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Darth Kavar

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Everything posted by Darth Kavar

  1. Kreia and Sidious EDIT: Obs even admits it in one of their commentaries on a dialog. Just you need KTool or any other dialog viewer/editor to see that.
  2. Oh I thought that the balance meant that there must be equal Light Side power and DS. Like Anakin brought balance to the force when killing off alot of Jedi so there were only Obi-Wan and Yoda (one medium and one powerful) on LS and on DS there were Vader and the Emperor (also one medium and one powerful) <- Anakin has brought balance to the force as according to the prophecy (w00t)
  3. OK I misspelled it. I wanted to say that Juhani IF THAT WERE POSSIBLE that she'd fight Malak - she would beat him.
  4. Darth Malak - Malak was strong. It's just Revan that was stronger than him. But if you consider only the time when he was a jedi (this is the poll about the worst jedi) then I can't say Darth Nihilus - HE WAS FRIGGIN POWERFUL. He could swallow entire planets. Don't you ppl get the whole "after Rebuilt Enclave everyone gets weak" thing?? It's all about Kreia (and I'm repeating myself again because I must)-> to show how powerful she is everyone suddenly gets a major kick in the ass or *starts whining. Darth Sion - related to the last ' * ' he also was strong before that came. Yes they made him too weak on Korriban though - he had to regen after one Master Flurry lol Jedi who died at Geonosis - heh he/she (don't renember it that well but I know that some Jedi died there) was probably just a Padawan so please no attacks on this poor one Darth Bandon - you can make cool things out of his armor when you can edit skins Yeah yeah - he was indeed weak. Though he was not a jedi. Atris - she was... ehm... she had... Electryfying Holocrons!! :D (about the lamest moment when at DS you get attacked by them). Atris could have been also strong but renember that you fight her after the Rebuilt Enclave so... Juhani (From KotOR I) - It depends on how you leveled her up. She could end up with high strength and could even kick Malak's ass from what I renember. Though her emotional part was a mess (too bad you couldn't turn her back to the DS ) The worst jedi... hard to tell - if you look at how many moment one falls to the ground or gets outsmarted or the number of dumb decisions then this one no doubt goes to the Exile.
  5. I've added myself Force Crush earlier at my DS playthru to make die in a more spectacular way :D
  6. That's about the best idea I've heard in a long time... many years. (w00t)
  7. liked I've liked alot of characters in the game including Mandalore, HK-47, Nihilus (or at least his concept), each Jedi Master being not just a copy of the next one but everyone of them had a different opinion. Sion! (before Jedi Rebuilt Enclave) - full respect gained after he cut Kreia's hand off. The cinematic where he kicked Kreia's ass was also showing his strength. Also when he comes on Peragus in a ship full of dead soldiers. Fully brilliant how Sion was first shown. EDIT: Also his regen powers were awesome (when Korriban ran thru him) ...though... the only problem about each of my party members is that if he/she didn't have a weird/mass-killing/being-beat-up past then he/she must have been very friggin sad and calm for no reason (like the Handmaiden). disliked Oh OK so I get to say it for the 10th time now... -> I hated Kreia because it's cuz of her that Obs made everyone start whining and getting weak, falling quickly - to make her look powerful (though in some of her sentences she denies what she said 2 sentences before so they didn't make all of a good job at that). She comments on each of my damn moves that I make -> too bad I can't say to her "keep the channel clear will ya?" I hated G0T0 too - comes in likes he owns the place, threatens to blow himself up OMG it's just like they wanted you too feel like that guy with the detonator on his backhead in Blade II. Sion (after Dantooine Rebuild Jedi Enclave) - starts whining like he wants to go back to momma Kreia who chose me over him as her apprentice OMG - I've lost all respect to him at that moment. He didn't deserve to die by my lightsaber so I just beaten him with force powers after hiding my ls. EDIT: Suddenly he's easy as hell though here it's not just Korriban but MALACHOR that runs thru him. aaah... what a waste of potential other facts I liked Vrook or was it kicking his ass that I liked? :D -> I'm just glad they put him into the game and it is you who gets a chance to kill him. Liked comming to Atris with "I came for my lightsaber, Atris." yes and Atris just like Vrook was the character which doesn't get too much sympathy from players though that's what she's there for. The Ice Queen of the Polar Academy (the proper enviroment attracts the fitting people). EDIT: See Vrook and Atris were pissing my game character off. Kreia was pissing ME off, ME -> sitting in front of my comp and that's a big difference.
