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Everything posted by Naso

  1. Well "soon" turned out to be on a geologic timescale, and now I have to wonder what planet they're using to determine "days". I'm perfectly fine with "when it's done", but this kind of **** is really obnoxious. I've already bought the damn game, I really kinda like the damn game, but I have to wonder if they're simply trying to be perverse at this point, and that's just not good for business at all......................
  2. Sorry if this has been dealt with, but are other people still having problems with swoop racing? I used a save-game from before the patch, but that shouldn't affect this. I'm still going directly over pads that don't boost me at all. Am I just doing something wrong somehow, (no such issue in Kotor 1)? I thought the patch readme said it fixed this.
  3. Is anyone else still having problems with swoop racing, particularly pads not boosting you when you go over them, or am I an incompetent idiot?
  4. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, patch no evil.........
  5. It's not a play by play of all the coding or anything like that, it's that we've been waiting a long time, and "soon" really isn't at all the same as "when it's done", and it's really been anything but.
  6. Funny how Doom 3 gets better performance on my computer than KotOR then........................................
  7. When you go outside into a large grassy area and are suprised you don't teleport randomly about?
  8. Well, no more KotOR then until they fix that little piece of crap. I've uninstalled drivers for the last time for this damn game...............
  9. But then you couldn't get in, right?
  10. If there is a KotOR 3 I expect to see Trask as either a Sith lord or sitting half-drunk at a bar telling some incredulous lady about his "daring escape". Oh, and Kyle Katarn from JK2/JA looks exactly like a non-fat Lucas. It's one of the creepiest bits of corporate adulation I've ever seen.
  11. Well, at least the patch still exists in some form or another. Regardless of content, they'll be fixing a couple of the quests at least, so I've been holding off on starting a new game, because of course when I do it'll be released. That's been for about 3 weeks now.
  12. I want to know why the female npc's get to look fine when they go dark, but Atton looks like a dried prune and my pc looks like a bad paper-mache project.... Would that many people really stopped playing if all the women didn't look cute or something?
  13. And here I was hoping this patch would fix my pants once and for all. Thanks for nothing Obsidian.........
  14. Darth Protagonist all right, we're done here, close the thread
  15. *newsflash* Lucas Arts loses patch in pair of old pants, sends Obsidian back to make it again. Statement reads ""Soon" still applicable to geologic timescale"
  16. Not really, no
  17. Does a tech demo take it's own booth?
  18. The immunities would be very useful *IF* any enemies except the final boss used those powers....................
  19. Thanks for the clarification. Don't care how much time the patch takes, just had thought that soon, without any qualification, meant sometime that week.
  20. Well, it does sort of sound like "evil heart", at least in accordance with how much scifi writers pay attention to the latin and greek words they butcher.
  21. Excuse me, anyone know how to get to the hospital from here?
  22. Beast trick is learned when you go by a particular Boma in the Dxun jungles... It's on the right side of the minimap I think.....
  23. I had more fun than with the original. Bugs, and a few wtf-moments in the ending aside, the content is far more interesting than in the previous game. Although I've never been a fan of the sort of overall hub and spokes structure for games, they made it far more interesting than just the star maps in the previous. As far as the gameplay goes, it is fairly easy and the rules start to seem a little cluttered, but the new stuff you can do is fun and offsets a lot of that. The one thing is though that ranged weapons, including mira's rockets, which actually kinda suck, still are far inferior, so you'll rarely want to use them, though maybe I just haven't fiddled with the feats enough, because there are various things to add to accuracy. The evil options are a lot better too. Still a bit on the side of petty thugery, but much improved. Btw, I'd figured you'd be the first to get it. Why you waiting a year? *edit* i never had a gamestopping bug, just some annoying ones. having to downgrade drivers, the frame buffer effects not working, and sometimes the sound going out for cutscenes.
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