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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Speaking of Juhani (well, actually, Cathar), I noticed for the first time the mention of the Cathar species in a SW novel. Darksaber has a couple of Cathar in it. [/end off topic]
  2. After playing some of the other cRPGs out there, it's noticeable how short KOTOR was, and is a little disappointing that TSL will be approximately the same length. It would have been nice if the game was expanded upon by sidequests, even if the main quest remains about the same length. I don't necessarily want a 200 hour game, but it'd be nice if the game actually came close to about 40 to 50 hours of play. As it is, KOTOR only lasted about 30 hours if you took everything slowly and did everything imagineable. If you raced through it you could finish in under 20 hours. That's pretty short.
  3. In fairness, it might get read more in a separate thread. Most people might not know who Tyrell is and why that thread is there asking where he is.
  4. Interesting bit of info. <_<
  5. that still has absolutely nothing to do with the question i had asked him.
  6. Uh? that has nothing to do with an explanation.
  7. I figured we'd get the generic "blah blah, plans change" excuse. He never did really explain WHY it changed or WHY they kept pushing for a simultaneous release, then suddenly the simultaneous release wasn't important anymore.
  8. Haha I'm referred to as a "grumy (I suspect that should have been grumpy) little fellow". :D
  9. No, we`re trying to make our charcaters look better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> by putting bulky armor underneath robes and other clothing? yeah, a walking refrigerator looks ever so normal.
  10. So which option on the poll was right?
  11. Either Peragus uniforms, or just the usual Republic light armor (or whatever it was called that you found on the Endar Spire).
  12. I didn't see anyone doing that in this thread. In fact, most of the shots (and I know they were just in jest) were XBox users taunting PC users. Which is fine, if it's in good fun. But when you start using the words "jerks" or whatever, then it's going from playful teasing to outright flaming.
  13. yeah, that's not gonna start a flame war or anything. common sense, use it.
  14. It would be about on par with how Lucasarts seems to do business now.
  15. This has been asked numerous times, but I honestly don't care. I didn't really find it interesting in Jedi Academy, so I doubt it'd make much of a difference to me in TSL.
  16. Depends on the length of the game. If it's going to be relatively short (such as KOTOR was), then the sooner you get your NPCs, the sooner you'll be able to talk to them and get their sidequests. With a shorter game, if you don't meet up with a bunch of your NPCs until the second last or last planet, then there isn't much time to develop a "relationship" with them and trigger their sidequests before the main quest is near completion.
  17. If it's going to be implemented, chances are it'll be in a game like NWN2 rather than KOTOR3, mainly because Lucasarts seems to want to put a hamper on any modding of their KOTOR series of games. I'm not really sure why they're being anal about it, since they've allowed modding to their Jedi Knight series and whatnot, but KOTOR's game wasn't mod friendly and from all accounts, neither will TSL be.
  18. I'll have to play through it first. Seems an OK idea, but the description of what takes place in one of those previews isn't exactly the kind that'll make me go "wow! seriously?!?".
  19. Again, you missed my point about that being VERGERE'S opinion about Jacen Solo being more powerful than any other Jedi. And what was her catch phrase again? "Everything I tell you is a lie". You can't use what one CHARACTER believes as some sort of fact. And really, that's beside the overall point. Even if it is conceded that Jacen IS the most powerful Jedi ever, doesn't prove that the new Jedi are more powerful as a whole than the old Jedi. Have you actually read anything about ZS? Or about Vergere's time on ZS? Obviously you haven't if you're going to state that she was ON Zonama Sekot when the Emperor was in power. By the time of the Jedi Purge, she had already left ZS and had gone with the Yuuzhan Vong to their own galaxy. So while Sekot may or may not have been in the unknowns (the planet travels frequently), Vergere was not on it.
  20. So you're basing your argument on what Vergere says? Because she says that Jacen Solo is the most powerful Jedi, that automatically makes it so? That would mean that Kyp Durron is more powerful than Luke, since Kyp felt he was. Sorry, not a valid argument. The point is, and it has been stated in MANY novels, that the new Jedi Order has admitted that a lot of the power and mystique about the Force and the ways to use the Force were lost when the Jedi Purge took place. By their own admittance, they acknowledge that they don't have even the slightest bit of power or knowledge that the Old Republic Jedi did. As far as the distances go, please tell me you didn't just say that Dagobah is farther away from Coruscant than an entirely different galaxy that sits at an unknown distance from the galaxy that all the planets we know of in the SW universe exist in. To travel from one galaxy to the next, even if they are side by side, isn't the same as travelling from one planet that's right next to the other. That was just plain rediculous.
  21. The interviews will be out when they're out. Simple as that.
  22. And again I reiterate, saying her ability to hide herself from Luke, Kyp, etc. of the new generation means very little, since it's widely considered that the Jedi Order of the Old Republic was MUCH more powerful than Luke and his little cub scouts. And my point about the Vong galaxy being different is to counter you saying that Yoda needed to shield himself on Dagobah. Vergere did the same thing, except multiply that by 1000 since she was in a different galaxy. That would be equivalent to Yoda hiding his presense from the CIA while hiding in one of the states of the US, whereas Vergere was in Australia hiding herself. Obviously it's going to be easier for her when she's so much farther away.
  23. A reason is an explanation given for something you intend to do; an excuse is an explanation given for something you didn't intend to do and had to cover up later. In other words, a reason is what is given if you are explaning something you had planned to do all along. An excuse is what is given if you didn't intend something and got backlash for it, but then had to scamble to explain why it happened.
  24. Uh? She hid herself from those guys because she was in a different UNIVERSE. She was in the Vong universe, which was completely different from the universe we know in most of Star Wars. So in effect, "she" didn't hide herself from the Emperor, but rather the distances between universes did.
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