  8. Kreia was beaten at Malachor itself by the Exile and I must repeat myself but the Exile wasn't too bright so it was not cuz he outsmarted Kreia in any way. Palp's overconfidence was his weakness (guess Luke was right ) cuz it was just like stabbing one from behind - donno if there ever was someone who beaten him in single combat (if it's Yoda in SW3 then don't tell me -> I'd rather find out for myself ).
  9. Seems that way though I always thought that the mastery bonuses add up to your base - well guess not. Seems it's only during battles since it doesn't give you any extra dialog options like high Wisdom or Intelligence Attributes nor does it matter when creating new items (only skills have a meaning in here and I think when creating items either at the lab station or workbench - can't renember which - it also only looks at your base skill).
  10. It's your base constitution that matters. For example if you got CON 14 and +3 from some items so total of 17 it still wont let you use implants requiring CON 16.
  11. HK was built during the Mandalorian Wars. In K1 he says that he was sent to an assasination mission to Mandalorian space. A mandalorian soldier "claimed him as booty" and sent him on Mandalore himself (as HK said "his poorest performance" ). Or so I renember it.
  12. Hmm... Traya ended up in a pit, so did Sidious. Traya had her manipulated apprentice (the Exile), so did Sidious (Anakin). Both had the "Force Hide Allignement" special Force Power Both had their 'super-glued barely holding themselves in one piece' apprentices (Sion and Vader). Both wear big hoods which put their eyes into shadow. According to both everything's gone exactly as they planned except for their deaths. Nevermind how long both lived but they seem to be both the older people of their stories. And there was this one thing in the trailer where 3 jedi masters come to arrest Palp... :D Sidious always had both hands (w00t) Must se Sid in action in SW3 and maybe I could judge by that.
  13. Yes that's what I wanted to say (just forgot when SW3 comes out for a moment)
  14. And by a person who isn't very intelligent at all (taking into account the Exile's weird decisions of taking anyone aboard the EH who recently done sth bad to him) and who lets himself be manipulated
  15. If anyone else got any SW3 'rumors'/'possible spoilers'/spoilers then keep them to yourself please I'd rather not know everything about the movie 2 weeks before it comes out.
  16. Most powerful? Hmm... Nihilus of course! He would beat anyone just that the Exile had Yeah I know that Kreia said: "Power? Do you think so? You would be wrong. There is no strength in the hunger he possesses... and the will behind his power is a primal thing. " But it's her dumb ass that said: "One cannot have power of that magnitude that her master possesses and still think and perceive the universe as we do, as most of us do." in the first place
  17. Yeah Sion... great voice, great concept, original character but like all things in K2 ended up worse (why oh why must he had to start whining )
  18. Well I think there's a big chance of fixes comming our way for PC donno how's it done for Xbox (whether there can be fixes for this at all). BTW I'll try not to spoil anything for you about the ending so let's just say that 70% of the game you work your ass off but later on it's just like made to look as you haven't done anything. And don't expect to be as smart of a character like in K1 cuz this time the game doesn't let you (dialog options and you're gonna be outassed every 2 steps). There's the overuse of the death animation of your character in K2 if you know what I mean. Apart from that though K2's an awesome game. Worth playing for sure just don't be mad when things don't go as you planned or you won't get a dialog option that you wanted (happened too many times for me to be honest). A content mod is on it's way and should make it more fun to play the game (though that could take a long time to come)
  19. Yeah the whole problem is that at Malachor it didn't make any sense other than "welcome to either the slaughter of the entire academy or your death".
  20. The problem is that those aren't Malak's Robes but Malak's armor and there's nothing special about it. BTW Constitution should be high IMO. I renember in builds in K1 where I had it like 18 I was unbeatable (though then I always ignored DEX -> had it max 10).
  21. I renember watching Conan the Destroyer lately and there was also a guy named Malak (or was it Malek? donno). It's hard to think sth up new nowadays unless you want to add one or more " ' " or " - " into it and as little vowels as possible
  22. If Revan's a DS female then Carth does die. If Revan's a DS male then he allies with The One's Rakata and later lears them how to use blasters. Though if assuming you've killed the One's tribe too -> he becomes a Rancor hunter
  23. Acctually I didn't feel more powerful at all because of having more Jedi levels. The most important thing for me was always to renember not to level up to lvl9 on a non-jedi class (makes you loose a jedi feat + a force power or two).
  24. But then again it makes K1's sith look poor. It all gives the feeling of 'you haven't seen anything yet'. ON-TOPIC: Let's give LA a try. After all - they can't rush themselves can they? :D
  25. In K1 they had. I wanted to play as a Consular so I thought that starting a Scoundrel would be a good idea but then I ended up being shorter than Trask and gone like WTF? So I ended up being a Soldier/Consular who was great in saber combat and in Force knowledge.
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