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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Assuming I understood the options properly, I went with option 2. I'd like to see the majority of the XP come from completing quests, but I'd also like to see smaller amounts of XP granted for killing enemies as well as from non-combat stuff (ie. dialogue persuasions, lock picking, etc.). For instance, suppose a quest rewards you with around 1000 XP, then the other stuff in relation should give something like 5 XP per weak enemy killed, 10 to 15 XP for the tougher enemies, 50 XP for a "boss" level enemy, and similar XP for minor lock picks or thieving activities.
  2. I still maintain that as the combat got better (more fun), the story got progressively worse in the Mass Effect series. I know some folks didn't like it, but I thought the story -- main story -- from Mass Effect 1 was the best of the series. But the combat was the worst of the series; it's one of the reasons I have difficulty replaying ME1. In contrast, I thought ME3's combat was its saving grace. I actually enjoyed the combat sections in ME3. But the story ... ugh.
  3. Project Eternity is going to be my first kickstarter I've pledged. I'm not sure if I'm going with the $65 one or the $140 one. I kind of feel bad not pledging for Dead State, but I wasn't really following their forums too closely during the time their kickstarter was going on.
  4. Wouldn't it make sense for them to sell the rights to someone who can fund the game? I mean, it seems to me that the rights to a franchise are only valuable if you can do something with them. *shrugs*
  5. When I read a post of yours, I imagine the entire thing being said in Yes Man's hyper excited cheery voice.
  6. I like intelligent villains. I like villains capable of manipulating events through schemes and politics, rather than just some muscle guy who takes over a city/country/world because he can beat everyone else up. Give me Kreia over Malak any day (KOTOR reference, for those unaware). I also like villains who are willing to go to any lengths to make their plans come to fruition. If they kill someone's family, it's not because they're EVIL! and want to massacre everyone just to say they can. It's because it's a part of the grand plan and they have no qualms about murdering innocents if it furthers their goals.
  7. I've been checking on the kickstarter page constantly, watching the number grow. As of this post, it's up just above $1.9 million. I'm hoping it will close in on $3 million or so when all is said and done.
  8. The rescue Roland mission is looooooong. I started it around midnight and figured I'd be done in about an hour. Wrong. I'm probably only half way into the stronghold when I died. I'm worried I'll be sent back to a save point well back of where I actually made it to when I pick up tomorrow.
  9. This might be slightly OT (but still about using "forbidden arts") but, if they decide to go with some kind of thing where certain magics are considered illegal to use in public, then I hope they do a hell of a lot better job of making it realistic than Dragon Age 2 did. In DA2, blood magic was talked about endlessly as being wrong, and that mages who are seen practicing it are in big, big trouble. Yet I had blood mages in my party, and even played as one when I went through the game as a mage, and nothing ever happened to us when we'd unleash blood magic right in the middle of town. There wasn't even so much as a mention of it. So basically, if the lore and the dialogue discuss something as being illegal/immoral/grounds for getting tossed in jail or hung, then make sure the actual game play follows suit.
  10. Alright, that's fine then. At least I didn't miss something really obvious along the way.
  11. I don't think their plan is to have it where you get zero XP from fights, but just that the bulk of the XP will be from completing missions, of which some can be dealt with using non-combat methods.
  12. What is this "Golden Key" you speak of, and why do I get the feeling I missed something blatantly obvious in my play through?
  13. Ever since that one poster created the thread about owning a bar/tavern/inn, that's what I'm now interested in. I think that would be a pretty cool way to also earn some more gold, as well as a built-in method of having people approach you to offer you quests. I'd also be in favor of some sort of quest or storyline attached to the bar/tavern/inn I own.
  14. For this reason alone, I'll buy any game that Chris writes character dialogue for.
  15. Said this in another thread, but I'll repeat it here since it's appropriate. I'm a fan of the idea of rewarding all types of play styles, not just brute tanks who fight everything to earn XP. It'd be nice to be able to (though I'm not sure I'd do it on my first play through) a more diplomatic character who will avoid combat whenever possible, and still earn XP in the process.
  16. I'm around your level (just got to level 13 last night), and about to attempt that mission. Maybe I'll put it on hold and finish off some of the open side quests I have.
  17. I've only played MP/Co-op with my cousin and his kid. If anything, I've been the loot stealer. So I've yet to experience how bad the random lobbies are.
  18. I like the idea of the majority of the XP going toward completing quests. It can encourage multiple ways to play the game, rather than just building a tank who brawls with anything to earn the most XP.
  19. I'm from Canada, eh. The Euros are beating us by quite a margin.
  20. Really good interview. Is it April 2014 yet?
  21. Playing more Borderlands 2 solo. I just found out the other night that you can shoot the mask off the goliath bandits (I think that's what they're called), sending them into a rage where they'll attack their own guys if they're close to them. It's pretty useful when there's a massive group of bad guys and I need some help clearing them all out.
  22. Speaking of legendary weapons made/used by you, this could be a cool little Easter egg for future games in the Project Eternity universe. Maybe in PE3, the PC comes across a legendary sword used by the mythical [insert PC character's name from PE1] at some point in their journey. It'd be nice shout out to the PC from the first game.
  23. It'll be kind of cool to see some references to the game in the TV show. Maybe something as simple as the boys playing a game during an episode or something. Doesn't have to take up an entire episode like that World of Warcraft one. Not to mention, it's like free advertising.
  24. Another thought with regards to urgency and doing these quests quickly --- What I'd also like to see is a bit of balance. Take my village under siege example in my previous post, but to balance it so that players don't just rush in and save the village the very second they get the quest, perhaps there's consequences for being too rash. Maybe your characters simply aren't strong enough yet? So you (the player) has to strike a balance between consequences to the village for delaying, and consequences to yourself and your party if you try and take on an enemy you're not yet ready to face. Or maybe it's smarter to take a bit extra time to "scout" the enemy. Perhaps rushing in right away will get the villagers slaughtered, but if you take a bit of time to both "level up" your party and allow the villagers this same time to get themselves organized into a resistance force before you take on the enemy, you'll have more allies at your disposal. This could add a dynamic where you have to balance the fact that there is urgency, but that you also shouldn't just rush in every single time you get a quest for help.
  25. The best solution is to have consequences for delaying getting around to those quests with urgency.
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