramp publicly urinating in the art gallery. The only people pandering to and encouraging oby are the mods for letting the halfwit behind the alt play games with the forum rules.
  18. TrueNeutral, Grom always gets touchy when confronted by popular creators. He got angsty over Dead Money.
  19. If what oby wants is to be called a timewasting bigoted incompetent then oby has got even more problems than I originally suspected.
  20. Labadal, I stumbled across a paper you might want to check out, today. Cognitive distancing, cognitive restructuring, and cardiovascular recovery from stress Britta A. Larsen∗, Nicholas J.S. Christenfeld; 2011
  21. BREAK BREAK Troops may have been involved in a fracas as the Iraqi President calls for a new PM to replace Maliki.
  22. Leaving aside your slightly pathetic attempts to sound foreign by leaving out prepositions, I have to ask if you have ever actually met any kurds. Or is this more meandering racism at work?
  23. Careful there, oby. Going a bit off-message. Papa Putin loves the Church.
  24. Not a clever riff, but the performance makes it. Autumnal, really.
  25. There is a more serious point that democracy is more than just voting booths. Our democratic institutions arose after the demand. Many 20th and 21st century democracies have the mechanisms before the demand. In all seriousness I do also agree that for many people actually in Western democracies there is a lack of engagement. It's popular to blame politicians, but I often think it's down to the competitive demand from everyday life being complex, and the understanding of most issues being very poor. In other words you wouldn't be happy if your employees were facebooking and watching movies when they were working. But it's how we do everything else.
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