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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Actually, considering the fact Yoda hid himself from the Emperor (someone who had a vast amount of Force power), regardless of "using the pressense of the dark side", is a bigger feat than Vergere hiding herself from Luke. Luke's not exactly in the Emperor's class in terms of sheer knowledge and power of the Force. He's a half-breed from a whiny father and a short princess with a Brooklyn accent.
  2. I think the point of this thread is the release date of the PC version, though.
  3. Actually, there's no indication that Yoda couldn't do everything she could, and more. Considering she learned her stuff during the Old Republic era under masters like Yoda and such. Skywalker couldn't do anything against her because he didn't have access to that kind of knowledge. Yoda, Mace, etc. did.
  4. *looks at avatar* ehem! you were saying? :angry:
  5. Wouldn't it be easier just to go to gamebanshee for FAQs or hints if you're stuck? Atleast they break their walkthru down into sections so you know if you click on one specific section, the rest of the plot won't be ruined for you. You don't quite have that luxury if you visit this forum.
  6. People need a spellcheck for words like "Sentinel" and "Consular"?
  7. Because it's a poll. So whenever someone votes, it gets bumped up regardless of whether someone actually posts a response or not. Check out all the threads with polls in them. You'll notice that a lot of times they get bumped up even though the actual "replies" are from days or even weeks ago.
  8. This has to be one of the worst spelling in a poll in the history of this forum. Do people just forget their spelling lessons when they sign on to the internet?
  9. Yoda will always get my vote. ALWAYS.
  10. He's sitting by his telephone, anxiously waiting for the Lucasarts execs to get back to him about his questions.
  11. I voted pazzak, mainly because I actually understood how to play it. I've attempted Sabaac (it was included in one PnP campaign) but I never really got the hang of it.
  12. PC owner and not coming back until after I've played through atleast twice (LS and DS).
  13. I didn't love it in KOTOR 1, but I voted for that one anyways since it was closest to what I think. I was hoping we'd get a new ship this time, instead of re-using the Ebon Hawk. Ah well, hopefully Obsidian tied it to the story really well then.
  14. Read the how thing, i said maybe for KOTOR3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My mistake, but considering this is a KOTOR TWO forum, and that's the game Obsidian is making, it's an easy mistake.
  15. Exactly. I don't understand why people automatically assume delayed release date=more work being done. It doesn't. It means exactly what it infers, a delayed release. Nothing more, nothing less.
  16. "Initially" is the key word for me. All that means is that XBox will get the features as well. Not exactly much consolation since their "extra feature" is getting the game itself first.
  17. Would that really surprise you? Considering they've already done away with the "simultaneous release" thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if the PC version came out a good 6 or so months after the Xbox version.
  18. I think the devs have said on numerous occassions they won't be releasing the type of thing you're suggesting to be released.
  19. Not necessarily. KOTOR's PC version came out much later than the Xbox version. Was it a HUGE improvement? Other than Yavin station (which was available via Live anyways), what "improvements" were there between the two games?
  20. Nothing really new stated, but I still enjoy reading every article I can (even though I hate spoiling things for myself). I must enjoy torturing myself.
  21. Ah, but it's bound to occur in any thread related to KOTOR2. So the choices then come down to this: 1-Allow non-KOTOR banter in the threads and take the topics off-topic. or 2-Delete all non-KOTOR banter and/or delete the thread if it goes off topic. Both take away significantly from the discussion since a thread that's 80% on topic and has generated good discussion will either have to be pruned by a moderator (probably not an enviable task if the thread is 10+ pages long) or deleted outright, in which that 80% was a waste of time. Adding a SW: EU forum would help the situation since, atleast moderators can just say "move this to the EU forum". If all SW topics go into the Off-Topic forum, then that'll be cluttered with SW fans posting "what do you think of Leia vs. Bastila" threads all over the place. Atleast if the SW stuff is allowed its own "little forum", then anyone who doesn't want to read about SW doesn't have to. But that's just my opinion, and my opinion means nothing on here.
  22. 2 endings are a given. After that, it'll come down to creativity on Obsidian's part. I agree with the above poster that the ending should atleast, somehow, incorporate what you did on each planet you visited. I know in Star Wars they usually go for the "cheesey" ending (Ewok village ending, Yavin medal ceremony ending) and KOTOR 1 adhered to that with their two endings, which is fine. But it would be cool if once you finished the game, first they showed cutscenes of what happened to each of the worlds or whatever, then they went in to a final cutscene like KOTOR1 (but longer) to fulfill the "SW ending" quotient.
  23. I never studied the book in the first game (glanced once or twice), so I doubt I'll study this one. Of course, that would explain why I had no clue about the class bonuses and such until after a couple of play throughs.
  24. You certainly don't mind waiting for games. Me, I'm more concerned about raising a family and buying a house by 2009, than whether KOTOR3 will be graphically stunning.
  25. Is it a bad thing that I know exactly which books/comics/novels you're referencing with each of your above examples?
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