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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Meat and potato pie, and a very small schnapps just to make certain my liver doesn't get all defeatist. Still hungry, so am going to make some broth with a stock cube, pepper, half teaspoon of butter.
  2. Stuck in my head all day.
  3. I want Calax's game.
  4. Nope. Done in so many other places already.
  5. I remember reading somewhere that English churches used to be like that. But the bloody puritans stripped them out.
  6. Didn't finish work in time to hit the chemists. My one-up is a good lad. Took one look at me this morning, and swiftly produced a fresh bacon sandwich. Plenty of fast work to do helped keep the rot away.
  7. Isn't that a bit mean?
  8. I really like Selma Blair, but not those photos of her.
  9. I bet they'd be like wichity grubs.
  10. I thought that was Canada. Sorry.
  11. It's a BMPT-72. Apparently. http://en.rian.ru/military_news/20130925/183720985/Russia-Unveils-Terminator-2-Tank-Support-Vehicle.html Not sure why this is an example of great Russian military genius. The concept of using an MBT hull for providing heavier fighting protection to other AFV roles dates back to the kangaroo APC. The Israelis already have the Achzarit MBT conversion for built up areas. And even us Brits have begun bolting a new turret on Warrior. Sources online disagree what missile variant it's packing. Will probably vary by country. Difficulties with the limited elevation and depression of Russian AFV guns was noted in the Soviet Afghan war, by at least 1985-1986. So good work on the speedy development of the solution.
  12. They should study the peculiarly British phenomenon of when one person says sorry, everyone around them immediately also says sorry.
  13. *nods* I will buy a large box today.
  14. If I were to have a relationship with my body it would be that of a douchebag to his long suffering girlfriend.
  15. Yeah I know the drill. Every time I wake up with a hangover I do so with the perfect assurance that I could have avoided it if I hadn't gone to sleep without any water in a misguided attempt to tell nature and common sense to **** off.
  16. By way of a control group, I haven't watched the video and I feel crap.
  17. I am temperamentally inclined to obey signs. Which I sometimes think I take too far. But nevertheless I am amazed by how often I see people ignoring safety signs. It's as if they think not being blown up and/or killing other people is too 'square.'
  18. It really is very personal. I had all sorts of opinions on automatic handguns, until I fired some and realised I just don't get along with them. Not sure why you want a lightweight trigger. Woldan will correct me, but I thought one wanted a solid pull relative to the recoil of the gun. It helps your body naturally brace for the recoil.
  19. Completely ignored my own advice about drinking last night. Four ales and a strong cider. I now feel as if I have molerats in my brainstem.
  20. I sometimes feel I ought to feel guilty about all the ants I've killed. But I simply can't be bothered.
  21. The funny thing is that I consider those extremists to be one tantrum short of being homeless. EDIT: Having said that I'm also opposed to government spending accounting for such a large proportion of GDP. They aren't really that smart when they spend, and I just think it would be better having it sloshing around the pockets of the people who made the money.
  22. No worries, man. Pleased to help if we can. I can't recommend a specific firm, but all of the major defence contractors have simulation wings. You might also consider going along to any conventions in your area and talking to firms at their stalls. Your previous military experience should make them polite if nothing else. I'd recommend training stuff over pure games because it's likely to be more stable, and a more rounded career. I got to muck around train on this back in the day.
  23. Hey, if the stuff is liquid it can be used for cleaning, right? Well, I know my grandfather used it for cleaning his uniform in the desert. But I can understand not wanting an old lady spraying it around a petrol station.
  24. I agree that personal responsibility is key. But sometimes you make people rally by shouting, sometimes with threats, sometimes with kindness, sometimes by example. I guess the point where we don't differ, and it's heartening, is that we'd both like people to rally. I work with a fellah who would revealed this week that he'd be quite content for 'the weak' to just die. I haven't decided what to do about that. I may be obliged to treat him as a worthless ****.
  25. Busy tonight. May be free tomorrow. Not sure about the weekend.
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