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Everything posted by M4xw0lf

  1. Is there a way of retraining your characters (player first and foremost) without starting a new game? My build choices already feel quite underwhelming.
  2. Soo, another 20 bucks later I'm now downloading the beta. Come here my precious!
  3. I never wanted beta access, but I want beta access.
  4. First project I backed outside my trusted developers Obsidian and inXile, and it seems I won't have to regret it.
  5. Well, I never drop Eder, and I never bring Maneha for anything else than her own quest in WM2 (playing Barbarian as my main character most of the time), so I can't really help you.
  6. Those drug effects!
  7. The hand at the battery always irked me, since no explanation was given for it being there.
  8. Started Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Only played half an hour so far and haven't even left the roof of the starting area. ^^
  9. This has turned out a really dumb thread over large stretches.
  10. Threw in "What remains of Edith Finch". Sadly, I'm already done with it again.
  11. Finished PoE an hour ago. Ok, I'm ready for Deadfire now... did I say I'm cool with the delay? Screw that, gimme game!
  12. I never played PoE on PotD. Hard was the maximum for me. Same with Tyranny, and same probably with Deadfire.
  13. I always find Searing Falls and Caul the Silent rather tough, too... because I go there as early as I can possibly manage, to get my hands on Tidefall. This time, it was literally Caul's last HP vs my Rogue's last HP, and he died of deep wounds while I was running away.
  14. I'm still waiting for the real Fallout 3 New Vegas is all the real Fallout 3 anyone could need... minus the isometric gameplay, maybe
  15. Or Fallout 4. You know, real Fallout 4.
  16. Yeah, I already had dealt with Concelhaut, but my memory was wrong on how you get the quest that leads to the bog, I thought another emissary would show up at Caed Nua. Downed Llengrath today, on third attempt (loads of reviving required though, plus reloading due to multiple character deaths - those dragons depleted even Maneha's health pool). I relied mainly on Tayn's chaotic orb to keep the dragons stunned for large stretches of time. Llengrath him/herself was just a sideshow, as others have said here before.
  17. On my current playthrough, old lady Adra dragon gave me the hardest time once again. (Have not met Llengrath yet, because I had forgotten where the quest is triggered, and most of the WM2 story is still ahead of me.) I think I fought her probably 10 times between levels 10 and 14, before I finally put her down WITHOUT A SCRATCH ON ANYONE. It's mind-blowing how fundamentally different these encounters can go in PoE. On the succesful attempt I somehow managed to finish all her pets before she was in sight (think I sneaked all the way to the xaurips first, confused the adragans so they kept her busy for a while and were killed), then paralysis or gaze of the Adragan hit, and she was gone in moments. Nobody even close to being knocked out.
  18. KotOR III. I'm gonna keep saying that until they make it.
  19. That email, I got it, because reasons:
  20. I'm cool with that postponement. Reading the backer beta forums etc., I think more time for balancing and bug-fixing will benefit all of us on release.
  21. I remember that one. Because I got it wrong on my first playthrough. When I stumbled upon the resolution, I was thunderstruck.
  22. The performance issues described by OP are clearly not expected behavior. Likely some sort of bug with the specific software/hardware configuration. Personally, I didn't encounter problems like this across multiple playthroughs of PoE and Tyranny, about half of them in 4k, too, on a more modest PC (i5 2400, 16 GB DDR3 Ram, Radeon R9 Nano). For me loading times always are the biggest gripe.
  23. I actually hardly ever play casters. In party-based DnD-style RPGs I always go for the primal 'take the biggest stick you can find and then smash them', if it comes down to fighting. (Rare exceptions: PS:T, TToN, and KotOR II - caster classes/high Int and high Wisdom builds tend to get the deepest dialogue options there, and I absolutely want those). At the same time I mostly play on the chaotic good side of the spectrum, so diplomacy comes before violence, and outsmarting and outtalking your opponent is always the goal. PoE's high-Int Barbarian is therefore maybe the most perfect fit of a player character for me, ever. I always wanted the cipher-specific dialogue, though, and even if there isn't any in PoE2, I'm rather convicted that Barb/Cipher will be my spirit animal preferred class combo... close combat with additional psychic powers also has a nice Jedi feel to it, now that I think about it. :D
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