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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Have you read Traitor? It was in the NJO and was written by the same guy who wrote Shatterpoint (Stover). It's quite a good read, assuming you can tolerate the NJO.
  2. I think as long as the stories remain fresh and the games maintain a certain level I'm all for it. I enjoyed KOTOR, and look forward to TSL. So obviously I'd be looking forward to any future KOTOR-esque games, whether it be in the Old Republic era or the New Republic era, or even some "alternate universe" era.
  3. Weird, I must have a one tracked mind. The good Star Wars novels (the ones I felt were the best written) stay with me. I remember the details and what happens every chapter long after I've finished reading the book. The Thrawn Trilogy has stuck with me for what, 10 or 11 years now? That must be the SW nerd in me.
  4. To answer the original post, I'd say it depends on how TSL concludes. If there is an "opening" for continuation, then KOTOR 3 should be set at the same time frame difference between 1 and 2, that is five years. If there's no opening and all loose ends are largely tied up, then I'd hope for a long gap, either 500 years or even start the KOTNR series.
  5. I'm going to play through with each different Jedi class regardless if it's improved or not.
  6. On closer examination, it just looks like that's the color of his sleeve.
  7. I pretty much agree with that, and that's one of the reasons why I'm not one of those who thought KOTOR "failed" as some would have you believe. Yes, parts of the game could have been better, but overall, comparing it to Fallout or Baldur's Gate and saying "See, this is what they should have done" just doesn't work because the SW universe is completely different than anything else out there, so it's unfair to compare its setting to any other and try to point out its so called faults. This is especially one of the reasons why I don't think Hades' quest for a non-Jedi hero would fit in THIS setting. The story of the game required a specific type of character with specific types of skills (namely, Force powers) and thus why I think KOTOR chose correctly by limiting which classes could be used. I think more than anything, anything Star Wars has to remove the "grey" area. If it has grey area, or neutral choices at the end, then it's just not capturing the whole idea of what SW is about. In all the books, movies, etc. eventually everyone chose a side, good or evil. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian are perfect examples of "neutral" characters who chose a side to fight with. In the Thrawn trilogy, the smuggler named Talon Karrde was basically a fringe bad guy who didn't care about either the Empire or the New Republic, but by the conclusion, he'd chosen which of the two he'd support. This is the kind of thing that happens in SW and allowing "grey" choices throughout the entire game just misses on this aspect.
  8. I think if Lucasarts is going to put time and money into a movie, it'll be a live-action movie. Or atleast I hope so.
  9. Wasn't the FF movie considered a monumental flop though?
  10. Already been discussed and I believe the Devs gave it a negative.
  11. Or he's just an amputee.
  12. You'll show up at a spaceport somewhere and miraculously, all the NPCs will be looking for passage off planet. So then you bring them along. Voila.
  13. Dooku kicked their ass because he was more powerful than they were. It had nothing to do with his fighting style. If it was all about fighting style, then the result would have been the same against Yoda.
  14. I'd laugh if they brought back Bastila, but instead of Jennifer Hale doing the voice acting, they cut costs and had Ed Asner do both her and Master Vrook's voice.
  15. I see. I'd never heard it described like that. All the other times it's been used (KOTOR1, RotJ) all it was was the person using it was able to make their own army more cohesive and fight as one, rather than a bunch of minds doing their own thing. It was said in the EU that Emperor Palpatine used it in the battle over Endor to help his fleet against the Rebellion, but it never said that he made the Rebel fleet disorganized and such. Regardless, it still requires concentration to perform and like many "Jedi mind tricks", it has a limited effect on those powerful in the Force (ie. It would affect Yoda or Palpatine in a MUCH smaller way than it'd affect an Ewok or Jawa).
  16. Where did you get that from? I've never heard it said that it affects the enemy in any way at all. Atleast not in the instances I've seen/read about it being used. It merely helps large scale armies fight as "one" in a more cohesive manner.
  17. Even used on a small scale, battle meditation only increases one's ability to fight, but that ability already has to be there to begin with. If Bastila is a 1 (out of 10) in terms of lightsaber combat, then BM would bump that to a 4 or 5. That still does nothing against Anakin at a 8 or 9 (out of 10). Plus, BM is more draining than small Force powers such as push or choke, so Anakin could just ride out the storm and wait till Bastila started to tired before finishing her off.
  18. Must be Bioware creations, since they don't appear to be listed in any existing SW folklore.
  19. I have faith that Obsidian will be able to pull it off. Although I agree that level 20 should have been enough, since we start as a Jedi already.
  20. Where's the option for "other"?
  21. I think the devs have stated they've added more variety in faces, but I don't think it'll be to the extent where the choices are vastly different than KOTOR 1.
  22. After the game gets released in December for the XBox, I'm not coming here anymore.
  23. Who or what exactly are Baragwins? They had both a powerful blade and a powerful gun named after them.
  24. Umm, the people saying Bastila would win because of her battle meditation are forgetting one small problem....the time and energy she requires to concentrate. Did you watch the cutscenes when she was using her BM? She had to kneel down on the floor and concentrate ALL ALONE for a time for it to be useful. Anakin would just slaughter her while she's kneeling down trying to concentrate. I don't remember Revan having too much trouble getting on to the Star Forge (even when she's using BM) and tracking her down and killing her (if that was the PC's choice), so I doubt Anakin would either. You people seem to misunderstand exactly what Battle Meditation does. It isn't a case of her being able to control the minds of thousands of people to do her bidding. It has to do with being in tune with their thoughts and clearing away any confusion, almost allowing all parties under her "spell" to think as one. And it's only good in a large scale battle. It's not as simple as Bastila controlling Bounty Hunters' minds to do her bidding.
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